Got My Universal Fantasy Deck in the Mail today!!!!


I have this deck and I love it... I love the 9 of swords... for me... it makes sense. :)


Elvenstar, no I do not have it yet. I'm waiting on pins and needles for my Barnes and Noble refund to go through before I order it.

I had ordered the Dragon Tarot, and when my package finally arrived, the package was beat up and there were only 2 cards remaining:\ Lucky for me they gave me a refund, but it'll take 24-48hrs to go through. I think it's been about 24hrs...and it's still not credited back to my card. Waiting is so hard.


I'm glad to hear you didn't take that delivery as some kind of bad omen, and are following through on getting your deck. Good Job!


AJ: A family member of mine who was there when I got the package thought just that. I was firm and said it wouldn't scare me off. The thought of owning my own deck and studying/practicing Tarot is one of the few things in the past 5 years that has perked me up, made me excited.

I am waiting on pins and needles for my refund (hey, it'll knock like $20 off, so I'll only have to use about $15 of my own money for the 1 day delivery...worth the wait but VERY annoying). Hopefully tomorrow I can post before the end of the day that I am waiting for my deck in the mail.

I do wonder if it might've been an omen to get a different deck, if anything.


LadySquee said:
I do wonder if it might've been an omen to get a different deck, if anything.
That's what I thought as well :)


Finally!!! Order placed! Did the 2-3 day shipping, though. I think it'll get here within 1-2 days.

So excited!


Again...FINALLY! Got my deck today! Been getting familiar with it, shuffling it. A friend asked me to do a quick spread of 3 cards, so I did, but otherwise I haven't done any readings, just playing with it.

So happy!

It's a beautiful deck, the colors and the artwork is just great. I'm really happy with this deck.


Since every thread needs a contrary opinion ~chuckles~ .... I did not like this deck. I loved the art and the colors, but the deck just was not for me. If I had to describe the deck elementally, I would say that this deck is "Air" and just as I have no air in my birthchart, I realized the deck was simply not for me. I went ahead and sent it to Faunabay who enjoyed it immensly for a time. This was when the deck was first released (I had it pre-ordered), so I do not recall the datails, but I could not read with it.


Jewel ~ You're absolutely right about the elemental thing. It's very airy, and it's difficult to find any other element in many of the cards. That having been said, it's still one of my favourite decks, and this thread has been jogging me to start pulling it out again to have a squizz. But I'm just so busy with trimming the PoW, one-carders with the Nigel Jackson, reading the companion books for the MerryDay and Wheel of Change, and I keep being distracted by the Druidcraft and Victorian Flower Oracle . . . and don't get me started on the Faeries!

But I'll drag it out soon and have a shuffle through . . . :heart:

\m/ Kat

Rainforest Elf

Well, I broke down and bough this one. I couldn't wait anymore. I've seen the whole deck online and the images really speak to me so much more than the other three decks I own. I guess I'll know for sure if this is "my" one true deck once I hold those cards in my hot little hands, but I'm very excited to get them!!