Any One want to Help me with Auras ?


Again a new one for me.
I'm curious what you mean as you have said many times in this reading that is "new one" for you, and later "hard and confusing". I would like to know more. What is it "normally" like for you?
Well I guess I should get away from any Idea of "normal" or "structured" lol I like the free flow of auras. I just meant that they are new ways of seeing these images then I am used to. Such as just plants (foundations) or houses (emotions), just a measure of my growth I guess :). Thats all... none of this is "Normal" lol its amazing every time :) ~!

Overall, this reading makes LOTS of sense. If you, or anyone reading this, can enlighten me on how to have the Devil help me here? I'm interested in getting unstuck!

What you say about wanting to "connect" makes sense, with your mirror being behind you and the doorway to your "Sunny Side". But the "Dark Forrest" stand in your way. The Devil to me talks about addictions, and aspects of or nature that bind us and chain us and hold us back or hold us down. These are aspects of our nature that WE create by indulging them though, not ones that are being imposed on us (or if they are, we still make that "choice). I can't image how it must be to ALWAYS have a headache, sorry :l. The Devil may be saying though that you need to embrace him and face him full on, He is also about illusions and delusions. Maybe by facing him/ your fears/ your pain, you may be able to dispel some of those illusions/delusions. If this "Headache" is now part of your every day, then it is a handy cap yes, but so is being with out a leg or def or blind. Admittedly your's sound a LOT more challenging then these. but by no means insurmountable. Learn to tune it out, just like you do any noise or just might take you a "little" longer then normal to get the "knack". I think the Devil comes up just to remind you that this blockage is, at "Root Cause", a self illusion/delusion, created blockage. Both of which can be dispelled.

You are SO AWESOME for spending time on this and taking the time to type it all out. I appreciate it IMMENSELY!!! :D

No problem ! I loved the oportunity, your images were Very Clear :). I am touched that you actually use them as meditations :). and THANK YOU for SUCH DETAILED feedback !~ :). . . I hope every thing starts looking up for you in the health and meditative areas :l. It was a real pleasure :).


Pam O said:
FYI: I will share the question publicly that you PMed me a few days ago. You said you were having difficulty seeing someone else's aura and you asked if I "invited" you in? YES, I invited you to "LOOK" and "SEE" from OUTSIDE my aura. Since I consciously invited you to "see", I'm guessing that is why you said you got so much information and so many pictures that were so vivid and intense.

ALSO, this shows that we can personally choose to protect ourselves from letting others see, or protect our space from others getting into our aura. I have a friend I fondly call "Psychic Bob" that I get aura readings and energy balancing from on a regular basis. It really helps when I'm stressed out to calm me down when he tells me what he "sees" in my energy space, and his readings help me balance things that are out of whack. Often, when "Psychic Bob" is telling me things he sees, I see HIS aura. Usually, as soon as I tell him, I cannot see his aura anymore, because he shuts me out from being able to "see". This to me is fascinating, and also shows how powerful our intention is. If his intention is to let me see, or if he lets his guard down, I can see. When he consciously protects his aura, I can NOT see his aura. We all have the choice, so we can CHOOSE to protect our auras from others who may not have the best intentions. As a result of learning this, my intention is for me, and ONLY me, is allowed in my personal space. I am constantly focused on beefing up the edge of my aura, and being conscious of who can see, and who is NOT allowed to see my space.
:) Thank you for posting that lol. And I agree, I'm glad you've had encounters similar. It really helps when people take a moment to "invite me it".....people tend to forget how much they shield either consciously or subconsciously. :). .People that are shielded come across as "shades" the images come through and fades quickly, its hard to really explore the image while trying to "hold on to it" at the same time...(still not good at that ...and I don't WANT to be good at forcing my way through). People that are more open, the images stay and become clearer like a developing picture. The colors get richer and I have more time to explore the scenery :). . .


celticnoodle said:
Fenestra, If you are still willing to take more requests, I'd love one, please!
Like lunalyn, i thought a person had to be present in person for an aura reading. but, i really do not know much about auras--and trying to learn! so it will be great to see how this works for us--if you agree to read mine too!
Sorry this took so LONG. but life was being unbalanced and made reading heard. I have to say.... it take more to read this way then it does to read Runes or Tarot.


