3 of Swords - and sex!


Helvetica and Firemaiden hit the mark in my opinion. :)

This is one of the cards which is a struggle to come to terms with when swapping decks from RWS to Marseilles... at least for me. (together with the 10 of Wands/Batons, and the Justice/Strength numbering).

In a Marseilles deck I would relate this more to the number three (growth, creation, progression), and the element of the suit... that's the way I read, but I would also 'look' at the card itself.

Here's a link in the Marseilles section which is sooo worth everyone reading:

3 Epées (Swords) - how may it be read?


I generally read with a Marseille deck, and I would interpret this card to mean that the parties have already had sex but it didn't live up to the expectations of one or both of them.



clay, that is very intresting, so would you believe that if it 3-swords comes up when sex- is only being considered that it could mean something will prevent that thought from being carried out? (or something will crucify the idea that two people have about coming together sexually?


I see the 2 of Sword more as procrastination, or mulling over two options. the 3 adds a new dynamic to the problem with a third unsaid unspoken obstacle that must be overcome. Something that needs to be said, but hasn't.


YDM42 said: ". . . so would you believe that if it 3-swords comes up when sex- is only being considered that it could mean something will prevent that thought from being carried out? (or something will crucify the idea that two people have about coming together sexually?"

Of course, the presence of other cards would modify my take on this, but I believe in this case the Three of Swords could indicate that one of the potential sex partners may be disappointed to discover that the other person was not as interested in pursuing a sexual relationship. Or it may indicate that one of the parties is a virgin and will need some time and experience to develop into a satisfactory sexual partner. (The Three of Swords, to me at least, often seems to show that someone's thinking is overactive and probably at variance with the reality of the situation or that someone has let his or her expectations jump ahead of what is realistic at that particular point in time.)
