tarot: offensive


tarotbear said:
I have found the best way to 'bring to their attention' that they are offending you is to apply their term to their own stuff ~ childish, I know. But after you refer to his religion as 'that Christian (or whatever) crap' or his hobby as 'that fishing crap' enough times the situation will blow up. When you finally say - if you cannot say 'Tarot' without adding 'that Tarot crap' to it, then be prepared for me to call everything you enjoy or like to do 'crap.'

I find that it works better when you one-up their remarks. Now THAT is childish. :D

For example, a friend of mine saw me opening up a package of cards that I had just bought to which he remarks "What the?... You can read those things? I didn't know you were into witchcraft and stuff." Personally, I don't practice witchcraft, and I know that there are some people who do. I was really more upset with the automatic link between Tarot and witchcraft.

So I replied "Yep. I see that you're great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather is dead! *sarcastic gasp* Am I right? I know I am! I better be!" Basically, he left me alone.

About a week later, I was sitting around on the couch in the lounge on the dorms when he saw me opening another pack of new cards. He said "Oh look! More crazy cards!" Me being the sarcastic, semi-spiteful person I am }) said "Oh look! Another idiot!"

Basically, he's figured out that he can have feelings of disdain for tarot, occultism, etc., but as soon as he expresses them in some sort of condescending manner, I crush him like a bug!


We as humans have the tendency to reject that which does not comply with our beliefs. Upon hearing slanders, criticisms, skepticsm and pragmatism, the urge to refute is inevitable.

However a saying circulated within the Buddhist realm has this saying: How can a frog explain to a fish how is it like to be out of the water?

Do we as readers simply picked up a Tarot Deck and began reading COINCIDENTALLY?

Why do we hear certain words of disagreement at a certain point of time COINCIDENTALLY - when you're at your peak, beginning, doubts and etc?

A debate may prove wise. Despite that, people love talking more than listening. Not everyone is a good speaker. How do you expect the opposition to see your views? A debate is afterall a session to oppress your opponents to a state that renders them speechless, rather than acceptance and broadening of understanding.

If someday someone needs to pick up a deck, runes or any of the sort, that then is the MOMENT (COINCIDENTALLY?).


Not to be mean...but I heard a worst addiction...

...those who try to win back their losses at poker, through cards and online games...

Since I'm not someone who plays cards for money, I grin at those who ask and say, "I use these art images with love. I like to encourage people to discuss their question and the cards are helpful as a starting point. I'd feel bad if I used or were involved with cards in other ways. For instance, to gamble, to take people's money. To me, that would be much worse. To each their own!"

(Along those lines, one could ask, "Say, what's worst--tarot reading or gambling?" Maybe a side issue?)

Here's hoping that the father mellows out in the first family situation--after knowing a family member whose normal and friendly who reads tarot, over time your reassuring 'normalcy' will settle doubts. Family members who know I enjoy tarot, poetry, art or other creative new-fangled notions have figured over time that I experiment creatively, as it's my learning thing. While this answer of reading tarot might be not seem the same thing to playing poker if someone thought about it too much--but a little humor and reassurance might be helpful to quell family fears and put another perspective on what one does with cards...
