Divination Chest



Okay, how this came out was rather interesting. I did a practice run that was just me getting used to my pen and notepad and the idea of "letting my mind go and letting the pen flow." The first run was meditative, like bringing myself down from any feelings or energy I had before, clearing the slate. Then when I felt ready, I flipped a page, blanked out my thinking and just wrote words that automatically came to me. I'm not showing the practice page because it was in cursive and it was totally unreadable. Not that this one here is any better but at least you can actually read some words, hopefully.

I then asked my higher self if there was any messages for Amanda. I felt a strong sense of money and business in this exercise like I was getting bits and pieces from a someone who was giving you their thoughts on business. This felt weird as I don't have a mind for business at all. There was also a feeling of some kind of warning regarding speed and a bridge. Speed was spelled out several times so I feel something is telling there..

I'll type out what came out. As anyone who's ever done automatic writing, you can't help but feel crazy as the words and phrases that come out just doesn't make sense!

Is there a message for Amanda?

Yes.. Message is (illegible word)
Togrower ganj (or to together ganj or to grow 'er ganj) Words and prices
exceed common sense. Specialized
businesses interception. financial
gold and treasures build sky rocket
swiftly. Draw 10 Don't go beyond
700. Let it go... Bridge... Building
speed,,, Forgo life insurance its already
in the cost. W insanity...
Sections surfacing. Increasing in
demand going up and down.
Try more and save less, Build
around speed, Second nature to
the pen. Buy gold. Change course
of action. Sell high buy low. Money
floods and bank races. Fruitful.
Dependency crooks and coercion. Speed
ahead, Draw deed. Avoid scandal
sink it. Speedy End. Book it. Speed
demon. Miss Smith

Relative words and words that were repetitive:

Let it go/Forgo

I had you as the focus here Amanda but there's some drug references coming up here and I can't help but wonder if I was picking up some thoughts from one of my neighbors (the son) who is a big pot smoker. Ganj (short for Ganja) Unless of course, you smoke the stuff. Sounds like someone is thinking of growing marijuana? Someone out there is thinking too loud!

So then there seems to be several references to speed. Another drug form. I seem to be picking up but I'm not sure if this another drug reference or if it's about the action. I didn't particularly care for the part that said Speedy end but this could just mean a quick change to something. Speed Demon is a fictional comic character I believe.

Gold is mentioned twice. Is this a good thing to purchase right now?

I was definitely picking up profit minded energy and money.

There seems to be messages of changing a course of action, drawing deeds, booking something and avoiding scandal!

Well Amanda, thank you for being my guinea pig with this one. If it makes absolutely NO sense to you whatsoever I understand as it sounds quite wacky to me! If there is nothing else you take from this reading, keep these things in mind...

Be careful with your speed around bridges!
Go ahead and book that reservation or appointment as soon as you can.
And pay attention to what's going on in the stock market.

Good luck to you and thanks for playing!


Now I can indulge in my readings from you guys! :)



Loving this thread. So interesting and different...

So just to get this correct, you've got a chest full of goodies.... and we (the sitters) offer you a reading... and you then in turn do the exchange with a different method.

If that's the case... I have some Australian Aboriginal Runes, if you'd like to exchange at some point?



@Lotus, moon_light and Amanda
Today is going to be a busy one for me so thanks for your patience in my responses (feedback) to your readings.

Excellent feedback my dear! Thank you so much. This was so much fun to do and I'm so glad it resonated. Yeah!

Yes, you have that correct. If I have the tools that you use for me, I will try to exchange with that otherwise I will try something else. Thanks for your interest and when I open chest again I'll send you a PM. :)
Ps.. I saw some rose quartz runes I fell in absolute love with!!! So stand by..


@Lotus, moon_light and Amanda
Today is going to be a busy one for me so thanks for your patience in my responses (feedback) to your readings.

Excellent feedback my dear! Thank you so much. This was so much fun to do and I'm so glad it resonated. Yeah!

