Excerpts taken from The Diary of a Starseed Rebellion


Some of you may remember when I first posted my work here in AT. Work I kept hidden for many years because I was told my art sucked :p...

Then one day, I worked up the courage to share my journal. It was in the language of pictures that we entered the world of Jahanam. A portal that takes us into the shadows where masks are discarded and the beast roams free.

I always wanted to have The Diary published and I guess that dream was somewhat fulfilled. I also wanted a book to tell the story but that will have to wait.

The Starseeds have been awakened and they rise in rebellion for they have been kept too long in a vault deeply hidden in the psyche; banished and forgotten.

I will set them free, the way I set Kirell free... }) Nothing like a good fight to pass the time.



I look forward to this new adventure, and thank you for taking us with you.



Me too. I am also looking forward to this new adventure :D.


High Priestess

The Nightflower told me once that her guide spoke to her and said, "It will happen as you wish but you are causing discordance. Be still."

In the sequel to The Diary, it was the Priestess who stood at the gate waiting my arrival.

The message etched on her skin speaks of confusion, discarding attachments before we finally embark on the straight path that will take us to awareness. Follow her into the unknown but the journey with her will be filled with silence for
“Silence is a source of great strength.” - Lao Tzu

At times... it is the loudness within the silence that drives us insane thus, we may try to fill it with endless chatter. She knows this and therein lies the first challenge.
“Let us be silent, that we may hear the whispers of the gods.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

This is Jahanam... its color lies not in what you see with your naked eye but in what you imagine in your mind's eye and what you feel in your heart. So walk through the veil with an open mind for our imagination is only limited by our reluctance to explore what this place has to offer.

“In the attitude of silence the soul finds the path in an clearer light, and what is elusive and deceptive resolves itself into crystal clearness. Our life is a long and arduous quest after Truth.” Mahatma Gandhi



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Wow Ash! Beautiful! :heart:


Great stuff, Ash. *settles down to watch*


Pass the Lavender Wine pls

Yes.. let's settle down and watch. :D I knew I forgot something when I showed her to you. Added the glow to the flowers and the stars which was lacking in the first deck because... :p back then, I didn't know how to use such wickedly delightful applications.

She reminded me to turn on the lights so you can follow her footsteps. I mentioned before in the other thread, the first book was created to set the rules }) the second book will break all rules. Will not be following traditional imagery structures this trip because I left all that luggage behind. I will share some thoughts in the images when I post them up and how this is loosely linked to the journey of the Broken Soul.

I've read posts by readers who wondered about the Priestess in the first deck. She represents us in the dream state, deciphering cryptic codes we cannot comprehend in our waking reality. Here, she is guiding you into that realm so you may speak with the Gods without intervention. There are no veils to hide "secrets" meant only for the initiates or the spiritually elite; because the only restriction between us and the ONE true Source is what was put into our heads to keep us in a "dogmatic induced state of mental paralysis".

First, know that there is inner conflict for without it, you would not have come looking to her for answers. Second, accept there is confusion for if you knew the answer already, you would not be here. Third, understand that the answer is already in you hence, the need to be still so you may receive it as it is brought to the consciousness. Fourth, to have clarity of mind and heart... remove all attachments as you leave the labyrinth you have come to know as Reality. When you have left all trappings behind, the way into this place will appear before you.

Symbols of Self

Carl Jung observed that the shape of some flowers, such as the rose, resemble a pattern known as the mandala. "Mandala" comes from a Sanskrit word and is loosely translated means "circle". Mandalas are often circular in shape, however, the patterns inside the circle are beautifully intricate as the mandala can represent the spiritual self, the cosmos, and life itself. Dreaming of a symbol such as a rose, may be a very spiritual dream - one that provides the dreamer with a glimpse of her soul or the infinite. Jung called dreams of this nature, "Great Dreams" - dreams with complex mythological or archetypal imagery.

