Spirit Guide Group: Encounters, Volume Two

psychic sue

I think it's someone knocking, waiting for you to answer. I think it's the causal chakra which is located behind the ears, and this is the chakra which allows communication to spirit. Maybe you need to meditate, and see what they want?


Yeah, I'm a Chakra Dummy... I really should pay some more attention to it... I did a Spirit Guide Meditation but... although he showed me Woody Woodpecker... I got interrupted by the phone (inlaws)...

Woody Woodpecker is exactly the image of the annoyance I had!! "knock knock knock knock" Ugh!


psychic sue

Looking back on this thread and the dream thread, I think I have pieced together more information on Lightning Tree. Remember I kept dreaming of tongues a while back, and then I had the dream about the cormorant, who Tlingit legend says had his tongue removed? Look what I found on the Tlingit Shamen:-



Wow - amazing. Just goes to show, research does pay off.

psychic sue

You will have seen my thread "I saw an Angel" - so that was one encounter.

I am now seeing people all the time. There is vortex in my bedroom (an energy spiral where spirit can enter - kind of like a spirit bus!) and when I tune in, I see many, many people. I have had to ask my guide to stand guard and filter out only the people relevant to me. I see my mom's guide a lot. She is a Nun. I think she is coming to me, as my mom is also developing, but can't quite see her yet. I have seen her kneel and pray, and also take communion. I know it sounds like I have gone mad, but honestly, I haven't - only happens when I tune in, and I can turn it off when I want to, which I don't think I could do if I was mentally ill.

I still see auras and orbs - but now the orbs have faces in them, which sometimes develop into people.

I am taking a big leap of faith posting this here, as I realise some people might think I am just deluded. I am not an attention seeker - in fact I hate being the centre of attention, and I don't feel I am "special" or "chosen" in any way - I think we could all see this other world if we worked at it.

The other reason I think it opened up to me was because I asked for it - and I offerred to use it to help others, which, when I am proficient enough, I will do.

Anyway, here goes!

Hope no-one thinks any the less of me.


Sue x


sue, some people ( like MEEEEE) will just think you're lucky to have such a bedroom ! I have experienced a house with a vortex in the bedroom , but that wasnt a good place, and was before I knew what I was doing. Sometimes I would like to go back. But only sometimes ..lol
And the people in this forum mostly know that these things are real and do happen, so dont worry.
I mean.... I know yer mad, but its nothin to do wi yur bedroom !! lolol ooooh mary behave !

psychic sue

LOL Mary!

I saw a monk in my room last night - he was pointing out of the window. Couldn't see his face, but I mentally heard him say "search for me".

The connections to spirit always seem to happen at about 10pm for me - I suppose I have to train them to come when I want them to!

My son's girlfriend got a digital camera for christmas, and she took some pics of my room - it was like Orb central in there! I'll see if I can manage to post a couple when she comes over later.

Love and blessings,

Sue x


the very first time I saw/met my guide, I was flying (waking dream) and looked down on the ground to see two shadows, so i knew there was another hawk with me although i couldnt see them.
Then very suddenly I was in this clearing in woods by a river , with this indian in front of me, I got a real good look at him even to his beads and hair bracelet. I told my indian friends this and they said ok well call him Hawk, since that is how he first appeared to you...if he isnt happy with that then he will tell you the name he wants you to use.
So after this I had nothing for a bit, except I often saw me sitting on a clifftop --an actual place here--gazing at the sea and the birds. When I realized this meditation wasnt going any further, one day I walked to the cliff edge and jumped off --lolol. Of course I flew. (phew!), and that became the way to meet and see hawk for a while until we got beyond that stage.
I just wonder how you all had your first ever meeting with guides and if anybody else is as daft as I am ..lol Mary

psychic sue

I first saw my Guide's face in a dream too Mary - so you are not daft.

My guide visited me last night - he has started showing me his hair, so I know it's him. It's long and looks like it's in dreadlocks - I think because the Shamen never cut their hair. Anyway, he was riding a horse - then he stood up on the saddle and took some branches off a tree. He dismounted the horse and walked around the other side of the tree, came back, fiddled around with something on the saddle, mounted the horse again and rode off.

I wonder if he was collecting twigs and leaves for medicine? Anybody know anything about this? I had been sending healing to a friend when I saw this.

Sue x

psychic sue

I was watching the spirit activity in my room last night - and there was a black cat sitting on top of the tv just watching me. I wonder if it is my power animal? I love cats, as you all know, but the interesting thing is, I used to see a black cat running along side me in my lucid dreams - maybe she represents the feminine also?