Readings and the Effect on Your Energy Levels


Umbrae said:
I dunno, the more I read the more hyped I get.

For me its like plugging into 220...

and I'm talking reading f2f, internet, chat, or phone. I do not get tired or get headaches, I get amped. And the more I read, the more awake I become!

so go figure...
I am the same way. It perks me up.

Puppet Master

I've personally had no effect on my energy when doing readings. Can't deny I find it interesting that it does happen to some though.


I've noticed when I do too many in a couple of days setting it agrivates my M.S. but heck, anything can make it kick up!

But what worries me more? On occassion it seems to do something to whatever deck I was using at the time...seems like they dont wanna play with me anymore for awhile!
(muffled snicker) not meaning to be disrespectful...but....I do try to remember to ground myself and stay hydrated so not sure if the deck gets tired or it is me........K


kmartin60 said:
I've noticed when I do too many in a couple of days setting it agrivates my M.S. but heck, anything can make it kick up!

But what worries me more? On occassion it seems to do something to whatever deck I was using at the time...seems like they dont wanna play with me anymore for awhile!
(muffled snicker) not meaning to be disrespectful...but....I do try to remember to ground myself and stay hydrated so not sure if the deck gets tired or it is me........K

LOL No offense taken because the same thing happens to me! Plus, my deck (Fantastic Menagerie) has a killer sense of humor and is pretty sarcastic. So if I'm really out of it, the whole spread is flipped upside down, it's completely unreadable, or pulls the same cards even after thorough shuffling LOL

It's interesting to trace all these things that have been happening with my deck and with me, and connect it to my energy levels.


Readings are always intense mentally and can be intense emotionally as well. I don't think they're any more draining than any other activity requiring the same intensity of attention.

You might compare it to taking an exam in school; easier exams for which you're confident you're prepared take little toll on your energy level, whereas difficult exams that require a great deal of focus and incite no small measure of stress can easily wipe you out.

Concentration has been shown to be a finite resource that must be replenished with rest. This article talks about social media and other modern attention-grabbers as consumers of this resource, but the science applies just as well to Tarot readings.


The more you give....

You have to be careful not to become an emotional sponge, when the reading is finished you have to learn to cut off or you will go crazy....too much information can weaken you, you must give your message and walk away or your work will become an emotional burden...remember that the important stuff is in the energy of the here and now the power is in the moment, say what needs to be said and if there is more accept and save for next time do not dwell, it is only your ego wanting to express your, after insight, if it was meant to be they will be and wait do not dwell, you will be holding yourself back wrapped up in others predicaments and draining your own are a messenger and it is not yours to decifer....let it be. x.


I can do readings with one to five cards and still feel fine. But large readings (say, 10-15 cards) completely exhaust me. I have to summon up the energy to do them, and I have to rest after they are over. Consequently, my preferred spreads tend to be small-- at least when I'm reading for myself!


a 15 card reading takes me from 3 to 5 days to complete. Takes me about 1 1/2 hours per card so we're talking about 22 hours of work. I don't do them that often either. LOL



When everything's flowing and I'm "in the zone", indeed everything *is* flowing.I feel strong, clear and everything's good. Afterwards, I'm happy at a job well-done.

I know from my busier periods that once I've done about eight readings (basically a whole day) I start to flag a little. That's about food, water, caffeine and walking around outside. Also, every so often, in a day of many readings, I may find I have to "retire" one or more decks. As long as I'm careful about that, everything's good and readings leave me better at the end than I was at the start.


I dunno folks, I believe that if we channel the energy of the universe, the free stuff - the chalice is never emptied, its constantly refilled. I don't get tired.

When I channel my energy I get tired.

a ten-card spread face-to-face wiith a sitter can take 90-minutes, and its refreshing.

Now it is my belief, that if you're getting tired, and still hydrating properly, that you're channeling your own energy, and not the stuff of the universe - which also means that the readers ego becomes more important than the universal love that fills us...and that the insertion of ego robs the sitter of a true reading.

...just my opinion...