Yes, you have that correct. If I have the tools that you use for me, I will try to exchange with that otherwise I will try something else. Thanks for your interest and when I open chest again I'll send you a PM. :)
Ps.. I saw some rose quartz runes I fell in absolute love with!!! So stand by..

Most awesome :D
I've also been interested in tea leaves.... something about the whole process of making tea, from the leaves blah, blah... I might look into that too... (late night ramblings here don't mind me lol)


Cool - I got purple ink! :D I use to write my A like that. I had a rounded top though, but it was so much easier just flipping the dash line backwards. Your writing style and the color of the ink reminds me of the pen I got from my son for Christmas from the school Santa Shop that says "MOM" on it.

I then asked my higher self if there was any messages for Amanda. I felt a strong sense of money and business in this exercise like I was getting bits and pieces from a someone who was giving you their thoughts on business. This felt weird as I don't have a mind for business at all. There was also a feeling of some kind of warning regarding speed and a bridge. Speed was spelled out several times so I feel something is telling there..

Well, money and business are my "thing". LOL I knew that as a kid, I forgot somewhere along the way, and now I'm making up with it again more and more. I went through a tough spiritual period some years ago where I hated money. I never had enough, it went quickly, and it didn't bring me joy for long... it didn't solve any problems. I realized I needed to get the hell over that and accept it as part of this earthly experience if I wanted to function because I sure as hell couldn't pay my bills with spirit. :D Since I worked in a job last year that actually paid me for the title of "Manager" it seems like the money issue has opened up a little wider and softened. Now it makes a little more sense to me, that if I'm doing something I think I should be doing, I should get paid for it.

I'm not sure about speed and a bridge. There is a connection to my past with that where I was a passenger and scared for my life. Currently, since I've had children, I've become a lot more anxious about several things. One of them is driving. I am way super cautious and careful when I drive anymore, especially over bridges (perhaps due to past issue). In fact, if I don't have to drive, I don't. I let husband do it and he was in a bad wreck when he was 18 and has a metal plate in his forehead because of it -- he was also a passenger, though I don't think a bridge was involved... but he is a super cautious driver as well. There is a bridge that connects my current town with my hometown; I nearly hit a deer when I was 16 going over it in my dad's car because the deer just came up from under the bridge (and it was dark) and so I come to full alert no matter what every time I go over that bridge. I get a little anxious (could be from past issue, could be from when I was 16) but I get a higher level of anxiety when I go over that bridge and it always makes me think of crashing into the water below and what I would do if that ever happened. I've actually thought about getting one of those seat belt cutters and windshield breakers just in case. But, honestly it's probably slightly irrational fear on my part, and probably because of my past experiences. Oh! There was a younger guy that bought a car off of my parents when I was just little. He was speeding and wrecked that car very near that bridge and died. (I guess there are a lot more connections to speed and a bridge than I thought!)

I'll type out what came out. As anyone who's ever done automatic writing, you can't help but feel crazy as the words and phrases that come out just doesn't make sense!

Is there a message for Amanda?

Yes.. Message is (illegible word)
Togrower ganj (or to together ganj or to grow 'er ganj) Words and prices
exceed common sense. Specialized
businesses interception. financial
gold and treasures build sky rocket
swiftly. Draw 10 Don't go beyond
700. Let it go... Bridge... Building
speed,,, Forgo life insurance its already
in the cost. W insanity...
Sections surfacing. Increasing in
demand going up and down.
Try more and save less, Build
around speed, Second nature to
the pen. Buy gold. Change course
of action. Sell high buy low. Money
floods and bank races. Fruitful.
Dependency crooks and coercion. Speed
ahead, Draw deed. Avoid scandal
sink it. Speedy End. Book it. Speed
demon. Miss Smith

Relative words and words that were repetitive:

