The quickest decision to buy a deck


I was flipping through a US games catalog, and i saw a pic of the navigators of the mystic SEA, and i knew i had to have it, so i ordered the set and i am still mystified by the deck and its symbolism. I have bought several decks on impulse, and i say, "if you bought it on impulse and you are starting to regret, give it time because it will probably be worth it later". And usually i am happy with my decks and live by my motto. I regret the ibis deck though-i wanted the other egyptian one, the egipcios kier. So dont substitute! LOL

Little Baron

I really don't think the Arista will be one I can ever work with. I have been thinking about what else I could do with it. I do quite like the 'line drawings' and if they had filled the whole card without the 'writing' on top and bottom, they would have been usable; also, the minors are not the kind that are in Marseille decks. I thought of maybe framing the major cards. The different colour borders, with small illustrations may look pleasant on the wall.



Ahria said:
I was wondering how long does it take you to buy a deck, and in particular have you ever seen a deck and then gone and bought it?
The first time I saw the Pamela Colman Smith Tarot
it was the boxed Rider Tarot deck way back in 1969.
I was sure I would never be able find one for myself,
so imagine my ecstatic delerium when I actually did!


Many of my tarot deck purchases have been on impulse...if I see a few cards I like and read a good review, I'm usually headed off to buy it from eBay, or Amazon, or even *gasp* a regular store such as Half-Price Books or Hastings.

The one big exception to this is when I'm thinking of buying decks that are expensive (in the over $40 range). Then I'll look for all the pictures I can find first, and read all the reviews and discussion of the deck I can find, and then in the case of out-of-print decks, set a price range for myself that I won't exceed, not even in the heated final seconds of an eBay auction. Largely I've had good luck with hard to find decks, though, and haven't had to pay much for any single deck. The only two that I've shelled out over $40 for so far are the Drogi and the Hermetic.


The Bright Ideas deck was a total impulse purchase for me. Read great reviews here, ordered it the next day. Luckily I love it :). My other decks I drooled over scans for months before buying.


I think all of my purchases were implusive :)
I see- I want - I shop


Majecot said:
I think all of my purchases were implusive :)
I see- I want - I shop

That would describe me to a tee. :D

I bought my first tarot a Exclusive Books just saw the cover and thought I want that. (Goddess Tarot)

My Celtic Dragon I saw on display walked in and bought it.

The Osho Zen one though I was single minded, my friend read with it for me and it was like I have to have to have it - NOW.


I have bought some decks on impulse. Sometimes I see a deck and my heart skips a beat (really!) I then try to see some artwork, and most of the time I end up buying the deck, like with my Avalon Tarot and the Tarocchi di Leonardo.

If it's a deck that I see on the internet and I'm not quite sure if it's for me, I will go and look for bits of info and images posted online (and reviews here, of course ;)) Then I make a decision.


The first decks I bought after having only one for years (RWS) were very much impulse buys - I was desperate for something else, and fell for their pretty pictures.
Some I still love (Shapeshifter, Animal Druid Oracle, to name a few), others I soon discovered were not for me and I traded them.
At the moment I don't have that much money to spend, and I already have a collection I love, and the decks I really want have not been published yet, LOL.
Decks I end up buying are often decks I loved at first sight - but I take a bit more time now before I decide to buy.


Hi Ahria, Hi all,

My most impulsive buy was my Visconti-Sforza deck. I was on holidays in Coffs Harbour in New South Wales over 15 years ago and saw this deck in the window of a shop which was closing down. If I recall I think they were half price. The shop wasn't open for another two days so I extended my holiday so that I could wait until the shop opened to buy them. They are the pride of my deck collection.

Elven x