The Empress for a time frame?


celticnoodle said:
Hmmm. as soon as I saw the title for this thread, I thought "9 mos". since I see the Empress as a mother type, and generally she is noted for pregnancies or the beginning of something, 9 mos. just seems appropriate! :D

I was about to post the same thing.


9 months...hmmm...didn't even think about that. LOL


Beginning of spring.

Or perhaps harvest time when everything is ripe.


mysticangel_001 said:
In asking when I might be able to expect changes to occur in a situation I got the Empress. Since the Empress can represent all stages from birth to death to rebirth would that mean that these changes asked about are going to be subtle and ongoing and not something that is going to just suddenly happen in some way? I'm not sure how to read this card in relation to time frames. Anyone have an suggestions?

Well since personal timing varies from time to time, and varies by person, I can only express through my experience for my personal time. For me, if I ask when will such and such happen and I get a major, it takes about a month give or take a week or a few days. Then, there are some discrepencies depending on what card I drew. So if I drew the empress, I'd conclude that changes would either be the next day, in 3 days, or on the 3rd of the next month. Usually, I will ask again between when I asked and after an expected date has passed... but that's me.


My deck seems to dislike me asking for timing, so it always gives me a "when you do this" card if I draw for timing of events.

If your deck also does that, then I think the answer would be the relationship needs more nurturing before it can go forward, but that there is great potential here....


I'm tending to think that changes have been made already, but the culmination of these changes will not come about quite yet. When it is going to, I have no idea, all I can think of is that it needs to be given time, and continued action, and nurturing for it to come about. So, I would tell your friend not to be so impatient, LOL, it would happen when it happens! :p


Not to rain on anyone's parade - but if The Empress is a symbol of the Great Mother, does She not sometimes say "after you do your homework"? lol


Laucian said:
Not to rain on anyone's parade - but if The Empress is a symbol of the Great Mother, does She not sometimes say "after you do your homework"? lol

LOL yes, that could work as well :laugh:


I like that. LOL


I think 9 months, but I didn't post it because I thought it was too obvious. Now that others have done it, I'll do it, too. :p