Let it go/Forgo

Words and prices exceed common sense... This makes me think of the community Facebook group that I administrate. I have over 900 members now, and it seems like the buying and selling among community members is really starting to pick up. I wonder sometimes about these people trying to sell their things on my site... LOL I had this girl (who has since left the group) that would just type up some stuff that she had but would say nothing else about it. It would often be like, "I have a blue dress for sale." She wouldn't take a picture of it, she wouldn't say what brand or size it was, and she wouldn't put a price on it. LOL I don't think she ended up selling anything in my group, which is why she left. But that just seems really lazy to me -- if you want to sell something, you'd think there'd be a little more effort than that put in to get something sold. Then there are other people who are selling things at ridiculously high prices for used items. But these questionable things make me feel a little better... that all my skills and knowledge aren't for nothing. :D I participated in a MOPS sale a couple years in a row, where we were selling stuff our kids outgrew, and I was the only person to sell out each time. I thought my prices were high (they were a little higher than what you'd find on garage sale items, probably) but when I walked around and saw everyone else's stuff and their prices, I realized that my stuff was very well priced.

Specialized business interception... I've thought about becoming a consultant on business matters and last Friday I just signed up for my "Action Research and Consulting Skills" course that will begin in March.

Building... There is a building nearby that I've had my eye on the last couple of years and it hasn't sold yet. I've thought about putting a shop in there. I just don't like the parking it offers. It is an old post office building, so it kind of has an old-timey, lovely, quaint look about it... it's brick and has some nice storefront-looking windows. Aside from the parking issue, it's just slightly out-of-the-way from the main road people travel and kind of hidden from view, so I'm not sure I really like that about it either. There is another building slightly up the street and across from it on the opposite corner that IS on the main road. It also has better parking in the back. However -- the building is just not as appealing to me. It used to be a Maytag building with appliances, and there doesn't seem to be anything very "special" about it. It also is for sale and has not sold for a while. The old post-office building I like was actually just marked down in price recently...

Second nature to the pen... I seem to have had encouragement over the course of my life to write. I was pulled from my regular 5th grade class to go to a "special" class for "smart" kids to develop my writing/English and I had a poem published that year in a children's poetry book. Ever since then I took advanced courses throughout junior and high school, and in college my Comp I and II professor said that I demonstrated levels of mastery in my writing. Most recently, my Leadership I professor (who is quite the bookworm type and obviously well-read) indicated that my papers were "a pleasure to read" because my style was so "smooth, easy, and fluent". I have always loved pens and paper; that is the area of a store that I go to whether I need a new pen and paper or not. :D Back in 2007 I think it was, I had a psychic tell me that good stuff happens when I write, and if I were to do any kind of psychic readings myself, I should incorporate writing into them. I can get very technical in my writing as well (but that's boring). When I belonged to a start-up non-profit, I was the only one with some business knowledge, so I did some research on the internet and wrote up the bylaws for the non-profit. Once I left the group for personal reasons, the founders struggled to get through all the business-y and legal red-tape, and it disbanded.

Deeds... I have more recently thought about bringing an old thought to life and getting involved in real estate again. There are some courses at the local community college I could take alongside what I'm already doing. Those courses are about a year long, so if I were to start now, I'd finish that about the same time that I'm finishing my Master degree. I'm just not sure though. :D

I had you as the focus here Amanda but there's some drug references coming up here and I can't help but wonder if I was picking up some thoughts from one of my neighbors (the son) who is a big pot smoker. Ganj (short for Ganja) Unless of course, you smoke the stuff. Sounds like someone is thinking of growing marijuana? Someone out there is thinking too loud!

Well it's not me. :D I've smoked pot and I didn't like the feeling. I just felt like an idiot that was out of control of my surroundings. I may have been drooling on myself for all I know. LOL I'm sure I could feel the same way if I wanted to by just staying up too long without sleep before that second wave of alertness kicks in and by not having any caffeine. That usually makes me feel like a zombie as well. :laugh:

So then there seems to be several references to speed. Another drug form. I seem to be picking up but I'm not sure if this another drug reference or if it's about the action. I didn't particularly care for the part that said Speedy end but this could just mean a quick change to something. Speed Demon is a fictional comic character I believe.

