cards of the day


this morning, as i shuffled (laced) my cards to draw my card of the day, three cards fell out of my hands. because i see every event as being significant, i chose to use these cards for my cards of today.

it's quite common for me to use a "past, present, future" spread for quick readings, so i treated this trio as such. i should also mention that i usually say my morning prayers right before i draw my daily card, and this morning, the last thing i mentioned during my prayers was my boyfriend, so he was on my mind.

the three cards in order are temperance, the lovers, two of cups. i took this to be quite positive, and the meaning was so clear, i just smiled and walked away merrily. it's interesting, every single spread i've done about him (and i've done several), and even a couple of "on line psychic readings" all agree that this relationship is positive, and they all point to growth in the future. i find it even more significant that these 3 cards came up today, especially in light of the fact that he's coming up tommorrow night to stay for the weekend.

i love the tarot :)

luv and light,



I think you deserve a positive spread, don't you ;) ;) ?


wow nexy...that is kewl.

i had one of those readings last night, done regarding a new interest. started out with the fool then moved on to the Lovers and then the star...

and i smiled.
and i feel loved.

*hugs* and brightest blessings,


I just love happy endings! :)


I love the synchronicity of the cards falling out of the deck--as if Universe is making sure the good tidings get to you! How wise of you to accept them instead of shoving them back into the deck, etc! You GO, Nexy!


Thanks for sharing the happy reading. :)


what a great reading. i'm so happy for you.


sheesh, perhaps i spoke too soon...
tonight, i called rich, and he's going through a bit of a dilemna. from what he said, he was trying to convince himself that we could have somewhat of a normal relationship, and has now realized that perhaps that's not possible. frankly, i don't blame him for being scared - dating someone like me brings a lot of baggage to a relationship. anyway, he is not coming over this weekend. he's not sure where he wants this relationship to go - he doesn't think it will go where i want it to - which would be a longterm living together kind of thing. i assured him that it doesn't have to go there - i certainly didn't mean to pressure him, if he felt any pressure. i mean, i'm totally willing to date for a while, and let things happen as they will...

anyway, for the tarot experts out there, how could these three cards have dropped out of the deck this very morning, and then for rich to basically tell me that he doesn't want to be together?

unless of course, that the cards dropping out of the deck like they did meant that there was no chance these cards would indicate the current trend...


luv and light,



i am sooo sorry. that blows. he has NO IDEA who he is giving up. you are a great spirit and are an intelligent woman.

with the cards you were given and read, it seems clear with the universe and what it wants for you. however, the only loose cannon in the cards is him...and if it;s his stup!dity to throw it away then that his decision.

however, in my search for a good man, i have lost several of whom i thought to be "perfect" mates for me, only to lose them and find someone more suited. so i know, and it's a hard one to keep hold of, that your man IS out there... if not rich, then someone better.

hang in there grrrl, we're here for ya.

blessed be,