Personal Tips On Choosing A New Deck


I agree, it makes it hard to pick a deck when the picture of the majors fit the criteria while the minors are not '' pictured''.

Those decks I've seen that are all pictured, somehow, don't do it for me : eg: The Renaissance deck. ( beautiful deck nonetheless)

I'll look into the Toth.

Thanks for all the posts. At least, I am not the only '' struggling'' to find the perfect deck of cards. :)


Well, here's how I go for decks based on various criterion:

1. Artwork - The artwork needs to be rich and deep. Even black and white decks can have incredibly rich artwork (Light and Shadow Tarot or Diary of a Broken Soul), and possess a hauntingly beautiful quality. Decks where the art just seems to be done by a retarded chipmunks and a box of crayolas is so not my cuppa tea. Gaudy colors turn me off as well. Decks which resemble random splashes of colors on them really turn me off.

2. Death, Devil, 3 9 and 10 of Swords, and all the 5's - They gotta be intense, they gotta have an impact. They so need to be stunning, but not fluffy looking. I don't want titles like 'Transformation' or 'Super huge change' or 'Bunny no likey this card'.

3. Human Figures - They have got to be well drawn and aesthetically appealing. No, they don't need to be Barbie n Ken, but a level of aesthetic value is required. Some decks I own don't really contain classically beautiful human figures (World Spirit, Thoth, RWS, etc), but they possess a quality to them that makes them lovely and aesthetic. I'm not at all opposed to nudity, and decks where the Star is 'clothed', I throw away. Decks that are 'censored' totally turn me off.

4. Expressive Minors - Minors are more often than not, neglected by the deck creators when creating a deck as many a times a whole lotta attention is focused solely on the majors. If a deck has minors that look 'abandoned', or where they look like they were rejected by a 'caste system' of sorts... that deck is so not for me.

ETA: They don't need to be illustrated in order to be expressive. The Thoth minor pips are a gazillion times way more expressive than RWS styled deck minors. There I said it!

5. Readable Courts - Court cards just have to be readable. They gotta be designed in a manner where you get a feel of their energies and characteristics. I like to see my Pages as women (or Princesses), I like seeing my Queens as lovely, I like seeing my Knights in shining armor, and The Kings have gotta look grand. They should be richly dressed, beautifully illustrated, their faces should be expressive, contain features that describe their personality (a Roman nose for the King of Swords, a cleft chin for the Knight of Wands for example).

6. Symbolism - They have gotta be rich in symbolism. And for me, some symbols absolutely 'must' be included within a card, for without them, the card seems to loose it's value (like the infinity symbol on top of the Magician and Strength maiden). Also, in the minors, I like the standard Wands, Cups, Swords, Pentacles. I can handle using elements, or even Scepters, Coins, and stuff, but please don't gimme decks that have stuff like, Bowling Balls, Clouds, Dildo's, and Lipsticks for the minors.

ETA: Gimme lots of Astro/Qabbala/Esoteric symbolism - I Love it, but at the same time, it should be aesthetic!

However... despite all this, I sometimes am attracted to decks which totally go against all my "rules", cause they just seem to 'speak' to me. An example would be the Mystic Faerie Tarot... it's so damn cute :D!

Hope this was helpful

Love and Blessings


Totally helpful.

I think you've covered it all in your post, sweet_intuition.

Why are the 3's and the 5's so important in your criterias?

So if you don't mind me asking, what favorite deck are you currently using?


Maggiemay said:
Totally helpful.

I think you've covered it all in your post, sweet_intuition.

Awww... thank you Maggiemay, I'm glad I could help :)

Why are the 3's and the 5's so important in your criterias?

Not the 3's so much, but mainly the 3 of Swords. I love this card. It's one card that evokes so many emotions within me. The imagery of a heart being pierced by 3 swords is so intense. Decks which just try to make it ''light'' just mess it up for me.

The 5's are important to me, because the Hierophant is my soul card, so hence, the 5's of the minor arcana are my 'lessons and opportunity' cards within this lifetime. I like the dramatic images within the cards, as well as, the 5's represent 'change' among other things, and that's a very important lesson for me in more ways than one (semi shameless plug - see why in my blog, link is on profile).

So if you don't mind me asking, what favorite deck are you currently using?

Well, I exhausted my Thoth, so it's in a state of "rest" at the moment. Robin Wood is currently being used regularly, but it might just meet it's 'replacement' very soon. I love World Spirit, Fenestra, Light and Shadow, and despite me not liking the paper quality, I'm growing fond of Gilded. And despite being not traditional, The Gay Tarot can be so surprisingly insightful, especially when dealing with issues of my personal life.

Hope that was helpful

Love and Blessings

PS: Note... again, this is just my point of view. To each their own at the end of the day. Each individual has their own particular likes n dislikes.


very insightful, really. Thanks again sweet_intuition!

