Inaugural Intensive Deck Study (IDS) Support Thread


IDS has barely started and already it has been very good to me!

I'm using the RWS deck -- one that I've had difficulty w/ in the past but this time I am determined to learn it's language. And amazingly it's really been fun! Have been handling the cards every day (well, 'cept for the one day that I was at work for 14.5 hours. groan.)

Also been availing myself of the wealth of info down in the RWS section the forum -- there's definitely enough there to keep me learning until the autumnal equinox.


fluffy said:
It sure is a lovely deck, it just didn't seem right at the time, if you had said you were studying it I would probably have stuck with it!

Next time...............

That's just the thing, I was stuck on the Tarot of the Crone. I just got them, and I just HAD to use them this time, but I kept thinking about the secret forest. ;)


So last night I got the chance to do some f2f readings with my Art Nouveau. I have to say, I have no idea why people have trouble reading with this deck. I think it's fabulous and clear as day.

Plus, I love all the nakedness. :D


Allure said:
Using the Lover's Path tarot, I separated all of the cards with couples from the rest of the deck. Most of these cards are Majors. Each day I pull a card and write a romantic scene about the couple. I feel very drawn to the pentacles and the Court cards in this deck. I'm going to focus on those next. I think I'm going to start pulling my couples cards at night. It is easier for me to get in the groove with the stories at the time. I don't know how many of you are familiar with Abraham-Hicks, but one of the things they say is to get into a good feeling by imagining and milk it for all it's worth. It is easy for me to do that with this deck.

You know, I really love this idea Allure--writing a story about the figures on the cards. As I've been journalling I've been sort of sticking with the basics, writing down what I see and what I think is going on and what the card could mean, but I think when I start journalling spreads I'm going to try something like this--really let loose with the imaginative writing. I'll bet you're finding interesting stories in there!


Everything is going slow for me. but that is to be expected. Looking after a two month old takes a lot of time.

I've decided to draw a card when I have a chance, and work on it until I am through. I am doing exercises from 21 Ways....

I did the introductory reading that was posted in this thread, and I was happy with the results. I'm really hoping to stick with this until I work all the way through the deck.

I may break one of the rules though, as I am considering buying the Maat Tarot since I have found a bit of extra money. :) I will, of course, keep up with the Steele Wizard as my study deck and put the Maat away for later.


Well, after being on the IDS for 4 days now, I'm feeling good. Slight cravings -- still for the Thoth! -- and I'm still waiting for my secondary deck to arrive in the mail (Hadar). I really hope it arrives on Monday... I've even been having dreams about it!

I had a really positive reading this morning, implying that I was nearing the point that my "bad aspie days" (days where my mild autism is bad) are going to be lightening and I'm going to be more clear-headed. I hope this wasn't just my hopes projecting on the deck. I'm working on learning all the "proper meanings" for the cards before I start doing any intuitive reading... I work better that way than the other way around. I know a lot of people on the forums advocate intuitive reading and meanings, but I just can't read that way. I am logic-driven obsessive compulsive! Hear me whine!

This seems off topic, but bear with me. The last 15 months or so -- since its been 4 years since my first and only relationship, and although we stayed friends since the breakup, he's drifted away recently -- I've been noticing a hollow, lonely feeling. I have very few acquaintances and even fewer close friends. The friend who I had dated (and is drifting away) was one of the last people around me I felt I could trust. I'm feeling like its time for a closer relationship at this point. I've been forcing myself to be so cloistered and hard-hearted lately; gotta let myself have a little fun after almost 5 years of being a Hermit!

So, I'm planning to do a spread on future relationships soon... anyone have a favorite spread? There's just SO many threads about love and relationships in the spread index, so a recommendation would be appreciated.


