Your 3 favorites spreads


I recently did a three-card spread for a friend who had been feeling run down for awhile, and I called it the 'Body-Mind-Spirit' spread... each card highlighting what was blocking energy in each area; and it did give her some useful insights.

I like the mini-Celtic Cross, too (somewhere I saw this spread in a book called the Core of the Cross?) it's only the first 6 cards, with the 6th being the 'Overall Outcome'.


PS- oops! just realised I was meant to post three favourites... my third would be the Horseshoe spread.


as a newbie ,I prefer simple sread:

yes/no spread

3 cards reading: Past-present-future
and me-relationship-other person

le fey

I only use longer/more complicated spreads on special days and the Celtic Cross is only very rarely one of those - actually, I haven't used it for years except at the request of someone else.

For daily/regular use, my all-purpose favorites tend to be:

1) the 1-card draw
2) 3-card draw: Situation-Challenge-Recommended Response
3) 4-card spread: What you have / What you want / What you need / What you get.

All of these have the advantage of easily being applied to numerous situations.


1) 3 card spread
2) a general spread designed by me (7cards)
3) a relationship spread designed by me (9 cards)



******* 7*****

General Spread

1:present situation
2:what do u want
5:near future
6:long term future



I think I posted this spread somewhere else but only one person replied. Could you tell me what u think about these spreads I just posted?? Any suggestions?

Relationship Spread


1. past
3.obstacles she may bring to the relationship
4-obstacles he may bring to the relationship
5. what she has to do to make things work
6. What he has to do to make things work
7.near future
8.long term future


My staple spreads are:

1. Timing Spread (self-designed)
2. Significant Other Spread (designed by a friend)
3. Bridge Spread (designed by the same friend)

GA :)