At first I thought I was on concrete it was flat and barren. Then I noticed it was Ice, Thick Ice. I noticed a large tree stump one the edge of the ice and as I moved to look at the stump the ice melted and became a pond and the roots of the tree were half in the pond and half out. Out of the center of the tree was another Younger Tree growing a few feet, 3 or so, Tall. I'm not sure if this was because I was looking too long.. .but maybe I saw a snake move around in the bank of the pond.

I would say that you have recently had a thawing in some major blockages in your life. Your foundations were blocked or frozen for a period of time. No growth No development and being "Blocked" from growing or developing. This may have been a dark or painful part of your life. The Large tree trunk being "Cut" says that you have also changed or lost a major foundational structure of your "Self" in your life. it was Removed, I may say that you removed it because it was a choice that was made to cut it away not an act of nature or accident. And Ideology/belief/way of living that has been with you or that you believed in or practiced since very young in your life... (this was a large trunk)... The tree growing out of the center tells me that you are regrowing this way of thinking this "Concept" what ever it is. The tree sapling is a "new" way of doing an "old" concept. growing out of its old foundation as a new life from. This is something that may be a few years old and some how the thawing of your personal growth is connected. I feel that what every was blocking you or stopping you is now helping in some way nurture the growth of this tree. this aspect of you is also being nurtured by others, you have an aspect of your "Self" rooted in others or an outside "force". Whatever has Thawed or melted is also something you don't fully understand or trust or embrace with "blind" trust. . . the pond seemed to have a "dark" bank...I felt unease and distrust in the shadows. There are still aspects of the "Self" that you need to explore and make "Known" to you before you are completely "stable" in your "Self". I just get the feeling that you are taking a breather like this process has bee trying for you and you need to regain your energy before you do more. . .


I got a few different images.
You were sitting in the living room and staring out the window kinda dazed out and day dreaming about something and there were people in the house and there was some one else that was giving out refreshments and they kinda nudged you as to say "Come back to reality and pay attention to your guests, don't be rude" and you kinda just came back to reality.

I don't know that this was your house that I was in either. If it was I feel like this other person was just as much in control or more then you. I think you find your self in the presence of groups of people that you may not feel very "connected" with but you are put into these situations by others, you play along or go along with this for whatever reason, you feel obligated maybe ? but your mind is else where.

I get the feeling of being stage or in a theater but NOT wanting to be there or not wanting to experience the process of what the "Stage" entails, being seen, and being judged. I get this feeling of " I don't want people to watch me or to get in front others because then they will judge me" I do feel like you would like/or do to express your self though. that you would LIke/or do like to get on stage as long you could do it with out all the negative aspects that might/do come with that.

I saw you clinging to a porch banister, not wanting to go inside your house. I have a feeling that emotionally there are aspects of your "Self" that you have not confronted. things that you fear. I got the feeling that you were "Dazed" out in some one else house and you have the "fear of being judged" and I think that maybe you have dreams and hopes but you know there are aspect of your "Self" that you have not come to terms with that are keeping you from being able to embrace those dreams and hopes. You allow your self to be distracted by others and you don't like the criticism of people that don't understand you or "get" you, because you feel like they are just making judgements off what they "See" and that angers you to some extent. . . but I feel that you are not completely being comfortable being in your own "house".

The mind...

On the right side I saw a red swatch of paint, that had oranges and yellow that bled from it.
I would say creatively you like to express your self with bold strong colors. do you like to paint? I see you are passionate about your creativity and is also a medium that use to interact with others and you use your creative side or art as a way to help understand other or your self. there is an aspect of yellow to your creative side that says you put a lot of thought into what others may see as random or chaotic.

On the left side I see this green vine that is growing in a str8 line. I think logically you are trying to stick to the basics. Close to the earth. your thinking seems "safe"....your thinking is productive and focused on a progressive train. You have yet to blossom or have the breakthroughs that this thought process will bring, but you are closer. aslo you accept the thoughts of others or value the opinions (of those you trust and talk to) of others and have a need to be respected (your thoughts) by those close to you. But you try to stay to the "trusted" path, what works for you works for you and you stick with it.


I got this dark place I was standing on a concrete foundation of a broken down building. I got this sense of looking around for some thing... Then I saw you bend down and sweep away rubble with your hand to pick up this card that had a picture on focused on this picture and it expanded to take up the whole scenery. The vision stopped in the expanding process.

