Dream Divination 2013-001


i had a weird dream last night. I was with a group of people, who were friends of mine, but none that I can identify now. We were running through the town that we lived in, apparently chasing or being chased. It was really odd. I know in the dream, WE were the 'good guys', and the one we were chasing or who may have been chasing us was the bad guy.

I don't really remember the specific reasons of why we were chasing or being chased, I can only remember it was dark outside, dusk, really and we were running around and hiding at times behind buildings and such. I can remember once I was peekingaround the corner of a bldg. to see if "He" was there. He was, and I recall stepping back and turning around to shush everyone behind me. "He's there!" I said. :laugh:

very mysterious!!! perhaps it was what we ate or drank for dinner last night, I don't know? but that was the jist of the dream. :p

Not sure re this one, but I laughed at the point you laughed... I can do silly, foot in mouth, things sometimes :)


I am glad you enjoyd that dream, Linnie. Made me wonder what you could be up to!!! :laugh:

I had another crazy dream last night too---but I cannot recall it now. SO sory! hope it comes to me, and I'll post it of course if it does. I wokeup from it at about 4am, and thought what a nutty dream!!! and had to laugh, but, we are in a hotel room, and I didn't want to wake up the hubby by turning on the light. it was so pitch black in our room, just going into the bathroom i ran into a wall! :laugh: Thank God, I didn't give myself a black eye or bloody nose--as I hit it hard and its a rough wall--sort of like that popcorn crap.

Anyway, if I can remember it, I'll post it later. we are finaly headed home today and we are both ready! Our own delightful bed is calling for us. :)


I hate to interrupt- but I want to thank Linnie for mentioning the significance of dreaming of the deceased. I'm sitting here with chills, as I learned that one of my dear friends brother was killed on Las Vegas, he was the taxi driver and they just moved there about one or two months ago, but the irony in all this is that i found out about the incident when the first person to post it was my baby brother's wife, she was breathing a sigh of relief because she and my brother were leaving for Vegas that night and decided to post phone the trip. There is no doubt in my mind, that it could have, would have easily been my brother in that Taxi, or in that incident had they arrived in Vegas that night. I believe my brother who is deceased appeared in my dream for that reason, as a matter of fact, the next day with out even knowing I received a phone call for an interview the next day, it wasn't until I got dressed that I realized I was wearing the shirt I had not worn since i wore it my brothers funeral. All this happened in a matter of days and hours. From this I do see that we are all so very connected. Reminds me of the movie the 5 people you meet in heaven.

Wow.... I'm still not sure exactly what this means... but there are bits and pieces that grabbed my attention... I've JUST read that dreaming of deceased is powerful dreaming, indeed... that only certain dreamers do it, and they go by a specific name and have specific work to do... I was just thinking about my own sister, who died a couple of years ago, yesterday... I have some of her things, and was offering them to my daughter... and, when I read hat bit about Dreaming of deceased persons, especially family etc, I wondered to myself if I would ever dream of my sister... Interesting, and as relates to a few aspects of work that I feel I might be being called to do... spot on! The sewing, clearing etc all speaks of mending, fixing, completing, cutting loose ends, etc... all pointing me to a particular story and required skill base, which fits with other things I am hearing/feeling of late. Thank you. :)


I had another crazy dream last night too---but I cannot recall it now. SO sory! hope it comes to me, and I'll post it of course if it does. I wokeup from it at about 4am, and thought what a nutty dream!!! and had to laugh, but, we are in a hotel room, and I didn't want to wake up the hubby by turning on the light. it was so pitch black in our room, just going into the bathroom i ran into a wall! :laugh: Thank God, I didn't give myself a black eye or bloody nose--as I hit it hard and its a rough wall--sort of like that popcorn crap.

Anyway, if I can remember it, I'll post it later. we are finaly headed home today and we are both ready! Our own delightful bed is calling for us. :)

Glad you avoided the black eye, CN :) I've missed the last two night's dreaming for similar reasons... hubby being nearby and no space to write as soon as possible... and he's NOT an esoterica type, so i don't shove it in his face first thing in the morning or at the midnight hour :) So, I missed another this morning... it was there, and then it weren't :).

The Dream you mentioned re running everywhere, though, CN... It still doesn't make sense in terms of my now, but in terms of lucid Dreaming, or my earliest attempts of same, I had a Dream which was terrifying but which I asked myself to return to, night after night, for some conclusion... It was so vivid, but very upsetting... I wanted resolution.. It was literally decades ago, in my early 20s, and I dreamt that we all (Family, best buddies, extended friend circles, entire community etc) lived in a fenced city... it was a normal space, until one realised we were all fenced in... imprisoned, in truth. There was a death, and it was realised, with horror, that a vampire (!!!) had come amongst us, and killed one of our loved ones... Of course, there was both mourning and fear, which became hysteria when more and more people were found vampired.

