Excerpts taken from The Diary of a Starseed Rebellion


I also like this. You have indeed changed direction and why you added that quote about not being able to go back.



sacredashes said:
What we do not speak about... what hides behind a smile... what the world will never see... what I know lies beneath the porcelain mask. We will not speak of it but I WILL SHOW YOU.

Yesterday, I saw the Fireflies and the Storm Riders wage war in another plane. The army of Fire and Air coming together as they fought to the death and phantoms filled the sky. The warlords led the attack and they danced like flickering lights at the Fairy Queen's tea party. On the earthen plane, the heathens rose to fight off the tidal wave as Harvester came for Dajjal... 4 tribes out to annihilate each other so that the winner reigns supreme. Genocide is a racial cyanide that takes us from within, it kills the human in us even as we sanctify this spiritual suicide as a species.

Desperately in need of a break from the pretensions of Reality, I sneaked into their halls of history to steal a piece of their story. There, I drew beautiful a face to hide the hideous crime. The Diary II... the first book will set the rules but the second book will break all rules.

I wanted to give this shadow a face and her name is Temperance. She is the face of peace that covers inner turmoil. She is the mask that hides the tempest storm that rages inside. From everyday mundane frustrations to murderous acts of global homicide, she is the diplomat who moderates extreme circumstances with tactful indifference.

Am about to go cauterize a festering wound... Do not fret for me dear friends, I am a Scorpion Moon. These moods come and go like a recurring nightmare but they are the elixir that makes me swoon. ;)


4 weeks ago, I posted this on another thread. It was the start of The Diary II but the artwork was not finished then.

2 weeks ago, she was completed but the person who consigned it did not want this image for his T-Shirt so I decided... She goes into the Starseed Rebellion.

A few similar coincidences occurred when the first Diary was in progress. I drew the hand that reached out to pluck a bird out of the sky the night my 4 of Spades was completed; a plane crashed in Phuket the following day. The Queen of Clubs was a forest fire.

Perhaps this is a coincidence as well. A Japanese inspired Hannya mask that lurks behind the face of Serenity. In Jahanam, that is my struggle... it is a chronicle of personal demons who only wish to make peace with me.

So this guide says:

That man has reached immortality who is disturbed by nothing material. - Swami Vivekananda

Did you know...

Complete peace equally reigns between two mental waves. -Swami Sivananda


You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul. - Swami Vivekananda


Go beyond science, into the region of metaphysics. Real religion is beyond argument. It can only be lived both inwardly and outwardly. -Swami Sivananda

The Starseed Rebellion is fought in the landscape where the soul resides; winner gets to claim Metanoia. The irony is that there are no losers; we just continue to roam round and round in a labyrinth that is a circle within a square till we decide to claim our prize. ;)


There is a little man trying to manipulate me as I write this. Its my test so I will take it as it is. I can recognize the opportunity to not become the beast and draw pain into his reality. Ohhh... but the temptation!!! })

Already, the Fireflies gather like vultures overhead while Samiri watches me closely. Lytta sits on his tree stump with his head in his hands wondering if any of his teachings stuck. Dajjal throws 3 dices and they hover in mid-air while he places his wager on what I will choose... Harvester sits down beside me and pours me another cup of his wicked brew.

**Alta, truelighth, frannie, gregory, Ambience, chronata**

Front row seats... my treat :* :D


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}) So I was reading an uncommon dialog by Mr. Walsh and a heated rebuttal to this dialog by Mr. Wise :D... and asked a Jahanamian what was her take on the matter; being impartial in her duty to ensure that balance is kept. I found her with a blade tied to her hand, the warrior maiden named Justice and }) asked what she was up to as I eyed her suspiciously from a safe distance.

"Is the poor thing at the end of your blazing sword due for karma payback?", I asked.

She looked at me and replied:

...Humans have such a need to break everything down into right and wrong. It never occurs to you that you’ve made those labels up to help you define the material—and your Self... - Neale Donald Walsh from Conversations with God I

There is no such thing as justice - in or out of court. -Clarence Darrow

All differences in this world are of degree, and not of kind, because oneness is the secret of everything....

All the powers in the universe are already ours. It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark....

As different streams having different sources all mingle their waters in the sea, so different tendencies, various though they appear, crooked or straight, all lead to God. - Swami Vivekananda

In my mind's eye, she raised the sword and cut him loose as she sang...

Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind." - Bob Marley

... but that's me; here and now in my present state of being. ;) What did she do with her blade in your mind's eye?



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2 of Spades

Starseed Log 25th March 2011

The project with my baby sister (let's call her Sunshine from now on) is getting more challenging by the day. Yet every step we make feels like we conquered something; we are facing our personal demons as we fight to claim Metanoia.