I think spiritually you are also undergoing some development. I don't know if you have found this card yet or if you are still looking. If you are looking, I would advise you to look in the rubble of your spiritual foundations. Look towards the core of this "Mess" upturn every stone to find this answer or guidance. You have found or are looking for a way out of this spiritual "Darkness" you feel like or felt like you were lost in this place of destruction. This feeling of being "alone" came over me while I watching you look around at what was destroyed or broken. This is a personal journey I see YOU finding the card/gateway not being shown or guided.

I am not saying that this was dramatically destructive but when I learn new things about what I believe my foundations have to reformat and I have to reevaluate how I feel about things before I have that inner core "Stability" again. This may be just one of those times for you too. .

That is what I got.


Hi there. If you're still adding, this sounds fun. I have never had such a reading and would be mighty interested :D


Beautiful readings fenestrathought, it's interesting how varied the images are that you get for each person, very unique style of reading, it's amazing how much you can see in a person. Excited for my reading and what you see :).


wow, Fenestra! you did capture a lot of me in that reading. I'm bushed right now though--about to head off to bed. It was circle night, and so I didn't see this till now. I'll try to respond tomorrow or Wed. thank you so much for this reading. very good one! :thumbsup: no worries on the wait--I fully understand and just grateful for your reading me. :)


FenestraThought said:
Sorry this took so LONG. but life was being unbalanced and made reading heard. I have to say.... it take more to read this way then it does to read Runes or Tarot.

I imagine this is very time consuming and energy consuming too! No problem on the wait, thank you for this reading.


At first I thought I was on concrete it was flat and barren. Then I noticed it was Ice, Thick Ice. I noticed a large tree stump one the edge of the ice and as I moved to look at the stump the ice melted and became a pond and the roots of the tree were half in the pond and half out. Out of the center of the tree was another Younger Tree growing a few feet, 3 or so, Tall. I'm not sure if this was because I was looking too long.. .but maybe I saw a snake move around in the bank of the pond.

well. thick ice. I do live in Vermont now, I wonder any correlation? :p no, I believe what this is talking about is better described in fb in the portion below-

I would say that you have recently had a thawing in some major blockages in your life. Your foundations were blocked or frozen for a period of time. No growth No development and being "Blocked" from growing or developing. This may have been a dark or painful part of your life.
this is so. I had just begun to take off again, though slowly so.

The Large tree trunk being "Cut" says that you have also changed or lost a major foundational structure of your "Self" in your life. it was Removed, I may say that you removed it because it was a choice that was made to cut it away not an act of nature or accident.
well, sort of yes. I had no choice but to remove it. I went through a terrible time almost a year ago and was shocked at the harshness. In order to protect myself and move on, I had no other option, really.

And Ideology/belief/way of living that has been with you or that you believed in or practiced since very young in your life... (this was a large trunk)... The tree growing out of the center tells me that you are regrowing this way of thinking this "Concept" what ever it is. The tree sapling is a "new" way of doing an "old" concept. growing out of its old foundation as a new life from. This is something that may be a few years old and some how the thawing of your personal growth is connected.

It is actually less then a year old to be honest, if how I am connecting this to my life is correct, and I think it is. I have found a way to still hold onto the 'old way' but also to protect myself in the process and allow myself to grow more. In a sense, the new sapling you see is how I see myself too--I had to start over - and I am doing so now.

I feel that what every was blocking you or stopping you is now helping in some way nurture the growth of this tree.
only because it is in a sense all I have left of the 'me', I guess. I am more determined then ever to nurture this growth as it is a huge part of who I am and I will not lose this--or at least I do not want to lose this.

this aspect of you is also being nurtured by others, you have an aspect of your "Self" rooted in others or an outside "force".
new others. people are coming into my life now that are great teachers for me. Remember that saying, "when the student is ready the teacher will appear". They are appearing for me and I'm already reaping the rewards of this. It has been very good for me. :)

Whatever has Thawed or melted is also something you don't fully understand or trust or embrace with "blind" trust. . . the pond seemed to have a "dark" bank...I felt unease and distrust in the shadows. There are still aspects of the "Self" that you need to explore and make "Known" to you before you are completely "stable" in your "Self". I just get the feeling that you are taking a breather like this process has bee trying for you and you need to regain your energy before you do more. . .

very correct. I do not understand this. I trusted this before and had the rug pulled out from under me. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. So, I'm not as trusting there and I don't think I ever will be again. The pond does have a dark bank, and there is unease and distrust in the shadows. very interesting way to see this, but makes total sense to me.

