LAST few decks you've gotten...which was your fav?


Medicine Woman Tarot. Love it!


In the last few months I've bought four decks: The Paulina Tarot, Crystal Visions, The Vanessa Tarot, The Ludy Lescot Tarot. I do like all of them, beautiful decks! But I must say that Crystal Visions and Ludy Lescot have really found their way to my heart. :) Crystal Visions is sooo useful, and everyone I read for just loves this deck. I find it so easy to read. And the LL is very different and stands out in my little collection, it just moves me somehow, strikes something inside of me...


Watersprite, Gorgon's and the Chihuahua (if I spelled it correctly).Can't choose between them, they are so different type of decks.
Since there are so many decks out there I am much more picky and I guess I only buy decks that a really, really like.

ETA: waiting for Alice, the Golden Dawn Temple Tarot and the Deck of the Dead (from seven stars [this one I just have to order it first but instead I am surfing AT]. I guess these 3 deck will go on my top favorites (together with those mentioned above). If I do the math it doesn't match: I'll have 6 decks that will go into my (one) most favorite deck as asked in this thread. Oh, well...sorry!


And my #1 personal favorite winner is...... the Universal Fantasy! This deck is blowing me away! I never even knew this deck existed before a reading circle partner used this deck. When she posted pictures, infatuation hit me. I am super liking all my new decks, but this one has been a close companion almost constantly since it arrived, even with those darn languages that Lo Scarebeo adds.... [/url]

This is a seriously underrated little deck, and one of those that merit a larger print, preferably borderless. My favorite card is the 2 of Cups. So wistfully beautiful, and so very, very different.


Marseille Cats, actually. It's cute and easily read.


It's a toss up between the Burning Serpent Oracle and the Silver Witchcraft decks. I've been getting good readings from both of them.

The Happy Squirrel

Of all my most recent acquisitions, this is my fav: A modern reworking of Tarot de Marseilles by Matthieu Hackerie "Le Tarot Noir - Imagerie medievale populaire" :)

My black beauty :)


My paulina tarot and RWS,to be honest! <3


Guardian Angel Tarot, and Tarot of the Sidhe.

Haha I know I know.. Interesting combination. ;)