How long do you use the same tarot deck?


I have used my Robin Wood exclusively for about 18 months to two years and found that I really "click" with it. Now I'm interchanging it with the Greenwood and the Druidcraft. But like a few others have mentioned, it's not a matter of time period as it is when the spirit moves me. I go with what I feel is right and so far the combination I have now works for me. I do read from my other decks, but these three are "it" for now.

(and that's not counting working with the oracles that I have that 'go' with those decks.)


Like Emily... my go-to deck is the Liber T for a whole constellation of reasons. Some people I read for ask me for other decks specifically, and I can read them with pleasure, but the Liber T is 80% of my readings. That's happened slowly over several years as I've gotten to know more about the deck and what it can do. :thumbsup: And more and more thoguh I take many decks when I'm going to read at an event, I just steer people towards it because I know what I can do with it.

The hard thing for me now is that the Liber T has spoiled me for "thinner" decks. The more I've learned abotut it and from its images, the less interest I have in squeezing meaning out of something that is pretty but empty. By the same token, I find that symbolically "rich" decks have deepend and interpenetrated my understanding of the Liber T and vice versa. That's true with the Thoth (which parented the LIber T), indeed any GD-based deck, and even historical decks. The deeper I've dug the more my understanding of the process of reading has changed. And frankly, I feel like the decks I use actively are decks that make demands on me and not the other way around. If the symbolism is incoherent or random or purely decorative, I won't bother reading with it for long cause I have bigger fish to fillet.

I am certainly not part of the "one deck wonder" crew, but I don't really need/want to be. :) The Liber T just keeps rewarding further investigation. Far as I'm concerned, Scarabeo's 78 pieces of cardstock only hold the images that I'm reading; My advice would be to read with a deck until laziness and inattention intervene, whether it's the creator's laziness and inattention or your own.

And I think that's the answer: you should read with the deck because it forces you to pay attention and gives you palpable return on the investment of your time and energy...


6 Haunted Days

As long as I feel like it, I'm still enjoying it and it's speaking to me, even then I might grab another deck to study the images or do a reading.

It's all pretty flexible.


I've started being more active here with readings so I decided I would go through all my decks and use them. That's just about 40-ish.

I managed to surgically remove my Victorian Romantic Gold from my hands and I have four of five on the go for about a month. As soon as I've trimmed my Spiral, hopefully tonight, it's all change again.

I've quite amused myself, really. I once (a long time ago) made a statement that all my decks would be working decks. That lasted about as long as it took me to order my next few that I never used.

Now I'm back to using them all. If I come across a deck I just don't get on with, it'll be traded or sold. No doubt I'll have something to take its place!

I may end up with just a small selection of decks that really speak to me - who knows?


firefrost said:
I may end up with just a small selection of decks that really speak to me - who knows?
That's actually what I would like to have. Just a small selection of decks that work extremely well for me.

But.......then I see another one I'm curious about and have to buy it. So all the sudden I have alot more decks than I'd really like to have!! LOL Oh well, I'm trying to keep the numbers down as much as I can and still enjoy myself!! :D


faunabay said:
I'm trying to keep the numbers down as much as I can and still enjoy myself!! :D

Yes, enjoying the tarot is the most important thing of all! :D


firefrost said:
Yes, enjoying the tarot is the most important thing of all! :D
Exactly!!! What's the point if it's not fun anymore!!! :thumbsup:


I have 50+decks, including Tarot, Oracles, Angel decks and more playing card decks. I rarely use the same deck twice in a row although sometimes it happens that they get used twice in a row. I rotate them and try to use all equally, and sometimes even use more than one deck in a reading.

I love doing this, first because I read intuitively and that way I don't remember any one deck clearly before I leave in behind. And also, now that I have so many decks, I get that magical feeling of using a brand new deck each time. Every time now I pull out a deck I barely remember its artwork so it is like it just arrived today, but of course it is one I love.

I intend to use all of my decks forever. Or until they wear out, whichever comes first.

When I go to do a reading I check the list of all my decks and I just sense which deck is meant to be used for that reading, trying to make it one I have not used in a long time.

I have traded away maybe 4 of my decks in my lifetime. But I would not part with any that I have now....well maybe one...:grin:



Great question, and great thread! I'm really enjoying reading all the replies.

I have four decks at present: World Spirit, Ukiyoe, Osho Zen, Aquarian. I went through a couple of years during which I used World Spirit 80-90% of the time, but lately I've been alternating more among all four decks.

Right now I have my Aquarian deck's cards ordered sequentially and I'm using it for study. I keep the Ukiyoe deck in my desk drawer for smaller, more casual readings, and the World Spirit deck still has pride of place as my most companionable and familiar deck. The Osho Zen deck I'm working with to learn its nuances better so I can feel more comfortable using it without the LWB.

I'd like to buy another deck in the next few months, but I'm waiting until I've really gotten to know the Osho Zen deck first. And I know that when I do get a new deck, I'll be spending a lot of time with it until we're well acquainted! :)