Walking through time and space


Its funny, I was going to mention that even the ugly things, the horrible experiences can be miracles in their own way. We have been conditioned to see only nice things as miracles or good things as amazing. Yet it is possible to look back and see the difficult times for their true worth and find the positive.

When I think about it, almost every dreadful experience in my life has had a positive outcome because I can see it that way, I can see how it changed me and forced me to do or see things differently.

I'm not saying that I am brave enough to welcome trouble when he comes calling but I can, at least, deal with the problem at the time with less trepidation and be more aware rather than walking with the blinkers on.


Oh yes, I meant to say, since that dream of time/space stuff. I've found myself looking at and experiencing all things very slightly differently.

Its such a subtle change of aspect that I would hardly notice it had I not made note of the dream. For example, I walked past a tree earler and understood (thats the wrong word for it but I can't find an appropriate one) the nature of the entity that is that particular tree. Same with everything from a brick to a cloud.


arrgh..I am getting so behind...lol

celticnoodle said:
the one trip that I recall the classroom vividly was not like this. I was in a classroom, that was quite large, and the walls were all like glass windows that looked out onto the hallways and such outside this classroom. inside the classroom there were a lot of bookshelves that were loaded with books. the desks that I and the other 'students' were sitting at were in a semi circle, and there was a long table in front of us, where our 'teacher' was.

hello celtic, what an interesting dream! the classroom I go to is also a semicrcle, like a horseshoe, you know similar to a college room...I have seen the glass walls before, together with the silver ones...

she was sort of sitting/leaning on the table, and not actually sitting down. She was a blonde haired lady with a big hairdo--sort of like the beehive do. :laugh:

ha ha! I guess in spirit you can have any look you want :D

... I remember her telling us how to speak with people and remain very patient with them, blah, blah, blah. then she said something else to us, and to that I had a question. I recall raising my hand up, and asking my question, which apparently was a very good one--*whew* - as she responded to it as such, and I also recall everyone being very much involved in all that she was teaching us--really concentrating.

I recall the same feeling and realizing that my understanding was expanded, I was a LOT brighter :laugh: and I recall the kindness and patience of the "teacher".....

The people in the classroom were just ordinary looking people--

yes, same here...from all walks of life and all races....

and I know this classroom was on a level that had many other levels below it, as it was sort of like in the mall, when you are on the upper level and can almost see the level below you. There were many other rooms on our level, and I recall watching a gentleman walking past our classroom and down the hall. It was so vivid, and 'alive'.

that sounds amazing ....and vivid and alive is so true when it comes to these type of "dreams"...

I do recall once my guide was taking me there-and he was a slender man, dressed all in white, and had long brown wavy hair, with a full beard and mustache as well. I recall climbing the stairs and I remember thinking, "sheesh-all these stairs--I'm going to be tired by the time we get to the top! I don't think I can do it! (I have very bad knees, and climbing is not the easiest for me)--and he turned and extended his hand to me, to help me. then I don't recall anymore with that one. Though, many times I do recall climbing these stairs with him---and often, he'd extend his hand to help me. This guide is also the one that told me that when the time came for me to remember all I learned, I would. He is so radiant and kind and patient with me. I see him often, and call him "Joe".

sounds like a guide :) you just know it by how patient they are with us...the "climbing" of stairs has happened often to me too, and I wonder if it is a symbol for going up levels in consciousness, like entering different dimensions or state of mind/spirit...going to other levels of energy...one time I had a dream about climbing this very difficult mountain, all rocky and an "angel" appeared to help me...she gave me two tubes of light, one orange one magenta, and after I grabbed those it was all easier...

I don't know exactly yet what path I am to take. I have wondered if I should pursue going to college and taking reiki classes, but I don't believe this is really my true path. I have to wait to see what they finally tell me. As far as the reiki stuff goes, I'm very interested in it, but I have very weak arms and legs, and I am unsure that I could handle actually becoming a reiki master as a result. like you though, I am going to wait and see what they say to me, and then, I will trust that information and go with it. :)

celtic, there are so many paths we all can take...Reiki is not the only one and you can do energy healing just using your thought and directing that energy with intention...when we pray we are sending energy...you can do reiki sitting you know? you can just lower the table to a comfortable level....with reiki gentle touch is what is required, you don't need strong hands or legs...
you CAN do reiki, go for it...

thank you for sharing your classroom story!


Milfoil said:
Oh yes, I meant to say, since that dream of time/space stuff. I've found myself looking at and experiencing all things very slightly differently.

Its such a subtle change of aspect that I would hardly notice it had I not made note of the dream. For example, I walked past a tree earler and understood (thats the wrong word for it but I can't find an appropriate one) the nature of the entity that is that particular tree. Same with everything from a brick to a cloud.

can you write more about it Millie?
How did you experience the tree? and the rest?

memries...I loved what you wrote about Mary :)
yes, that was quite a lesson for a teenager....shut my mouth off and had me thinking ....

My hand is getting better...I so want to be able to type more but it starts burning when I use it too much...BUT I will be reading and paying attention, this is a wonderful thread, I look forward to coming here and reading the posts...



Milfoil your Time/Space dream was very profound. It might take you a long time to know it.


magenta said:
celtic, there are so many paths we all can take...Reiki is not the only one and you can do energy healing just using your thought and directing that energy with intention...when we pray we are sending energy...you can do reiki sitting you know? you can just lower the table to a comfortable level....with reiki gentle touch is what is required, you don't need strong hands or legs...
you CAN do reiki, go for it...

thank you for sharing your classroom story!
oh! I guess this indicates how little I really know of reiki. however, I should have realized this, as my friend in VT is a reiki master, and come to think of it, i've never seen her place her hands directly on a person. she has performed reiki for me, and others that I know and some I've taken to her. I recall one time, when I had rushed her to the hospital because she was having a heart attack, (long story), and they put us in a room in the ER, and the poor man next to her was moaning and groaning, and she got up and walked over to him, asked permission to do a 'laying on of hands', to which he agreed, and she did so. he stopped moaning and groaning at least--but I had forgotten that reiki doesn't necessarily mean actually touching people.

maybe I should consider taking the classes then. I'm BIG into praying. In a sense, it's how my psychic stuff started off, as I would always pray for the dead & dying and would add "please let me know if my prayers have helped" and then all of a sudden began having all these spirits appear to me, thanking me! and more coming to me asking me for prayers. :laugh:

anyway, thank you for your last post--it's pushing me more into the direction of taking the classes.


magenta said:
can you write more about it Millie?
How did you experience the tree? and the rest?

Sorry I haven't replied for so long. Thing is, I really don't know how to discribe it.

Best way I can put it is that instead of seeing the tree as just another tree, an object or thing which I see every day, it suddenly seemed unique, alive, a presence, a consciousness which I had never noticed before. This isn't like when you consciously decide to reach out to a tree, sit against it, feel it, be one with it - all that stuff. It was the other way around, it (and all others since) are individuals.

That really doesn't say what I felt but its as near as I can come to it.