Where do you read tarot cards?


Unless you use a waterproof deck, of course, in which case the question is moot.

Yes, the Thunder Bay Marseilles and the recent edition Sheridan-Douglas Tarot both lend themselves to floating a spread on top of your bubblebath ....


Desk, floor and bed - the best places. I've read on the sofa too (family had no table in the guest room).


I read anywhere and everywhere :).

Ususally I'm in the living room, just laying the cards out on my lap or on the carpet . . . or, if I need more peace and quiet, I go into my tarot room and use the table in there.


Yes, the Thunder Bay Marseilles and the recent edition Sheridan-Douglas Tarot both lend themselves to floating a spread on top of your bubblebath ....

They do? :bugeyed:


They're both laminated with (different) completely waterproof laminate. I think they should float. I haven't tried it. I loathe baths, anyway, and it's pretty hard to lay out cards on the surface of a shower. :)


I do quite a lot of things in bed. I love laying down. I think so much better when I do. So usually, I read on my bed. If not, there's the floor (where I can also lay down).


Sometimes I read at my desk, but I also have a wooden tray that I use a lot because I can take it to any room I want. For big spreads I need to use my kitchen table. Between the cat and my wonky hip, I can't read on the floor anymore.


I usually just read at my desk/working table, i dont have an alter or anything,, just work with what i have :))


Usually on my bed. my spread over one of my pillows and I read. :)
but for others, anywhere where there is a clear, dry, surface for me to lay my cards on without flying off.