Allure said:
Using the Lover's Path tarot, I separated all of the cards with couples from the rest of the deck. Most of these cards are Majors. Each day I pull a card and write a romantic scene about the couple.
What a brilliant idea! I've journalled with one card in my deck, very successfully, but that was because after reading the author's meaning I totally disagreed with ti and wanted to write down my own impressions. I like mine better. But for the most part, the application of these card is very immediate, and I've found it difficult to do a more generic, abstract journalling exercise with them. The lurching of the imagery between natural, man-made, ancient and modern, close-up and wider perspective is very offputting, as well, which makes it very hard to get a flow going on.
Maxwell said:
Also been availing myself of the wealth of info down in the RWS section the forum -- there's definitely enough there to keep me learning until the autumnal equinox.
Those folks down there are very knowledgeable, indeed, and the esoteric applications and stuff is in-depth and intriguing! Good for you!
Sinduction said:
Plus, I love all the nakedness. :D
Silverlotus said:
I may break one of the rules though, as I am considering buying the Maat Tarot since I have found a bit of extra money. :) I will, of course, keep up with the Steele Wizard as my study deck and put the Maat away for later.
*GASP*!!! Lucky thing! Go for it - I wish I could do the same!:)
Alamaris said:
I had a really positive reading this morning, implying that I was nearing the point that my "bad aspie days" (days where my mild autism is bad) are going to be lightening and I'm going to be more clear-headed. I hope this wasn't just my hopes projecting on the deck. I'm working on learning all the "proper meanings" for the cards before I start doing any intuitive reading... I work better that way than the other way around. I know a lot of people on the forums advocate intuitive reading and meanings, but I just can't read that way. I am logic-driven obsessive compulsive! Hear me whine!
Wow, Alamaris, that sounds heavy. I think it's amazing that you can read that sort of thing in your cards - what a brilliant, uplifting reading that must have been. Good for you.
Alamaris said:
So, I'm planning to do a spread on future relationships soon... anyone have a favorite spread? There's just SO many threads about love and relationships in the spread index, so a recommendation would be appreciated.
I really like shotthebreeze's Life Partner spread. I've gotten great results with it for . . . oh, gods, someone who came back months later and said my reading was eerily accurate - I really like shotthebreeze's spreads, mostly. Give it a try!

\m/ Kat

Open Arms

*hangs head in shame...*

You all know how much I LOVE my Gilded Tarot...well my nephew (he's27) showed interest in my cards at Christmas so when I knew I was going to see him for Easter I rang and asked if he was still interested which he was. So on Thursday my parents place I took my Gilded out of its bag and showed him the cards (sniff)..I shuffled them (sniff) and then made him promise to look after them (sniff) before handing my babies and their companion book over to him (whaaaaaaa!).

I also brought with me my BGS to show him and my sister but I left them in their box afterwards and didn't touch them for the whole weekend.

I did my daily draws..journald my thoughts...did a reading for my sister and a relationship reading for me (not to sure about that one) and diligently shuffled my VRG daily....

But I DO miss my Gilded..they were my crutch deck because I could read them so having to look deeper into the cards makes me feel like a rank beginner again at times...

I am also going through the Majors one at a time starting with the Fool... a strange card as he is the only one smiling and why is the ringmaster driving him on with a whip??

I was looking at this card last night..writing down all that I can see in it..and it stirred some uneasy feelings more along things not being what they seem...the tawdriness of the majority of those in the scene. Only the fool and his dog show any joy in what they do. Is anybody actually looking at him?? or is he just something that fades into the background.

Hmmmm.... need to think a bit more on this one.


thorhammer said:
Trimming is wonderful. I highly recommend it. I trim uncontrollably . . . many decks are now naked before my scissors!\m/ Kat
*wrings hands anxiously* and borrowing from the great vinnie barbarino, "I'm soooooooooooo confuuuuused"

I've never trimmed a deck and I'm all over the shop about this........ my Thoth is the only one that I want, I have one, I see no need to buy another but what if I stuff up the trimming? and with the actual trimming part, is it just the white border that surrounds the actual picture border that one trims? In the Duquette book, it seems he has gone the whole-hog and cut the borders right down to the titles for the numbers...

I just can't make up my mind if I want to or not? if I do trim, I think it will just be the white part around the borders..... I can live without keywords, numbers and titles but I'm just not sure if I want to cut down that far?


I'm working on a card a day and I have been pleased with the results. Although the Druidcraft is similar to the RWS I have had different responses using the DC cards. (It may be the mixture of Druidry and Wicca.) For my first study I am going to go through the deck and sort out those cards in which the people are bare-footed. For some reason I think that may be important - or not! At least I'll find out to my own satisfaction.

However, the Druid Animal Oracle and myself are not doing so well. I love the pictures and enjoy the legends/stories about the animals, but we don't seem to have clicked yet. Still, it is early days.

I haven't written before (apart from making the promise), but I do appreciate all the posts.


p.s. it's snowing here. I know for some people that's no big deal, but in this part of southeast England it doesn't happen that often.