Flowers in dreams may also be symbols of health - emotional and spiritual. Look at the flower and see what condition it is in. Is it bright and full of color? Is it faded? It is in need of water? Brightly colored, healthy flowers may indicate vibrancy in life while faded or parched flowers can can indicate that certain areas of one's life are in need of attention. For example, faded roses may mean that a relationship is fading. Wilted flowers can symbolize a thirst in the soul or may be a cry for spiritual help.


Healthy, plentiful flowers in dreams are symbolic of growth. This growth may be in one's career, personal life, or of the spiritual variety. Dreams involving fields of healthy flowers may symbolize a time of abundant creativity. This creativity can take many forms. It may be a particularly fertile time of ideas, a time of artistic inspiration, or it may also symbolize the ultimate creativity - a time of physical fertility.

There.. I have another who will come to us tonight. Till then...


**You may leave any and all pitch forks at the gate... because in Jahanam, we LOVE using them against witch hunters:p ... })**


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The glow adds a lot, makes her seem even more 'between two worlds'. Her eyes seem soft and yet focused at the same time.


The Magician

My sisters and I got reacquainted again in the last few months; the 3 of us have had our own version of Tower moments and the emotional support we have been providing each other has been... comforting. When I insisted that my baby sister read Conversations with God... not Women who run with the wolves because Conversations actually made God seem approachable, she laughingly agreed.... IF I would read Eat Pray Love.

:eek: That's REALLLY not the sort of book I would pick but my baby sister and I have a history of irritating each other with opposing taste in everything. She would insist on a having a butter cake with blue cream topping for her birthday when everyone wanted to have chocolate and I would choking on it while trying to muster a polite, "yyyuuuummmmyyyyy...' (NOT!!!!!). She would proudly wave "When A Man Loves a Woman" in my face when I specifically instructed her to bring home a horror movie... :rolleyes: ... but what can I say? Despite our differences, my sisters and I share a bond that is an unconditional as you can get between people. :heart:

I was wrong :) ... am actually enjoying the book Eat Pray Love because from the first paragraph, it was like reading the exact story of my life since the tower collapsed. Its almost eerie how my own experience is perfectly mirrored by the author's :bugeyed:. Btw, the blue cake didn't taste all that bad and I cried at the end of When a Man Loves A Woman so... I think I'll finish the book because I am curious enough to see what happened in her story. ;)

The Magician in the first deck shows a horned beast, self-mutilator (because I am a self-mutilator) trying to find a way to master the beast within. The Magician was trying to create something out of nothing the best way he knows how yet... you can tell from the picture, his understanding and methods are questionable. It does not stop him from trying because sometimes the only way from learning is through the experience.

Every act of creation is first an act of destruction. - Pablo Picasso

The end of The Diary marked the start of my Starseed Rebellion. I have always referred to my Magician as half-beast, half-divine... Etching his soul's journey on his skin, paying the price with his blood. There is something both primal yet wise about him. He is the symbol of spiritual amnesia, a broken soul trying desperately to recall the memories deeply embedded within the core of his being. So my Magician back then said,

“I was asked to memorize what I did not understand; and, my memory being so good, it refused to be insulted in that manner.” - Aleister Crowley

This time, he takes a different path. Rather than stay rooted in rituals, he goes with the flow of creation and moves to its rhythm.

One is not idle because one is absorbed. There is both visible and invisible labor. To contemplate is to toil, to think is to do. The crossed arms work, the clasped hands act. The eyes upturned to Heaven are an act of creation. - Victor Hugo

Like him, I am addicted to the high that comes from creating something out of nothing. In the vast, open spaces of my imagination, I am without form and if I will it... I can create anything but

“In the absence of will-power the most complete collection of virtues and talents is wholly worthless.” -Aleister Crowley

This Magician is about to embark on a quest. Its all the little steps that make up the journey, right? Let's start over. It may take lifetimes or just the spaces between heartbeats. We choose.

A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions. -Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

We'll do whatever we will; we choose everything that happens even as we quietly tell ourselves we had no choice, to assuage some unacknowledged guilt or shame that cannot be justified or understood at the time we make our choices; we choose everything.

A life lived of choice is a life of conscious action. A life lived of chance is a life of unconscious creation. -Neale Donald Walsch



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Extraordinary!!!! xxxx