Boss caught me reading


Dark Inquisitor wrote:It would be nice if he would accept you for the good person you have shown yourself to be and trust that.

A recent study conducted in both blue and red states included the question, "Is it more important to believe in God and the right religion than to be a good person?" Fifty-nine percent of those polled in the red states answered "yes." Brace yourself: Forty-seven percent of those polled in blue states answered "yes" as well. This is the US. Tolerance is not our strong suit, unless the person requesting tolerance is exactly like us.


Maybe it's just because I'm a Californian and don't ahve as much trouble in this arena, but I think I would force the issue. I would make it clear that during my lunch break I could do any activity I chose and my boss has no place telling me otherwise while I'm on the clock.

This is probably more abrasive than most people would do and I understand that, but I think it is important to not let people go too far with you.


bladeraven wrote:actually this is my first and probrably only time to show my cards at was more to appease a curious co-worker...

A few days ago you said:
"I had a coworker whom I read for a few days ago, that was a born again Christian...She kept telling me..I shouldn't be near them or around them and it really sparked a very wonderful conversation between her and I.."

So its known by some in your workplace that you're interested in tarot. And you're aware that some colleagues do not understand tarot and may perceive it to be incompatible with their religious beliefs.

So I'm curious why you wanted your boss to know. You could have predicted how your boss would react? Yet you seem both angry and worried about the repercussions.

So what really lies behind your decision?


Lurea_aure wrote:If it's on company property, YES. I work for a Catholic hospital, and there's loads of things you are absolutely not allowed to do on hospital property.
(Like mention the word 'abortion'.)

I would never dare to do a reading at work, even on my break. And only one person at work even KNOWS I read Tarot.

What about the much-vaunted freedom of expression? I don't think property rights exceeds this - it's an unalienable right of the indvidual. Reading tarot cards and books or defending abortion are both freedom of expression issues, wherever they take place.

Lurea_aure, there a Catholic priest on this forum who has posted on one of the "Christian and tarot" threads - he reads tarot, and sees no contradiction. Tarot has its roots in Christian medieval Europe after all.

Bladeraven, your boss sounds like a thoroughly unpleasant individual, phallocratic as well as intolerant and dictatorial. Are you sure you want to continue working in a place that does not support your spiritual path?

Edited to add: I just saw this was my 500th post! I'm very glad I reached that auspicious figure in a post defending freedom of expression and the right to read tarot :D


If I was you, I'd get the company rulebook and educate myself. Once that's done. Do as you will and are allowed.
If you have problems, document them, and refer to rulebook and follow proper procedure; filing a report or what ever.
If you get fired or demoted or anything because of your interests; sue them for lots of money!;)

I don't think it was right for anyone to restict what you do during your break time. As pointed out- there is really no difference in the Bible & Tarot.


Hi bladeraven, This happened overnight for me, so I just saw it. I realize that I am going against the general tide here. I think you should leave your cards home from now on. Don't make any comments. Continue Bible study if that is acceptable. This is your career and he is in a position to make you very unhappy with your job. Keep in mind that bosses generally don't stay forever.
Your other option is to leave and find a more open working environment.
Anger and resentment of your boss will make the working relationship difficult. Continued feelings of oppression will also make you feel bad. You have to make a decision. Accept it or leave. Anything else just turns into the equivalent of poison creating talk and thoughts. Just my two cents. Worked for a lot of bosses in my life.


I agree with Marion. It is simply a matter of being strategic. What battles do you really need to fight? Maybe this is not one of them.


I also agree with Marion and Moongold. Given the moral and rights issues - and these are strong - you have a clear choice, which is both strategic and spiritual. Whatever you choose to do, stay and keep your cards at home, or leave for a more congenial environment, don't let the atmosphere where you are get poisonous, your peace of mind would be the first to suffer.


I am a lawyer so I can tell you that under the First Amendment and also under Title VII (which applies to the Federal government and most large companies) you absolutely have the right to display religious or spiritual objects in your workspace and to discuss religion or spiritual matters at lunch. If there is an open bulletin policy you have the right to post notices about prayer meetings. Catholic hospitals may be exempt from Title VII, I am not sure.

However, just having certain rights doesn't mean that there won't be negative consequences if you exercise them. If it were really important to you to bring out your cards at work, it might be worth taking a stand. If it is just an annoyance, I might not be willing to fight it. If your boss threatens you. I would look to see if Title VII applies to your workplace.


Wow, I am sure that was rather startling when he reacted that way! Poor you.:-(

There is a big difference between the Bible and the Tarot to some people. Some people see them as opposites. They see the Bible as being associated with G-d and the Tarot as being associated with the Devil. Judging from your boss' reaction I would bet he is one of them.

And yes it really is silly. I cannot imagine ever associating the Tarot with anything negative. It is so full of light and joy. It is the tool that most keeps me feeling enlightened and connected to the world and everyone.

Well, it's just his loss,
