The Mona Lisa Tarot


By the way,

the book is delayed until further notice.
With the coming out of the Tarot Encyclopedia in Italy, we don't have any time resources to complete it. So it was rescheduled to ???? :(



Never mind - the cards are great ! :D

Little Hare

I've just seen the scans of this deck and i'm blown away. They look amazing! Bravo to LS for having such an amazing and talented artist working with them



peace_pixie said:
I've just seen the scans of this deck and i'm blown away. They look amazing! Bravo to LS for having such an amazing and talented artist working with them




Er thank, you, sort of... LOL
Thanks for posting the scans Aulruna -- yes it does look very much like the UF, but much much nicer. I WANT IT.



Alida is very nice :D


I cannot justify the expense, not now. Sigh. Not unless I can find the courage to charge for readings. (not likely!).

6 Haunted Days

Well shoot, I was very looking forward to the set, maybe since it's now delayed 'til who knows when I'll go ahead and order the deck from Ailda.


Order it, 6 - it really is rather lovely. :thumbsup:

(Now I suppose you'll get it and hate it... :|) But it may now be on bookdepository, which is free postage.... You can usually get the LS books alone later - I am going to buy the Elves book as soon as it gets to (- see above etc....) I'm getting a Medieval Scapini SET for less than I paid for the deck probably, and then I can always sell the deck but - but I am told the book is so good.... It didn't exist when I bought mine !

Sorry - OT- but the principle holds ! And they COULD always change their mind about the book and then you will have waited for nothing !