Reading using different Decks - do the meanings change ?


Mystical13, I'm happy to read that you got the help here you needed! :) I did want to add in some thoughts from my own experience as well.

I like to think that in spite of differences in imagery among decks, that in some ways, there is some unifying thread running through each of the cards, regardless of the deck. The reason I believe this is because of what has come to be personally true for me over time: even though I use different decks, the same card will often repeat during certain times in my life when reading for myself (regardless of the deck I use; regardless of the wildly different imagery among decks).

Different imagery, however, can help you to notice different angles/views of the same card. It is like seeing different faces/expressions or different pictures of one person; only in the sense that it's still the same person. So on some level, I believe it is still the same card, just "dressed up" differently from deck to deck...

But I am not saying that the difference in image don't matter - on the contrary, they do! The particularly imagery can be highlighting a certain angle/meaning of a card, and this can help you to "hook" into a certain pathway of thought/perception that will help you to go deeper into the essence of the card's meaning for you; to help you explore the card, but in new or diverse ways (which is why it's important to use a deck where you like the imagery; that is, where it inspires you to interpret and connect to the imagery in a meaningful way).

The meaning, after all, is really within you - it's in your perspective, within your perception. That's why two different people will paint the "same" card in a sense, but in different ways.

And that's also why I think using multiple decks can be an enriching experience for some. But there is also value in using just one deck as well. You'll know yourself whether or not it's right for you to stick to just one deck for now or not - whether you feel it expands your knowledge or if it confuses you unnecessarily.


Dear Lalalibra,

I am so glad that you stopped by and shared your thoughts. I love your analogy about the card being the same person, albeit at different points. That is so true and that is a wonderful way of understanding the cards especially at this stage. Each deck or what stands out to me on a particular day - is the significant part of the person (card) for that day, over and above what the person (card) usually denotes :)

I absolutely agree about the imagery bit, it's funny that I like some decks and feel completely indifferent to others.

As for using different decks, your comment about it being an enriching experience is very encouraging. As of now, I have decided to use two decks (both RWS tradition) for a daily reading, I discussed it here -
It's been two days and so far it has been a great experience :)

Day before, I got gifted with the "Medicine Cards" and can't wait to get started on them.

So, I will see how it goes and will be mindful, if I get confused and stressed, will go back to working with one deck ((after posting my confusion here)); otherwise will explore these three days simultaneously for now.

Thank you so much for sharing, much appreciated :)