3 of Swords - and sex!


Just a little note:

MissCW's question was quite specifically about one card and its possible meanings in that spread position (sexual compatibility).

She has so far received some very interesting suggestions, and i'd really be grateful if we could keep the thread on that track!

Thank you for your understanding and your cooperation on this!



Here is a sample spread.

Ok, here is a spread which contains the sexual compatiblity. I'm not sure if it was this one that was used, however just as the majority of people have said the spread matters and the positon, this one is based on elemental dignities. Other wise its a mute point.



Some of my keywords for the 3 of Swords are 'lack of communication', 'mixed signals', 'misunderstanding'.

So in regards to a couple's sexual compatibility, it suggests to me that they both want the same thing (a sexual relationship) but discussing it, seems to be a problem for this couple. They have a hard time communicating their desires to one another. What they like, what they don't like. They have no sexual dialogue.

It doesn't need to be a relationship ending experience, just say "I'd like you to ... ;)" or "a little to the left, dear :)"


MissCW said:
I was going to post this in the thread about the minors and sexuality but it's closed so I've had to start this thread up instead.

What are your thoughts on this card generally in relation to sex? I got this recently in a spread where all the other cards were positive but it came up in the "is the couple sexually compatible" and for the life of me wasn't sure how to interpret it. I have a very negative view of the 3 of Swords, its probaby my least favourite card so my face was a picture when this one come out here. My first thought was, no they are not lol!

There was no suggestion of a third person in the relationship, the rest of the reading was all committment and positive.

The best I could come up with was they needed a bit of work in this department? (But I admit I did kind of bypass it a little to the person I was reading for!!) How would you all have interpreted it? Thank you!

I guess I wonder whether you didn't ask them what they thought of 3 Swords in this position.

A number of other possibilities occurred to me this evening on my walk. One was the over intellectualization of sex and another was seeing sex in a too romantic or idealized way. Possibly those themes are connected.

Something YDM42 said stayed with me as well. There is an inevitable sadness in close relationships. You, me and the relationship, all bound, mixed with heart blood. When I was a kid we used to share our blood to demonstrate commitment. Perhaps rich sex needs a kind of commitment.


The truth sets you free

I'd also be grateful to find out which deck this 3 of Swords was from. I would interpret a Marseille 3 of Swords, a Thoth 3 of Swords, and an RWS 3 of Swords (and those decks in their respective traditions) very differently from each other, including in a sexual question.

Assuming it's an RWS-style 3 of Swords, because of my personal experience with that card, I've always seen it as - "the truth will set you free". The truth hurts, but the truth sets you free, mentally and emotionally. Where the 2 of Swords shows a blockage, the 3 shows growth and unblocking. In terms of sexual compatibility, it could mean that the truth of the relationship will be revealed through sex or a discussion about sex. It could also mean that there is a painful truth to do with sex between these two people (which might, or might not, include sexual infidelity, sexual orientation, vagina dentata, or others sexual matters) - and that this truth, for all its pain, will set the couple free.


Sometimes this card can suggest rape or sexual abuse. She or he, may have been abused in the past and that is a big factor to consider should their relationship become sexual.


Wow, I have had a lot of response to this! Thanks very much for all your input.

It was the Gilded Tarot I was using at the time, so the pierced heart was very much in evidence.

Some really interesting ideas here - I think out of all of them the lack of communication or stress/anxiety slant would probably fit the best. At the time, this was a new relationship and I know that it takes this person (who is a very good friend of mine) a long time to feel truly comfortable in this area. I should have realised that, knowing her so well. But I always see 3 Swords as VERY bad, so I was probably seeing it as a lot more negative than it was.

Also, could I ask to suggest bisexuality, wouldn't there also need to be a few more cards to suggest this? In this case (as my friend would have had no idea and thought her partner was totally heterosexual), I would have expected to see some cards (for her) in the reading to say things aren't quite as they seem, that she was being deceived, and maybe even the Tower to suggest some truth was lingering out there that would shake her. As I said, I don't have the full reading I did for this but I do remember apart from this one card, the reading was very positive.

I get a little stuck interpreting Tarot in this kind of way (Sexual) either good or bad so any thoughts are a help!


I don't see how the 3 of Swords can mean lack of communication, though I can see stress. Lack of communication I see very clearly in the 2 of Swords, with the lady's blocked eyes and heart. On the contrary, the 3 of Swords shows communication, but one that can be painful or difficult for the person - hence the stress and anxiety. But the 3 of Swords is a good sign, a sign of growth, an end to stasis. So I'd say it would suggest that though your friend is feeling uncomfortable and anxious, communication will help and set her free in some way.


I'm with Helvetica on this - I always take the Three of Swords as something becoming known, so definitely not as a lack of communication initially (though maybe later on if never addressed again).

My keywords in my first Tarot journal for this card include "sudden and painful". Since you said the other cards were positive, I rule out the affair angle here. Somehow, I have an image from an episode from Sex and the City in my mind - if you're not familiar with the show, one of the characters gets married to a man with performance problems. Then she catches him in the bathroom with a magazine, masturbating, his "schooner" sailing fine! In this moment, it becomes clear to her that he is neither asexual nor is the problem physical... and she has to deal with it. At the same time, she also finds out he's into big boobs... a little unsettling for a rather petite person.

So my take would be there was an unexpected side to his sexuality and she had to wrap her mind around it (it's a Sword card, after all).
The TV character dealt with it by sticking leftover wedding pics of herself on all the nude models' faces ;)


Hi Morwenna,

Yes I know the show and I remember that episode lol. I get exactly what you mean. Sex and the City actually involves my next line of enquiry re finding out what this card means for this!

I am going to use my tried and tested method of having girlie night in with the DVDs, bottle of wine and asking her!! :)