Tarot of the Black Mountain


great work as always!
is that watercolor? ?? it is so soft but yet strong saturated colors at times. it looks like watercolor but at thesame time it looks like pencil crayons. :D


Great Hierophant! :D

This is a deck I'm going to keep my eye on! :heart:


Thank you tarot4fun and yaraluna! It is indeed watercolour- the same paints I used for the Sidhe. I find it a very versatile medium, and quick to use- which is important since I have to finish these by the end of September!

Here is the ink-only Empress, colour to be added soon :)


Em xx


  • Empressb+w.jpg
    59.6 KB · Views: 197


And here she is in colour! Inspired by the beautiful curves and inhabitants of the Komovi mountains. I'm toying with the idea of just having titles and not numbers. That means I only have to remeber to have a gap at the top and makes it easier to keep them borderless.


Em x


  • Empress1.jpg
    76.7 KB · Views: 211


Sidhe-Ra said:
I'm toying with the idea of just having titles and not numbers .... and makes it easier to keep them borderless.
I cast a vote for this idea ~

Love, LOVE the Empress! :heart:

Em, thanks for sharing the inspiration pics.
Lena Ruth, put my name on your list ~please~ :D

Bat Chicken

I am loving the drawings - even without the colour... Such talent! :) I wish I could be so prolific and so powerful with images!


Bat Chicken said:
I am loving the drawings - even without the colour... Such talent! :) I wish I could be so prolific and so powerful with images!

Bat Chicken you do me a great honour in saying so, but though your work may take a little longer, it never fails to be astonishingly beautiful, and always more than worth the wait!

tarot4fun said:
Lena Ruth, put my name on your list ~please~

Thanks! Although it's obviously early days, the plan at the moment is to print them over there, but then I will probably distribute the non- Montenegro copies. I'll keep you posted :)

And thank you also Firefrost!


Em xx


If there's a list forming, I want to be on it as well!

Hils :)


I have never actually liked Empress card until I have seen that one!!! You're skill and ability is stunning, Em!


ps. someone said List? ;) me too!