Personal Tips On Choosing A New Deck


Hey everyone!

I can't tell you how amazing it feels to get soooo many good and personalized advices and tips as I am seriously looking for a new deck.

The only deck I own is the Marseilles Tarot ( so I think I know a thing or two about '' butt-ugly'' images...but I don't want to make fun of my one single tarot deck either!!! shame on me!)

Color contrast has its importance ( as mentioned by Tigerlily), when there is not enough color contrast and when there is too much, it does something to a deck...

Sunchariot, I, too, pay close attention to the details ( and its symbolic meaning, which is why I ignore some decks even if they are beautiful)

Afrosaxon, which deck represents your most poignant 3 of swords? Is it the NOVT?

And last but not least: Scion!
What particularly resonated with me in your post, is the '' danger'' found in the quest for the perfect Tarot and how it also comes down to me using the deck and my ability (or not) to establish a kind of ''symbiosis'' with it. I will take that into consideration...I think its key.

Actually, I have such sentimental value for the one single deck I own that Its actually hard for me to take the leap and get another one.... ( how mentally unbalanced is that???? lol)

Scion, what on earth would I do without you on this site???? ( inside joke) :)

Thank you all so much for your generous input - It's GREAT!

PS: It's fun to see people calling me : ''Mag'' on this website as it happens to be my nick name!