Sometimes, the black dog comes for her... sometimes, it comes for me. We remind each other there is sunlight on the other side, we wait for the other to get up so we can walk towards it together.

In the Starseed Rebellion, I am consciously etching this process of change in my journal. I am etching my choice as I come to each crossroad. The Jahanamians showed me concepts in The Diary; they spoke about alternate realities.

It was all in the mind and the mind holds a kaleidoscope of possibilities. Each scene has the potential to manifest itself... sort of like the way The Magician serenades the Universe with songs written from the depths of his soul. He plays it this way and that way with instruments of choice... tweaking it so the harmony flows like a story without end.

I have a name for my demon. In CBT, its called Irrational Thoughts. Its what causes one to feel the way we do... therefore, we pay attention to our thought patterns. We pay attention to how we process information, what it means to us.. is it real or made up? Is it the spawn of our fears coming to haunt us or is it merely something we made up along the way? Catch them before they spiral into a vortex of darkness sucking us deeper and deeper into the abyss.

Last week was hard, well.... so was last month... Come to think of it, last year was a complete *itch. :D Anyway, thoughts running in my head were all about giving up and walking away... let the pattern repeat itself because its easier. Its comfortable, its what I have come to know.. and the outcome will be the same... Its predictable. Too much riding on this, its the ultimate prize...and I am not giving up Metanoia.

Went to the woods, I knew she would be there... I didn't know who though. When I found her, she showed me what the Rebellion is about. 2 of Spades/Swords.. she refused to succumb to circumstances. She refused to be bowed into playing the victim.

I asked her name and she replied, "Nikita." ... One who is victorious, one who can never be defeated. I sat down by the brook and we spoke about many things.

She told me this.. Where I came from, it was necessary so do not judge it too harshly. Where I am going is still a work in progress so rush nothing until I am sure it is what I wish to create.

Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. - Oscar Wilde

:D How true!! I answered and laughed in delight. I told her about my using quotes from giants who once walked this earth for their light attracts me like a moth to a flame.

Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live! - Bob Marley
.. she said.


We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world. Buddha

"These blades need not cut. Remove your blindfold and see... do not just look. Helplessness is as much an excuse as it is a choice.", she said and showed me that polarity is an illusion; that duality is falsely imagined. One end of the spectrum is linked to the other end.

The the mind can be focused to create and not destroy.. that an inner place of balance is there for anyone who strives for it. She showed me how to hold 2 blades in the palm of my hand without losing control at the first whisper of defeat.



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now THAT is stunning !

one of your best IMO


Now that is a brilliant 2 of spades/swords.


The Hermit

**Alta.. Davina** :*

I really feel good about this card too. After The Diary, I wanted to channel on energies that represent "How can I overcome..." :D I guess you could say that I needed a change of scenery ;)


The Hermit

His back is always turned away.. thats how you can tell the difference between this entity and the Soothsayer in The Diary. The Hermit is a nomad. The Soothsayer will have a dialog with you.... The Hermit is a fleeting presence... Just a wanderer passing through and he will not stay to chat.

He has no interest in matters of the world, his endless search is for .. Well, only he knows what he is looking for. His name is Rahhaala, meaning "a great traveler".

Why aren't you carrying a lamp, Rahhaala? Don't you want to shine the light so the rest of us can follow in your footsteps?

The shoe that fits one person pinches another; there is no recipe for living that suits all cases. -Carl Jung

What's with the hourglass then?

Unlike most other methods of measuring time, the hourglass concretely represents the present as being between the past and the future, and this has made it an enduring symbol of time itself. - Quote Source

Wow.. :bugeyed: I never quite looked at it that way before. I was hoping you would have answers for me.. you know.. for instance when I draw the cards in a reading and ask you guys what's going on. Obviously there is something thats bothering me... and what I need to do about it.

Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards. - Soren Kierkegaard

What are you saying?

You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life. - Albert Camus

Well then.. what are you looking for?

Knowledge of the self is the mother of all knowledge. So it is incumbent on me to know my self, to know it completely, to know its minutiae, its characteristics, its subtleties, and its very atoms. -Khalil Gibran

I... see... :confused:



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My totem card - and like the others it is wonderful!
Thank you for sharing this journey with us


Ash - I am still saddened at the fact there will be no Diary...


having seen what you are now working on, I have fast forgiven you :D :D - you HAVE to bring this one into being and that is almost an order (in the nicest way obviously :D )

Having lost my breath at the 2 swords and now this Hermit it would be criminal for this not to see the light and come into being.



Still kinda hoping one day - when time is right etc the Diary does beckon you again. but having two of your decks out there potentially? Now that would seriously rock. Once there are a few more no doubt I will sit and let the words flow about the images again. Trying not to do that will be like trying to stem an incoming tide.