How long, does the Hanged man... hang?

Demon Goddess

As stated, it's all about how you deal with the hanging.

I know of a woman who after 65 years of marriage found herself at the women's shelter. My friend (who told me about her) asked her why she'd stayed in a marriage for 65 years being beaten by her husband, and the woman replied, "because until my Granddaughter told me a week ago, I didn't realize I was being beaten."

Sometimes you figure out how to live with the being hung and other times you just can't and you make things change...

I rather like Alta's response of 8 days though. :)


Sorry to have left this thread "hanging", har har ;)

I have enjoyed reading the responses, even the jokers :)

From a personal perspective, the Hanged Man has always entered and passed quickly in terms of real time, but seemed much much longer in subjective time.
A person of my acquaintance is going through a Hanged Man time, and has been for a year or more. If it seems like forever to me (who is on the outside), what must it be like for them who is experiencing this?

I found similia's response insightful, something I had not thought of... the whole planet bit.

Thank you everyone :heart: