
How's this for timing from..."The Upper Management Team"
This is a note I received recently...It's timing is perfect.

The BIGGEST key to understanding this note is FEEL...He mentions it as FEELING...though that's a PAST understanding of FEEL . FEEL is in the now, while feelings is the after effect...the NOT NOW...!

FEEL rage...BE raging....or ...the feeling of rage.
LOVE ...BE love... or....feelings of love

One is BEing.....One is a memory... A HAS BEEN...Ego keeping the separation from the NOW MOMENT. It's domain is the past and the future...the NOW MOMENT it cannot influence except to think about it after the fact. Then project it to the past or future...
just an idea
Stop Being a Slave to Your Ego.

Lama Yeshe
Via Lama Yeshe on Jun 25, 2016

You probably think I’m exaggerating, but I’m not. Remember, ego and attachment don’t work at the intellectual level. If you ask a chicken on its roost if it’s happy, it’s not going to reply, but intuitively, a chicken feels happy in familiar surroundings. If something intrudes, it gets angry and tries to drive the trespasser away. If we behave in the same way we’re no better than chickens; nevertheless, if somebody invades our space we get just as upset as they do. What’s the difference?
Also, under the power of its ego, a chicken eats hundreds of insects every day. We, too, use the power of our ego to try to control or take advantage of others. All this comes from attachment, not from our basic human nature, which is pure and can be developed infinitely.
Remember this when you meditate. Concentrate on the feelings in your body and mind and when you get distracted, observe the role attachment plays. This method will show you the true nature of your own mind. Because of the way in which your attachment reacts to how your ego interprets things, you’re not happy when trying to attain perfect concentration and get agitated and distracted when you meditate.
You think rich people are very lucky and wish you had their wealth, but if you understood human psychology, the nature of the mind and how attachment works, you wouldn’t care. Who cares about external wealth? In my opinion, the truly rich person is the one who has a satisfied mind. Satisfaction is real wealth and you can keep it forever. The affluence of satisfaction comes from understanding knowledge-wisdom, not from external things.
Lama Yeshe after the Sixth Meditation Course, Kopan Monastery, Nepal, 1974. Photo by Ursula Bernis.
For example, we can eat and drink the most expensive things but still feel dissatisfied while a chicken can eat the most terrible garbage and go to sleep content. Satisfaction comes from the mind. We can’t believe how a chicken could possibly sleep after eating dirt so horrible that it would make us sick, but the chicken fills its stomach and goes to sleep satisfied. Satisfaction comes from the mind, not from food or any other material object.
Otherwise, where does super-satisfaction come from? Where on Earth can you find super-satisfactory beauty or pleasure? Sydney? New York? Paris? Where? It’s nowhere, non-existent. There is no external shape, color or form on Earth that itself can produce super-satisfaction. Just because there are supermarkets doesn’t mean you can find super-satisfaction in them. Sometimes all you’ll find there is more dissatisfaction.
Therefore, when you meditate, take a serious look at what causes satisfaction. Check deeply and come to a firm conclusion. Don’t be wishy-washy, “Maybe, maybe, maybe….” Check thoroughly, again and again; analyze, investigate and bring every thought to a logical conclusion.
Finally, make a determination, integrating all your trains of thought into one definite conclusion. That’s the way to do analytical meditation. The vacillating mind is split. You need to integrate your mind by coming to a definite conclusion.
What you need to decide once and for all is: “I’m tired of being a servant to my ego. My ego rules my mind and even though it continuously gives me nothing but trouble and no time for rest, I still spend my entire life as its servant. My mind is constantly in turmoil only because of my ego. I’m not going to be a slave to my ego any longer!”
All the worry we experience comes from the two departments of ego and attachment. For example, we all want a beautiful body but at the same time our sneaky, grasping attachment makes us eat more than our body requires and we get fat. This is just a simple example but it’s one to which most of us can relate.
Check it out for yourself. You need little food but your attachment to overeating makes you heavy and uncomfortable. At the same time, you want to be attractive. These two things are in conflict. Which do you choose—your ego’s wish for a beautiful body or your attachment to eating food? Look into your mind; find the one to which you cling the most. One mind is there, grasping at beauty; the other is there too, knowing that if you eat too much you’ll get fat and destroy whatever beauty you have. Still, you can’t stop eating. These two minds agitate you. Psychologically, they beat you up, but despite their constant mashing, you still keep saying “Yes, yes, yes….”
(00627_ud3.jpg) Lama Yeshe and Ani-la Ann at Kopan Monastery, Nepal, 1974.
Lama Yeshe and Ani-la Ann at Kopan Monastery, Nepal, 1974.
It’s very funny. The human mind is so weird…and very silly, if you really check. The idea that thin is beautiful and fat is ugly comes from the mind. Of course, I agree that if you are too fat it can be unhealthy; that’s okay. But the idea, the picture, created by attachment and desire of what is beautiful and what is ugly is so silly, isn’t it? It’s not the reality of the fat that bothers you but the idea that it’s unattractive. Why? Because you cling to reputation; you’re worried what other people will think of you.
I tell you, mother sentient beings on this Earth are so silly. People in one country think something is pretty; people in another country think the same thing is ugly. Here, this is bad; there, it is good. To some, this is beautiful; to others something else is beautiful. It’s all made up; they’re just different ideas.


I agree with you (as usual:)). I have thought this long time ago and it is well understood and processed in my spirit. I have tried to teach my children these truths. For example the concept of beauty as you have just discussed. My son told me that one girl in his class is ugly. I asked him: " what is beauty? Is it tall legs, blond hair, and if yes, why! Who decided this?" . He was speechless. He couldn't answer a word and he smiled at me.
I feel sorry for those children whose mothers teach them to be "pretty". This is meaningless and toxic for the spirit.
I am a very different person....and a little solitary in fact, because not everyone shares my values.


Here's a little something concerning a solitary spirit...
It's by May Sarton ...

"Loneliness is the poverty of spirit, Solitude is the richness of self."

knowledge - wisdom cannot be passed must be lived to become experiential wisdom.

All you can really do is to do what you feel best at the time...and that timing will be in accordance with the "Upper Management Teams" promptings and the pupils ability to grasp it and process it...This can take years.

Don't feel sorry for the others...they will ripen ,eventually. Sometimes beings are shielded from these things . Like Newton and Einstein. They are spared the indoctrination which disallows the tangential growth.

Being different spares one from un necessary harrasments ... it's a protective hand from above. Keeping in mind that anything that enters the personal sphere has a tale to tell...


Hi there.
Sorry to sound behind the ball. This thread is interesting. I've read most of the thread and am trying to follow. Are you saying you have recently become more self aware of yourself and dealt with your I ssues? Are you not resisting your own urges to blindly follow your ego (like so many do)? Your journey sounds like it's really changing your life,and in the interest of respect to that, I don't want to misunderstand you. :)


Hi there.
Sorry to sound behind the ball. This thread is interesting. I've read most of the thread and am trying to follow. Are you saying you have recently become more self aware of yourself and dealt with your I ssues? Are you not resisting your own urges to blindly follow your ego (like so many do)? Your journey sounds like it's really changing your life,and in the interest of respect to that, I don't want to misunderstand you. :)

Interesting questions and nicely put...

Firstly , trying is a resistance...or as some sports coaches would put it , an excuse for failures.

Recently...become more aware...? has been a lifetime in the making and things came at a level and pace that could be you have done with your mind.

Dealing with personal issues will be an ongoing lifelong practice.

Ego cannot be done away with...if it were, this dimension as it is would become non existent for the experiencer...

Resisting my own urges to blindly follow the Ego ...?

I would be more inclined to say that I FEEL the Ego's influences, find the personal intended target inside myself... and then decide from that, placing it into second place by NOT following it's immediate prompts ...yet not resisting them.
This opens up a whole new world...Lets say it's like the Hierophant card (RWS) it stands between two worlds and tends to block or distort the access to the other worlds .

By doing the above , I have found that my sensitivities have increased and that at times becoming very empathic...
I also do not stop or change how others decide to view or treat my personal content...that would be resistance...that would be protecting the Ego's basic need to be in control/right...

This of course throws me into the WEIRD bracket that intellectuals place under the , poke , label...

That is OK. Because I have also become aware that the intellect cannot fathom this place...

KAHLIL Gibran...says something like...

"Spirit is an oasis in the desert that the intellect can never visit on a camel."

This journey has surely changed my life's directions...It's made me more and more responsible for my own actions...and that is what most are trying to avoid...


Thanks for your brutal self honesty...It's not something that happens too often and my heart goes out to those that are honest to takes a lot of courage to do it.

"TO THYNE OWN SELF, BE TRUE"...I think it's a biblical quote but am not sure, it could be Shakespeare.

I too owned a cat for ...oopsies...the cat had me for ten years or so...A blue eyed pure white,deaf, Persian...It showed me, me. Some of which I wouldn't own up to for quite a few years....
It taught me that no matter if it could dance and sing as well as play the would still be a cat....In other words putting on all the airs and graces, trampsing around in finery, being looked up to or the center of attractions, underneath it all would still be plain 'ol me...

