Judgement in how someone views you phisicaly


they are drawn to you...your magnetic /hypnotic like the pied piper


I just think they view you judgmentally as opposed to impartially. I think other cards surrounding it would show in which light their judgment fell, whether favorably or negatively. Physical appearance is probably more important to them than what's on the inside. A non-judgmental person would be inclined to value you more for what's on the inside than on your looks and would be more willing to give you the benefit of the doubt instead of just making a snap judgment on how worthwhile it would be to know you based on how you look.

Basic Elements

Maybe for some reason, some aspect of your physical constitution connects with subconscious content in the person's mind. In some way you look like someone else in the individual's life who has behaved (in thought or deed) in a way that is repellent to the morality of the individual. Hence: Judgment.

In cases like this, the projection of the content of the unconcious mind often shows repressed tendencies in the individual. They are too unwilling to recognize these "abhorrent" qualities in themselves, so they project them onto a more palatable object (you).


I think the answer lies in the title of the card itself. It's not saying so much how they physically see you-- whether they think you're tall, short, skinny, heavy, etc. What the card is saying is that they are very, well... judgemental! :D It wouldn't matter if you were the most beautiful person to have walked this earth or not-- they would still be critical of you because they may be a bit of a perfectionist at heart. Someone who is always wanting more/better. You know? So I think the card is saying you shouldn't be concerned how they view you, because in the end you'll always feel like you don't measure up due to their own crazy standards.


i dunno judgement often refers to past....what if the viewer thinks that the person physically resembles some1 from his/her past.
like i think u look like my ex ...or you have the same smile as my brother....or you like elvis presley....

it could also imply if your dressing style or speaking is alittle retro then also one would get judgement for physical.....
agreed the above may not imply to your situation..but just my 2 cents that if the card came out then it will be saying something ....


As this is about resurrection, I think it could mean you look like you've just been to the spa or maybe look like someone who's just discovered some magnificent spiritual truths.There might be some strong fascination.I agree it's difficult to read a card with half-dead half-alive ppl in it ;)


A couple of guesses:

Either they think you appear "Decisive and Determined" (Confident)
Rejuvenated, Reborn (did you recently change a hairstyle or lose weight, etc?)
They think you look like death but they're willing to forgive it. ;)


...a beacon in the night...