Readings and the Effect on Your Energy Levels


I don't get any more drained reading cards for 5 hours than I get doing my other job (bookkeeping) for 5 hours. I do get tired, but don't think it has anything to do with tarot per se. It's just one of those things that requires concentration, like bookkeeping and a number of other things in my life.


Well, one thing I didn't mention is that my readings have two parts: The actual reading itself and the subsequent write-up. The write-up is very detailed and can be quite lengthy. I include dignities, quintessence, and may even compare to previous readings. If it is for someone else, it then gets typed into the computer, too. So large readings can be tiring, not in the moment but in the aftermath. If I do several readings in a day, that is a lot of writing. For about ten years, I also tracked the frequency and meaning of my own cards in another notebook. Very exhausting, no matter where the energy is coming from. If I read for the public, maybe I would do things differently...


Umbrae said:
I dunno folks, I believe that if we channel the energy of the universe, the free stuff - the chalice is never emptied, its constantly refilled. I don't get tired.

Now it is my belief, that if you're getting tired, and still hydrating properly, that you're channeling your own energy, and not the stuff of the universe - which also means that the readers ego becomes more important than the universal love that fills us...and that the insertion of ego robs the sitter of a true reading.

...just my opinion...
We're in agreement. As I said, any weariness is about food, water, caffeine and walking around outside. Or the lack thereof.


While my question was about energy levels in general, and recognize that I wasn't caring for myself very well last week what with my fibromyalgia flaring up, there's something more there.

But what I'd really like to know is if there are any connections with fibromyalgia, and it's other auto-immune-affecting ilk, and energy loss while reading. Not that anyone could point to anything definitive about that specific topic, but that's what I'm very interested in.

Thank you all for weighing in. :)


I experience the same symptoms after I do a reading & find that the Star Ruby or Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram before & the Middle Pillar exercise following helps tremenously.

Fr. 729