You know the mentions of drugs could be related to that double homicide in my area that I've been thinking about recently. I posted the "Murder Mystery" spread over in Your Readings, and it seems "drugs" or something like it is what was being picked up on by the posters.

The speed thing though, as in actual movement-- since I know that it most-likely won't be my husband or me speeding, then I hope it is not someone else that speeds into us on the road. However, I will say that in another sense of the word, I probably try to rush things or speed things along before their time sometimes. In my classes, we've been talking about Jung's personality types recently and, I always knew that I was an INFJ personality type, but I took an assessment recently and it showed me just how close I was to being the opposite of that: ESTP. That personality type leaps before they look, and is incredibly impatient. I can definitely be that way sometimes, and usually it's because I feel the risk seems worth it and I'm confident I'll be able to work out any issues that may arise.

Gold is mentioned twice. Is this a good thing to purchase right now?

I have no idea. :D

I was definitely picking up profit minded energy and money.

There seems to be messages of changing a course of action, drawing deeds, booking something and avoiding scandal!

That could also be the 'changing a course of action' since I've just discovered how close I am to the other personality type as well. I'm getting ready to do more reading on that type, and I have a profile assessment that I did for the school that I'm going to read back over with that type in mind to see where it may be showing up in my strengths and weaknesses, but now in comparison to the INFJ personality type. Drawing deeds seems to be related to my real estate interests though, and maybe booking something has to do with setting up classes. I'm not sure about avoiding scandal, but I can be a hard-ass for what I expect out of people, and I'm pretty good at behaving in a way that makes others metaphorically stand up a little straighter ethically to do business. In my Facebook group for example, there used to be an issue when sellers would post something for a price... a person would express their interest, and then another person would come along and say they could pay more or would pick it up faster -- I said hell no to this. I made it a rule to virtually "get in line" to express interest in an item. First come, first serve. If the deal fell through with the first buyer, then the seller could move on to the next. If I hadn't done anything about that, people would lose interest in shopping and buying if they didn't have greater purchasing power and were constantly being over-ridden by others who have it. Now, it's different if the seller posts something and says they'll take the best offer on it and I have no problem with that.

Well Amanda, thank you for being my guinea pig with this one. If it makes absolutely NO sense to you whatsoever I understand as it sounds quite wacky to me! If there is nothing else you take from this reading, keep these things in mind...

Be careful with your speed around bridges!
Go ahead and book that reservation or appointment as soon as you can.
And pay attention to what's going on in the stock market.

Good luck to you and thanks for playing!

Thank you, this was fun! I think a lot of things probably related to the other things that stood out the most to me, but I figured I was writing you a novel already, so I capped it off with what stood out the most. I hope my feedback is helpful to you! :)


[size=4][u]Blue	Red	Green[/u]
Boat	Cat	Snail
Boat	Heart	Lightning
Bat	Heart	Goblet[/size]
Hey Amanda, this looks really interesting. I'm not familiar with this dice divination piece. Let's see what you got for me...

The first cast has to do with your General situation. The second cast has to do with Money/Business and the third cast has to do with Relationships/Love.

Boat came up in the general position, as well as money/business. It is symbolic of travel, discovery, and messages. With Cat as the nearest influence (symbolic of mystery and family) it definitely highlights the seeker in you and your exploration into the unknown. Family however, sometimes makes you want to hide (Snail) and you may resign yourself to seeking and delivering mystical messages as a reprieve from any family drama. However, I also get the sense that because of your ability to explore and see into the unknown, you are the kind of person that your kids for instance would never be able to hide anything from. :D No matter what, it seems like you know exactly what is going on within the family and your domain.

