This person is invading my dream space.


I could use some help in understanding something about our dreams. When we constantly dream about a specific person, does this usually mean that this person has been on our minds and the thoughts of this person simply continues to occupy the space in our dreams at night.... or......could it be that these people are visiting us on a spiritual level through our dreams? Does anyone have any idea, knowledge or opinion on this? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.


The person are they still here or passed.. Its just my opinion but if they are passed they may come to you in dreams as the easiest way to connect to pass on their messages they have for you. If they are living sometimes if someone thinks about you a lot it can lead to you have involuntary thoughts of them.. ( not necessarily rude ones ;) ). If it is a random person then it might be one of your guides mine often appear in my dreams and I try so hard to see what is happening and anything they say as usually a message with some guidance going forwards.

Just some thoughts to play with x


The person are they still here or passed.. Its just my opinion but if they are passed they may come to you in dreams as the easiest way to connect to pass on their messages they have for you. If they are living sometimes if someone thinks about you a lot it can lead to you have involuntary thoughts of them.. ( not necessarily rude ones ;) ). If it is a random person then it might be one of your guides mine often appear in my dreams and I try so hard to see what is happening and anything they say as usually a message with some guidance going forwards.

Just some thoughts to play with x

Thanks for your reply on this. This peson is alive and doing well but we don't really speak so it's not like I can't go up and ask him if he was trying to say something to me. ;) I do believe the ones who have passed on and we dream about them do for sure visit us but when a peson is alive I wasn't so sure.

Interesting for sure!


I would think it depends upon the circumstances of your relationship with this person and how you were interacting in the dream.

If it's someone you know but don't really speak to anymore for whatever reason, it could be indicating some unresolved issues that you need to work out.

If it's a person you don't know very well and don't speak because you don't really know them, then I suppose that could be a person you are visiting with on the astral plane or spiritual level.

Otherwise, it also could just be a person who was occupying your thoughts and it carried over into the dream.

I think you are really going to be the only person who can answer this for yourself. Dreams are tricky, I think. It depends on how you felt at the time and how much of an experience the dream was- if that makes sens.

For example, visitations from loved ones passed feel very different to me than prophetic dreams, which also feel very different to dreams where I'm just working things out. Some dreams are just for fun and those feel different from all the others- at least to me they do.

I can't recall actually having dreams on the astral plane, so I can't speak to that. But I've heard many say they have these types of dreams with others they know and have validated them with each other.

I have once had the same dream as a friend of mine, at least they sounded the same to us when we woke up and told each other about it- but I have no idea what that's called and as far as I know it never happened again.


As others have already said, there seem to be lots of reasons:

Someone who has died and is re-visiting you with a message or for reassurance.
Someone who you have unresolved business with which is playing on your subconscious.
Someone who represents an aspect, idea or concept which is strongly on your mind right now
Someone with lucid dreaming capabilities who is contacting you in your dreamscape.
Fears regarding this person's influence over you.

There are lots of possibilities.

Looking at the common symbols and metaphors in each dream will help you to unravel what the key issue is and so, from there, you can decide what you need to change or act upon.



Hi Goddessofthehunter,
Not to muddy the waters even further but here are a couple of other possibilities:
1. This person may have a message for you. (They might not even know they are the message carrier - it could be the universe is using this person to get your attention so you will get this message.)
2. This person could be a specific type of an energy vampire. Energy vampires are very real. They tap into the energy of others in a variety of ways. While some EVs do this intentionally and are usually not very nice people, others are totally unaware that they are feeding off of others. (It could be that a person has become an EV as an involuntary survival method that they managed to stumble on. I knew a woman who was in a very bad and abusive marriage and she started drawing energy from others to try to shield herself from her abusive husband. She didn't realize she was doing this until after she finally got out of that marriage.) So, it could be that this person is tapping into your energy and your subconscious is alerting you to this in your dreams. If you feel drained or uncomfortable after this person has been in your dreams, this could very well be the cause.


Thank you Disa and Milfoil for you thoughts and feelings on this matter. This has opened up my eyes to what are dreams are made up of. There seems to be so many combinations that mine could be made up of. I'm going to start keeping a journal to write down my dreams. Maybe I can do some more figuring on what's this person is trying to tell me.

Disa I think the astral plane idea you have might be what's going on between us. This kind of excites me in a way but would never really know unless I asked this person if they were feeling it too.

Hi Goddessofthehunter,
Not to muddy the waters even further but here are a couple of other possibilities:
1. This person may have a message for you. (They might not even know they are the message carrier - it could be the universe is using this person to get your attention so you will get this message.)
I've been dreaming about a certain person for many years now. I have a feeling that we have some kind of spiritual relationship going on as we don't really hang out in the physical world. We do know each other though and I can feel the strong energy exchanges when I see this person.

2. This person could be a specific type of an energy vampire. Energy vampires are very real. They tap into the energy of others in a variety of ways. While some EVs do this intentionally and are usually not very nice people, others are totally unaware that they are feeding off of others. (It could be that a person has become an EV as an involuntary survival method that they managed to stumble on. I knew a woman who was in a very bad and abusive marriage and she started drawing energy from others to try to shield herself from her abusive husband. She didn't realize she was doing this until after she finally got out of that marriage.) So, it could be that this person is tapping into your energy and your subconscious is alerting you to this in your dreams. If you feel drained or uncomfortable after this person has been in your dreams, this could very well be the cause.
I find this info quite interesting!!! How creepy and quite stalker like! ;(


what type of dreams?
how do you feel in these dreams?
always pleasant feelings?
if it's someone you don't know in your waking life,
they could be your spiritual guide or dream guide...
male or female?


what type of dreams?
how do you feel in these dreams?
always pleasant feelings?
if it's someone you don't know in your waking life,
they could be your spiritual guide or dream guide...
male or female?

They are definitely NOT nightmares and I definitely know this person, he is a male. I see him regularly but we don't speak with eachother. Sometimes the dreams are erotic and sometimes they are just of him passing through. It's like he's making himself present one way or another. One time in a dream he left me his wallet but took his personal contacts device with him. (Wouldn't mind me holding his money but not his women?) One time he was just shaving his face while looking at me in the mirror. I don't believe there was ever a message though, just someone taking up space in my dream! *There was a mutual attraction we once had awhile back but that's been over with. Is there really such thing as an intentional dream invader?

This really kind of makes me wonder if when we fall asleep, our spirits go onto other planes or dimensions to exist or just to spend some time with others who we are not able in the physical world. I wish I had the ablility to get creative in these dreams with this person! ;)


Is there really such thing as an intentional dream invader?

This really kind of makes me wonder if when we fall asleep, our spirits go onto other planes or dimensions to exist or just to spend some time with others who we are not able in the physical world. I wish I had the ablility to get creative in these dreams with this person! ;)

Intentional dream invaders? I would have to say yes. People who are learning to astral travel often do it in their dreams. I think if a person is into this kind of stuff then by all means they can do it with practice.

Which leads to what happens when we fall asleep. I really feel that what you have said is or can be true. I have tried to consciously travel in my dreams, and some have said they saw me there, though I don't have any memory of it.

I have also been seen standing in a persons room when they woke up in the middle of the night when I was not consciously trying to do this, but this person is always on my mind and I do worry about her. She called the next morning to make sure I was alive because she "coulda swore she saw my ghost" standing in her room. Her words to me were, "What were you doing standing over me in my bed last night?" I had no idea I was there. I don't remember being there? She had moved 45 minutes away and since then we haven't seen each other as much as we would like to.