We started noticing that more and more friends had become vampires themselves. After quite a few nights of reentering this Dream to continue, to update, as it were and keep tabs on what was going on, I was attacked by a vampire myself, and felt grief stricken that a) it had come to this and b) I must do something to myself before I, too, became the killer rather than the victim... I Dreamed that I had the choice of coming back as a vampire or simply dying, and so stopping the chain... I chose the latter, as all that mattered was gone anyway... (Not brave, just despairing, but I was able to end the Dreaming to my almost satisfaction :)). I'd forgotten that series of Dreams until just a day or two ago when I thought about those Dreams that have stuck with me for ever, and were so real... your Dream reminded me again of that, but not sure what the significance of it is at this point :)


I hate to interrupt- but I want to thank Linnie for mentioning the significance of dreaming of the deceased. I'm sitting here with chills, as I learned that one of my dear friends brother was killed on Las Vegas, he was the taxi driver and they just moved there about one or two months ago, but the irony in all this is that i found out about the incident when the first person to post it was my baby brother's wife, she was breathing a sigh of relief because she and my brother were leaving for Vegas that night and decided to post phone the trip. There is no doubt in my mind, that it could have, would have easily been my brother in that Taxi, or in that incident had they arrived in Vegas that night. I believe my brother who is deceased appeared in my dream for that reason, as a matter of fact, the next day with out even knowing I received a phone call for an interview the next day, it wasn't until I got dressed that I realized I was wearing the shirt I had not worn since i wore it my brothers funeral. All this happened in a matter of days and hours. From this I do see that we are all so very connected. Reminds me of the movie the 5 people you meet in heaven.
Hello YDM42 :). I haven't seen the movie but have read the book :) Sorry to hear of your friend's loss of brother... I'm becoming more pragmatic about Death, as it most assuredly is the common denominator in all of us, eh? Losing people of importance simply brings that home rather more vitally. Yes... very important dreams, those of the deceased... Another of my 'recalled for many decades' dreams involved a ghost of a young boy, a gentle young boy, and the Dream was split into two time frames... YEARS apart... I didn't know the boy, so it wasn't actually a Dream of a deceased person known to myself, but it had a greater and more wistful impact upon me than almost any other... In my dream I saw this young boy sitting up in a high branch of a huge tree in a friend's garden... I wondered how he could safely sit all the way up there, and how he actually made his way there... Later, when he trusted me, he shared with me that he could fly, and he gently took off and floated/flew from his branch way over the nearby hills and landed somewhere very distant... I didn't understand, and that was one of only a couple of meetings with him (all within the one Dream), until one day I was in a nearby village... old fashioned, but present time ... An old car drove past... an old man, with a young boy in the passenger seat... The boy caught my eye, and looked startled, and I must have looked startled, too, because it was my ghost boy, but here he was, in his past, driving along the road with his grandfather, as a living, breathing, child. His look told me I was witnessing something that most wouldn't, and that I possibly shouldn't, but I had, and that was that. I mourned the death of that young boy, but was grateful and happy for the knowledge that he lived again as his flying ghost... It was an amazing Dream.... one of perhaps half a dozne that has stayed as clear and bright all these years later... Thatnk you for latting me share this, and... yay, YDM42... Read more re dreaming of the deceased... it might be very important info for you. :)


Thank Linnie.

Hello YDM42 :). I haven't seen the movie but have read the book :) Sorry to hear of your friend's loss of brother... I'm becoming more pragmatic about Death, as it most assuredly is the common denominator in all of us, eh? Losing people of importance simply brings that home rather more vitally. Yes... very important dreams, those of the deceased... Another of my 'recalled for many decades' dreams involved a ghost of a young boy, a gentle young boy, and the Dream was split into two time frames... YEARS apart... I didn't know the boy, so it wasn't actually a Dream of a deceased person known to myself, but it had a greater and more wistful impact upon me than almost any other... In my dream I saw this young boy sitting up in a high branch of a huge tree in a friend's garden... I wondered how he could safely sit all the way up there, and how he actually made his way there... Later, when he trusted me, he shared with me that he could fly, and he gently took off and floated/flew from his branch way over the nearby hills and landed somewhere very distant... I didn't understand, and that was one of only a couple of meetings with him (all within the one Dream), until one day I was in a nearby village... old fashioned, but present time ... An old car drove past... an old man, with a young boy in the passenger seat... The boy caught my eye, and looked startled, and I must have looked startled, too, because it was my ghost boy, but here he was, in his past, driving along the road with his grandfather, as a living, breathing, child. His look told me I was witnessing something that most wouldn't, and that I possibly shouldn't, but I had, and that was that. I mourned the death of that young boy, but was grateful and happy for the knowledge that he lived again as his flying ghost... It was an amazing Dream.... one of perhaps half a dozne that has stayed as clear and bright all these years later... Thatnk you for latting me share this, and... yay, YDM42... Read more re dreaming of the deceased... it might be very important info for you. :)



Dreamt of two babies over one years old.

One baby didnt make sense with age as either the baby was too small or too big to have been born in September of the previous year. I was really questioning the father as size, weight and height seemed off. The other father...I didnt know he was a father! But as for the father with the baby that didnt add up in age etc. I was thinking HOW CAN YOU GET IT SO WRONG OR WHY? Didnt make sense that someone would get the facts or calculations wrong.

That is all I remember this week...wish it had been more. :)



The father of the baby I didnt know had a baby...his name was Paul...very religious and unlikely to be one in an unmarried sense. But he had one the same age as the other only a different size, weight etc which is why the other came under scrutiny. The other one had wrong details and I just knew it.


Hello DownUnderNZer :) I think I am as confused as you by that one... It's funny... we (my family and friends) were talking about different baby sizes over dinner... When my third baby arrived, she was HUGE by comparison with her two elder siblings... and when the youngest reached 6 months, there was very little difference in size between her and her two-year old sister... really! As I look at posting time, though, we had that conversation a handful of hours after you posted your comment... :)

I will have to take time to ponder and research that one... perhaps it speaks of other 'babies', such as work projects etc, but I dont have anything like that to think of... Hmmm... Thank you... I'll get back to you when I come up with something :)


Linnie, I have had a particularly dreamless week, so no other dreams since that wee little one earlier. I am not concerned, though, because I see much evidence from posts this week of lots of dreamwork both by you and by others. :)