True. I always seem to be connected to what's going on with them. All of them and it can be a pain in the butt sometimes because I'm always feeling something. I have been getting better lately as I've been doing certain crystal work that's been allowing me to pull myself into my own world. Grounding? I've also learned to protectively encapsulate myself. I can now feel things when I need to. I don't allow everything to hit me at once. <whew!>

I know you said something about being a flight attendant and travel with regard to how you conduct business or make money is appearing here. Heart is symbolic of love and passion, so it seems to indicate that traveling and exploration is close to your heart. However, Lightning is symbolic of destruction; following the Heart this may suggest high-stress with a concern for making mistakes/breaking rules that you may feel are no big deal or difficult for your heart to follow. The passion for travelling is there, but perhaps making money from it is not the way to go with it as it seems you don't really enjoy it then once the stress/pressure is applied.
I can see how this might be if and when I go back to flying this year. A part of me feels like I can't go back, that chapter is over but another part tells me I really should. I do know for sure due to a dream I had, 2016 will definitely be the year I'll be back. 2015 might be too complicated for me to start as I have a move to focus on and I have some vacation travel plans to enjoy. It simply just may not be the time for me to go back. We shall see though..

Bat is symbolic of the Shadow. This indicates that your love life may drive you a little crazy sometimes because you have some untapped potential with regard to letting go of some old habits you may not be aware of, or you are aware of but don't want to approach. With the Heart following it, it may indicate that you have a tendency to attract people who drain you of your love where you don't get the appropriate reciprocation in return. The Goblet is symbolic of friendship. Following the Heart, perhaps this is the kind of distance you keep with your lovers so that you can still have a good time with them without getting too close to where you can be drained. Think 3 of Cups here for the Goblet. It's fun, it's entertaining, but it's lacking depth and you may sometimes feel that you just don't need any more friends in your life.

That's what I see, let me know what you think!
This part is very simple. There is really only one man in my life but we have hit the non passionate stage. :neutral: That totally explains the Heart and Goblet. I cannot get close to anyone else until I decide to walk from this long time relationship. And to add that the men I attract are the kind that aren't interested in affairs but want something deeper. It's odd and doesn't mix. Perhaps I attract these kinds of men on purpose.

Thanks Amanda for taking the time to read for me. You hit on a bunch of points that resonated.

With that... I'd like to try out your dice sometime. What kind of dice are they?



Super duper feedback! I really enjoyed reading all of it. :thumbsup:

Sorry about the messy writing, this was pretty much done by candle light and I was in a hazy meditative stage. I'm glad you like the purple. It was either blue or purple. Purple just felt right. :)

Do be careful with your driving and well... Maybe the idea is to smoke the ganja as you drive by the bridge. ;) :joke:

Thank you....


GotH, wow, what a cool reading! :D THanks for that! I will post feedback on it once I am done doing your reading. I would like to thank you for your patience, I had a bit of a diverse evening, so I was not able to come right back to you!
No worries.. These are supposed to be relaxing and fun. Not stressed. Let's see what you got for me...

I am using "table topics" for your reading, it is a book of topics to randomly choose from if your dinner party guests lack imaginations to begin conversations ;)
This sounds like fun..

"How many people in this room could you beat at arm wrestling?"

I get from this topic that you may enjoy friendly competitions with others, or that the people who surround you may be constantly challenging you, though the challenges are not violent - rather they are about who can be more stubborn than the other one!
I love a friendly game of competition. It keeps excitement levels up and can be plain fun. Being that I am around a lot of male energies this is just normal everyday stuff for me. :)

"What possessions would you like to get rid of?"

I take it from this topic that it is time for a great big de-cluttering in your life. Streamlining and reducing material possessions can lead to a calm state of mind. If I relate it to the previous topic, I think it means that it is also time for you to phase out people whom you are locked in combat with. ;) It feels like there is a lot of stale mate going on in your life - time to get rid of it, so that you are free to move and to flow.
True!!! I keep a lot of stuff in storage being that I live in a smaller space. Let's just say I have some stuff to take over to storage and it's driving me nuts. I don't buy anything for the home anymore because I simply don't have a place to put it. I just don't like clutter. No hoarding so this question is appropriate. I'm looking fwd to my future move so that I can more space!