One thing I forgot to meantion initially is : It's very important to me where each character in the card is looking. You know, are they gazing towards the right side or left side ect.. For eg: it bothers me that the RWS tarot's fool's body and direction is going towards the left. To me it makes more sens if its going towards the right... ( crazy, I know!!!)

I love to hear about everyone's '' special connection''cards. I give me a snapshot understanding of that person at its core.

Also, thanks for mentioning different decks - I usually check it out for myself when people suggests specific decks.

And lastly, it's true that some decks do not do justice to some cards such as the 3 of swords. I also need to see the heart being pierced.


sweet_intuition said:
Not the 3's so much, but mainly the 3 of Swords. I love this card. It's one card that evokes so many emotions within me. The imagery of a heart being pierced by 3 swords is so intense. Decks which just try to make it ''light'' just mess it up for me.

What do you think of this one. Not the traditional pierced heart, but not "light" either.


  • Lswords 3.jpg
    Lswords 3.jpg
    87 KB · Views: 80


Cirom, that 3 of swords definitely drives home the point.
Yikes.... I hate the meaning of that card! ( most of the swords cards get me edgy anyways...especially the 7th)


I found that my decks need a strong color contrast. Pastel decks (e.g. Celtic, Old English, Hudes) just didn't work for me. That's why I ordered the World Spirit and all was well until I came upon this *hideous* Sun child. Haven't been able to touch it since. That's why I now go to sites that show *all* the cards.

I like gender balance among the Courts, so Pages should be female.

I look for a 3 of Swords *without* the old "pierced heart" thing.

I like my Death to be "Death" and not "Transformation", "Renewal" or some other fluff. I lost three close family members in the last five years and sugarcoating death like this just makes me mad.

Same for the Devil. Although I don't believe in it as an entity, the reality of evil can't be denied. Just watch the news.

I should have power. It should grab me. The LS Tarot of a Secret Garden did this and is next on my list, although it is a pastel deck. But this last point is the most important one. If a deck has enough oomph, all the rules are forgotten...


cirom said:
What do you think of this one. Not the traditional pierced heart, but not "light" either.

I'm salivating! I love it!

A very thought provoking image, which can speak volumes. The sheer brilliance of your art has once again totally floored me.

In fact, I'm actually inspired to create a couple of spreads just by looking at the images of the Legacy of the Divine Tarot. And this one just jogged my inspiration further!

Thank You


sweet_intuition said:
I don't want titles like 'Transformation' or 'Super huge change' or 'Bunny no likey this card'.

Sweet Intuition, I'm officially on the lookout for a stunning deck that contains a "BUNNY NO LIKE THIS" card... and I'm sending a copy to you for your ownsome. Thank you thank you for that! That phrase sums up an entire worldview that gives me the heebs. :heart: In fact your post pretty much says it all... and apparently we do (and look for) a lot of the same things when looking. Down to the fact that in GD decks, I look at The Moon, the 3 of Swords, as well as the Knight of Wands.

The only thing I think I might disagree with is the Artwork. While I love beautiful images, I don't know if that's actually the best way to find a deck. Often, prettiness is its own reward. A lot of the great decks of the world are considered butt-ugly. But I think each of us has a sense for the kind of visual detail to which we respond... That said, I have zero-tolerance for shoddy artwork. Crappy skillsets make me insane. If the armature is off or someone can't do basic perspective or composition, I know I'll spend all my time gathering rage and wanting to write them a cease and desist letter.

I will say Mag... that lots of ATers will warn you about the Quest for the Perfect Deck. That way madness lies. I think the best way is to identify a deck that you think might teach you something or push your envelope, buy it and try it. You won't really know 'til you read with it. Of course, this is how I wound up with my collection and an undying trade thread. By the same token, I know what works for me, and I'm much better about winnowing the chaff. Far fewer crap purchases... I think I'm less patient with half-ass decks these days and I can spot them at 90 paces. And DO read the relevant AT threads; you'll learn quickly which 10 or 15 decks are the gold standard within the community. You might hate all of them, but it's a good starting point.

I also think on AT you do start to get a sense for which other members have a similar groove. Most of my favorite ecks came from people nudging me goodnaturedly towards one of their discoveries, and I know I've done the same in kind.

The funny thing is, none of the above is how I found "the One." My main reading deck is the Liber T. People pretty much hated it across the board form the date of release. It's a bewilidering maze of neglected esoterica in areas I'd never found interesting. Truly, I wasn't particularly excited about it until LONG after I'd bought it and started studying it. Then POW! It crept up on me, that deck, with a truncheon... for all intents and purposes it is "The One" for me. Only I never would have expected it.

Happy hunting.