Self acceptance...just as I am , wartz and all...very few pretenses.

This all came after I contemplated water and what would happen if all the moisture just vanished from everything. as a guide to understanding the god idea...absolutely everything has water in it...all would perish...pop...nothing...not even dust...Yet what is water ... H2O, nothing more according to science...gases...


it cycles through all and goes back to it's source...vapour, clouds, rains,streams, rivers,oceans.Water...! none can take it too far from it's will always return...ALWAYS...!

And so...
My water is much ,much better than your water...I will exterminate your water....I will cut off your water...My water says that your water must obey me...????

What I do to my brother beings and co inhibitors of this water based planet ,I do to myself as all comes from the same big puddle or ocean...

This led to understanding a little better the God concept ....the's in, over ,through, and a great,great part of ,always giving, silently...We are a part of that great giver... THE LIVING RESULT of that great plan.

Because I wanted to understand what unconditional love was...I wanted to find an example that was beyond human interference...unmanipulated...I started to examine the other elements...
I must stress that observing the Elements will not solve your problems...they will broaden the understandings of what unconditional love is...In a's giving of itself ...sometimes tough love , sometimes laid back and balmy ... yet always giving of itself...not for it's own glorification's , it's in it's nature to give.

The most horrible of people and the most saintly are not distinguished as better or worse than the other....They are all treated equally...each given their fill to the personal level required...with more available than could be asked for.
The rain gives to all and everything equally...the swamp , Chernobyl, ISIS, America...You get the drift....?

Could a nursing mother love anothers child as much as it's own, without exceptions...can that same mother love the child killer on trial...?

If it was all about the physical existence alone then it would be survival of the fittest for sure...This is why I keep harping on about the other levels...there's more than what normally meets the eye...removing the blinkers means going past the self to take in a wider view.

To complicate things a little further ... New love starts out giving time goes by that giving becomes taking... then owning...all becomes lost from that point onwards...the giving has stopped...


The moment ME enters the picture of the relationship the relationship will die...This is a slow death march that any relationship cannot survive...

Parenthood is no exception...there's a constant self watch to divert away from giving to taking....Hence walking the middle path of the Buddhist understandings...swaying back and forth from one to the other.

I think there are many layers, and on a deep level a mothers love is unconditional. The worst my son could ever do, kill, maim, rape, be cruel to animals, disrespect nature... I would still love him, I would never turn my back on him.
My mum is the same way with my brother and I, and she adopted us. She knows no different for she has never had a biological child. I know different because I had a biological mother, whom I long for. But I love my adoptive mum almost like she were my biological.

Could I love another child like my own? I could. Before I had my son my cats were my children, and they still are. They hadn't opened their eyes before I started hand raising them. I often think about adopting because I am single and would like to give my son a sibling. It would be different, but only to a small degree in my biological heart. But not my soul.

Could I show love to a child killer? Well define love. Oneness, compassion, acceptance, tolerance, allowance. Yes. I've thought about this all day and I cant seem to make myself so angry about it, or anything i used to get so fired up about. I have compassion for child killers, murderers, rapists (and that's saying something for me I have always hated sexual violence). I'm really going to have to dwell on this thought though because I'm surprised by my lack of anger, vengeance and self righteousness here. I used to be SO VENGEFUL.
What does anger me a bit right now is cruelty to animals, especially cats/kittens. But the anger is more at the act than the perpetrator.
If it were my son affected? I cant imagine. I think this human would be furious. Ropeable. But I think (and I can only speculate here because without the situation I don't know for sure) my soul would still have compassion for the perpetrator. I hope that it would, and by my lack of anger about other issues I would normally be unable to contemplate without getting worked up, I can only hope that after my human has been through the fear, anger and grief, that it would accept, and then I could move past that and have compassion/acceptance. I can't pretend this human doesn't exist, or her feelings. They are valid, as is every experience this human goes through. Its the acceptance of those feelings, and the step down of the human and the step up of the soul ( for want of a better way to explain it) that matters.
If someone broke into my home and threatened my son and I, I hope that I could protect us, and if that meant harm to the perpetrator then so be it in the moment. I would probably feel badly though. Could I have managed it a different way? That's something I would have to work through. But essentially my soul has compassion for all living things, and I believe that equates to love in a sense. I feel the oneness of life, but I also feel the cruelty and neutrality of nature.
Hmm. It makes me think. I can't kill a mosquito in the air like I used to, but I have in reflex fashion slapped one on my leg while it was feeding off me, killing it. Now, I can't really pick it off me without hurting it, they are too delicate. Do I let it feed off me, or do I slap it flat?