"Who do you dislike without good reason?"

I take it from this topic that there is one person in particular that bothers you the most in your circle, but there does not seem to be a lot you can do about it (see topic one!) It feels to me that perhaps you need to shift your perspective a bit - you may be arm-wrestling with someone for no particular reason other than they seem to rub you the wrong way. It is causing leaks in your energy, so better to just "de-clutter" and disengage, or let them go.
I totally see how this would relate to the other questions but to be honest LP, there isn't anyone in my life like that right now thank goodness! I seem to be at peace with pretty much everyone in my circle. Could you by any chance be reading your own energy? I am thinking about your one friend who's been draining your energy with negativity..

"Is public nudity beautiful, or inappropriate?"

From this topic, I feel it is more about publicly being yourself, or dropping your mask, letting go of a certain public face you have always relied upon. It may also be about learning to love yourself as you are, and being positive about your body with all its little personal and unique parts. If you feel somehow your body does not live up to some social standard, it can set you up for mis-alignment in other parts of your life, too. Love yourself, be yourself, don't allow the public to decide whom you should be, and you will feel immensely relieved!
This one resonates. Living in this vain county, I always feel fatter than I should be. If you was to ask someone in my family besides my critical mother, they would tell you I'm not. Thanks to my mother though, I don't think I'll ever quite feel thin enough. I love your advice here. What I need to do is focus on the second question and de-clutter the energy of my environment and the haunting words from my mom.

Two last ones (they came out stuck together)

"What was your father's favorite swear word?" and "Have you ever road-raged someone?"

This makes me feel that before you can attain the peace of mind that disengagement (phrase one) and de-cluttering (phrase two), and changing your perspective (phrase three) and loving yourself (phrase four) can bring, you may have a bit of a Tower moment - where passions and tempers flare. It may be that someone really tries to get in your way as you seek growth and freedom and maturity, and you two really have it out! :bugeyed:
Ahhh I really like how you put this all together. I am beginning to see how this comes together and now have an idea of where this all points! I really hope I can just find that happy place again with said situation. That would be most ideal.. But yes, I did feel that was being kept from growth at one point. If it comes to that point again, this may end up happening. I'll be ready for the Tower moment when it comes.

It also kind of makes me feel that your father whether as a live or a spiritual presence, or some father-like figure, can help you express yourself in a positive way, and give you strength to stand your ground.
Ahhh my dad is the most expressive man I know! He feels every emotion there is and you know what he's feeling. :joke: Nothing is kept boiling up inside in that man. Perhaps this is telling me to be like him when it comes down to it. Nice.

I hope this reading made some kind of sense to you! It feels to me like you are outgrowing the situations in your life, both personal and social, and there may be some conflict as you change and grow, because others who cannot grow (phrase one) will try to keep you dead-locked in that arm wrestling! Remember you have nothing to prove, and are free to be however you wish! :heart: Don't let anyone hold you back, GotH!
Again, sounds very reflective of what you are going though but this makes sense in my life as well.. Maybe I need to take a vacation by myself for a week to sort out where I am. I will pay attention to your words and not let anyone hold me back. :heart:

Thank you very much for exchanging with me.. I really enjoy your readings LP. You have a gift of putting different concepts together very well in a way I truly get.



Lol! Well, I think when we read another, we are also always reading ourselves. Whenever I do a reading, I try to take the advice on board as well as hoping my sitter can make sense of it, too :) So, yes, though some part of that made sense to me in regard to my life as well, I do like the fact that it made sense to you in the end, as I drew it together to make a cohesive statement.

I do hope you can move beyond the critical statements coming from your mother, GotH. :heart: I had a mom like that too - what I soon learned was it was just her point of view, and I did not need to either own it, nor take it on board. I learned to deflect her constant criticisms back onto her. They were her judgments, not mine!

Thanks for your kind words! And it is always a blast to exchange with you, thanks so much for being such a cool pal! :cool: :love: