Are you a good queen or a bad queen?


Queen of Cups for me most of the time. I like to go along with the flow and feel life but alas the Queen of Swords appears if I get crossed too badly .. isn't that awful but sorry to say true.

I don't think I relate to Wands at all as I don't work very hard. Queen of Pentacles not quite but would like to be. Much too extravagant.


I use the Seer of Cups (see icon) with my main working deck, the World Spirit, because she looks like me, and the description's a good fit, too. Because of that, I've often used the Page of Cups (most decks' equivalent) as a significator. At least, up until the Tarot of Prague told me, in no uncertain terms, that I am not a kid anymore, and I am the Queen of Cups.

It's a crown I'm still wearing a little awkwardly. I've switched significators in most decks, but the World Spirit still insists on using the Page, and we've worked together too long for me to argue with her. ;)


star-lover said:
i find the queen of wands to match my astrology moon sign, sagitarius very well and queen of swords to match my sun sign libra ...

I can see how a knowledge of astrology would add insight to reading tarot cards ... being an Aries I suppose that reinforces my association with the Queen of Swords, wish I knew more about it ... it's a good thing we'll never run out of things to learn in this world!


I always have a hard time choosing which Queen I am, but I do see myself in a lot of them, not so much with the Queen of Cups, but still a little, at certain times :p. I mean, I see both sides, the negative and positive, I used to dislike the negative aspects of myself, but I figured they are part of me, and if I am going to like me, I have to like the negative aspects as well, they do come in handy from time to time, as long as you don't let them override you, if that makes sense.

In astrological terms, I would be the Queen of Pentacles, as I have a lot of earth in my chart, Sun in Virgo, Capricorn ascendant and Moon in Taurus. However, funnily enough that is one side of me that I need to embrace more! For instance, part of the Queen of Pentacles is to pamper herself, you know, do all the nice things to make her feel special, and really speaking I really don't do a lot of that.

Queen of Wands, yes, I am reluctant to start new things, because I tend to worry too much on if I am going to look like a fool, or just plain fail. But at the same time I can be a tad impulsive. I consider myself to be generous, warm, and would do things to help other people, PROVIDING that I get the acknowledgement, and just a simple thank you would be enough. If I don't, then I am likely to rebel, and do a protest thing, where I will dig my heels in, and the like. I don't like to be told what to do by other people, but at the same time, I don't hesitate to tell people my opinion on what they should be doing. If push comes to shove, and I have had enough s**t from a particular person, watch out, the claws will come out!

Queen of Swords, oh yeah! Which incidentally is somewhat reflected in my name. I would like the world to be a better place to live, I get disappointed when I hear about wars, how people mistreat animals, how other people treat other people, how someone could hurt someone, whether that is murder, rape, or whatever. I do have high ideals in the way things should be in relationships, I think that things should be more equal, rather than the separation and segregation between whatever sets in the society. I don't do it often, but I do question myself in terms of what if this, what if that. I am a little bit hard on myself, because I don't line up to my high ideals. My expectations are somewhat unreal, because they are so high. I am rather detached, and not a huggy, smoochy type person, if that makes sense.

Queen of Cups, not so much. But I have my moments, you know, you know building castles in the sky, day dreaming, and all of that sort of stuff.


I think I'm some blend of Queen of Cups and Queen of Swords, balancing between emotions and intellect - in so far there really is a contrast between those. Actually I think they are quite connected - at least for me they are, and my challenge is to find out to manage this. And to manage the shadow sides of both the Queens.

As for the other two - I really value ther qualities, when I see them in other persons, but I'm not sure that I really am any of those. Occasionally the Queen of Wands, I think.

This thread makes me reflect on how we all have different views on the qualities of the queens and how we value them. Quite interesting!



I've never consciously picked out a card to represent me. However, the Queen of Swords seems to be popping up in my spreads with increased frequency. In fact, she's my daily card for today. Maybe the tarot is telling me something. :)



Well my personality card is the Fool and my soul card is the Emperor
and I'm very much a Cancerian, so if I had to pick a queen it would be the queen of cups, but more often I use the King of Cups :D
Still emotional but a stronger more masculine character that fits better with my soul card. Cancer is a Cardinal Sign after all, lol.
I also have quite a lot of fire in my chart and am most definately the fixer, DIY'er in the house ~ hubby is the hoover, duster wielder ;)
Vlad xx


To the tarot readers I've seen, they refer to me as the Queen of Pentacles--artictic, projects, hard-working, warm, giving, quiet, responsible (well, most of the time :))

However, when doing readings re: my ex and how he views me, and even how other friends view me, I seem to always come up as the Queen of Wands.

So, I would probably see myself as Pentacles, but to others I probably appear the Queen of Wands. Never really Cups or Swords (my astrological signifier).


lilith_in_treeSword Queen has a strength and single-mindedness that I love. For me she's ruthless in the best sense of the word--very little escapes her and she's not going to suffer fools or foolishness gladly. [/QUOTE said:
Not going to suffer fools gladly? That's kind of an odd expression for a discussion of tarot!


Darling... there ain't no better Queen out there than lil ol moi!

*Faux ghetto finger snap* ... mmm hmmm