At 3 my son doesn't know I love him as I do. Actions speak louder than words...
But when I'm angry at him, my soul still loves him. And now I'm confused because I did believe that actions speak louder than words but here I'm saying I love my son unconditionally on a deeper level than he probably is able to perceive, on a soul level, and that goes beyond immediate feelings and actions of anger.

I'm still a melting pot of ideas, and these are mere thoughts so far

Re-pete-a Thankyou for explaining the elements. The water makes so much sense. We are each just ripples in an ocean, each a part of the whole and yet the whole itself as well.

A deaf cat, that would have been a challenge!

I used to love just lounging on my bed with my cats being nothing more or less than they were. Equal. Just animal and spirit enjoying each others company. The best feeling ever! My 3yo makes this hard to enjoy these days.

I'm sorry for the long post but this has provided me an opportunity to express my thoughts and explore my feelings, none really conclusive but definitely progressive. [emoji4]

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Thanks for sharing your feelings about yourself and your family...Only time can sort out the truths and the not truths ...

Womans design is to be the carrier of the next generations...That in itself is a pointer to the capacity of the nurturer to protect the holds barred survival.

Yet, all are different and that levels of understandings will alter the natural instincts accordingly. Which lends itself to the situations being self created or not...

In other words we draw to ourselves the necessary levels of experiences to learn from...

Some women do not conceive and have no need to...

As far as mother nature is concerned it's in the process of making sure the balance doesn't swing too far ... It is also designed to be self consuming...with all things being parasitic .

The living live off the dead. Therefore its very necessary to extinguish the living...Humans are trying to make the natural ,un natural...artificially separating from nature. It will have consequences...

Swatting that mosquito ...without guilts...indicates the level of understandings of the process.

In other words the system is self supporting ,replacing ,renewing...a round circle of continuity...I guess it's the same with souls...

This world is into recycling...It works well...The trick is to understand this at the level it is...Matter .

Soul is into gaining insights to grow above the instinctive animal world of matter and give preference to spiritual growths...spirit then lifts the survivalist mentality ...with understanding to the higher realms...

In all honesty I cannot tell you what is truth and what is not...All I have is one set of eyes and one mind to handle this existence with...
Navigating it is another story...successfully is also another story...I can tell you what I have observed and how I navigate it...and that I'm aiming high...which leaves some things behind...
The results of aiming high lends itself to higher information trickling through...I even take into consideration that I may be delusional...hence applying and living the information to proof it.

I do know that I'm not special and have had to wear the scars of the uphill battle with matter...which does matter .... it's a stepping block and a learning medium...It's the RESULTS of a higher mind at play.
As I am a result of my minds play. Matter is important ,but not as important as the unseen minders...again parasitic in construction and nature


Water helps get a mental grasp on things because it cycles through from Vapour ,steam,clouds, rain,rivers oceans ...then begins all over again....any water that is taken away ,no matter where , will automatically endeavour to return to it's greater matter how long it takes.

If moisture wasn't in the air that we breathe then really bad things happen...basically ,we breathe in,moisture, spirit,prana, life....we also recycle in the same manner.

"As above ,so below"...Hermes Trismegistus...


"The ALL is in all"


Just came across this so I'll post it here....

By :
Ken Keyes Jnr


It's interesting to know that another is like minded....


Very interesting post re-pete-a, and far too deep and complex for my wee brain. But I can put my thoughts here if that is ok :)
I'm older, and have learned to live this way. I use history as an example of humankind - we always been fighting and invading and stealing and killing etc etc. Maybe it's just as well that this human existence is short!
I don't have any Gods, just this amazing fantastic planet and the elements thereon. So my days are filled with wonder and beauty- looking at the sky, the birds, the garden, and knowing the world turns always. Life goes on and life ends. Constant change yet nothing changes, the seasons come and leaders/rulers come. The seasons go and leaders go.
My family bickers and argues and then makes up again (sometimes). My country bickers and argues and falls out then makes up again (sometimes). I won't waste my energy trying to change their mind or change their views, because it is what it is.
I focus on me, living always true to myself, never doing anything that I feel is not right. Being always in communication with my guides and with Spirit. If I have a problem then I ask the guides at night to advise me on it.. get up the next morning knowing that I've sent that out to the spirit world and that they will fix it - and THEY ALWAYS DO.
I know this sounds so poncey and airy fairy lol but I am opening my heart and telling you how I live my life - so maybe I'm a wee ratty Scottish fairy lol. But this came about after a huge life change and illness, that slowed me right down and almost stopped me in my tracks for years. The old me could never ever have had the patience to do this :)