I am still exploring myself, yes, and I'm not 100% stable yet--but getting there again, finally. It has been a terribly trying process for me, and left me quite ill and weak. But my strength is returning and I am beginning again to get on my way and I know I will make it.


I got a few different images.
You were sitting in the living room and staring out the window kinda dazed out and day dreaming about something and there were people in the house and there was some one else that was giving out refreshments and they kinda nudged you as to say "Come back to reality and pay attention to your guests, don't be rude" and you kinda just came back to reality.

I don't know that this was your house that I was in either. If it was I feel like this other person was just as much in control or more then you. I think you find your self in the presence of groups of people that you may not feel very "connected" with but you are put into these situations by others, you play along or go along with this for whatever reason, you feel obligated maybe ? but your mind is else where.
I know what this is referring too, and it was not my house--you are correct there. I know also the person to whom you are referring. this other person is the one who controls/controlled the reins. I thought I was connected strongly to these people, but recently see it was all a game at my expense. I felt obligated--in a sense still do, but in a different way. I no longer go out of my way to be with them. I do just the necessities - really I guess to keep up appearances, but I realize now that I have to follow my own path and that I also have to take care of me first and foremost. I AM IMPORTANT.

I get the feeling of being stage or in a theater but NOT wanting to be there or not wanting to experience the process of what the "Stage" entails, being seen, and being judged. I get this feeling of " I don't want people to watch me or to get in front others because then they will judge me" I do feel like you would like/or do to express your self though. that you would LIke/or do like to get on stage as long you could do it with out all the negative aspects that might/do come with that.

yes, I had to play the game and 'pretend'. Now I am not pretending anymore. I was judged. harshly too. I continued to express myself and payed a high price for it, but this turned out to be a good thing for me too. Out of every dark cloud comes a silver lining. As a result I am progressing. Slowly--but this is good too. I have pretty much cut out most of the negatives now, and, I realize that even tho there are always going to be some negativity, there are also a lot of positive things here and I can hang onto those!

I saw you clinging to a porch banister, not wanting to go inside your house. I have a feeling that emotionally there are aspects of your "Self" that you have not confronted. things that you fear. I got the feeling that you were "Dazed" out in some one else house and you have the "fear of being judged" and I think that maybe you have dreams and hopes but you know there are aspect of your "Self" that you have not come to terms with that are keeping you from being able to embrace those dreams and hopes.

wow! this is so accurate! amazing how well you capture this. Yes, I didn't want to go back inside that house--which was a huge part of my life and I am still dealing with all this. I think I am over it and then it comes up again for me and I have to re-battle through it all again. But each time I come out a bit stronger then before, and a bit more determined then before too. I know I'm not quite 'there' yet, but I am very close. I do have dreams and hopes---some that will not come true and some that are coming true. Those that are not, are in a sense not to be, and I have a hard time wiht that so obviously have not fully come to terms w/it. But I am getting there.

You allow your self to be distracted by others and you don't like the criticism of people that don't understand you or "get" you, because you feel like they are just making judgements off what they "See" and that angers you to some extent. . . but I feel that you are not completely being comfortable being in your own "house".
so true! so true.

The mind...

On the right side I saw a red swatch of paint, that had oranges and yellow that bled from it.
I would say creatively you like to express your self with bold strong colors. do you like to paint? I see you are passionate about your creativity and is also a medium that use to interact with others and you use your creative side or art as a way to help understand other or your self. there is an aspect of yellow to your creative side that says you put a lot of thought into what others may see as random or chaotic.

I use to paint. I use to draw and use all sorts of artistic mediums but stopped many years ago. I have other interests now that I pursue really. While I do like the colors you mentioned, I am more of an earthy color girl. I wear a lot of earthy colors and my home is decorated the same way. But every now and again the wild side of me comes out and I will find something bold to wear. :D

As I mentioned, I rarely draw and paint anymore--in fact have not in years. My passion now is divining. I am using it to interact w/others and this is who I am. But, maybe I need another outlet too. I guess it is kind of sad to think that I only have this for a passion. :laugh:

On the left side I see this green vine that is growing in a str8 line. I think logically you are trying to stick to the basics. Close to the earth. your thinking seems "safe"....your thinking is productive and focused on a progressive train. You have yet to blossom or have the breakthroughs that this thought process will bring, but you are closer. aslo you accept the thoughts of others or value the opinions (of those you trust and talk to) of others and have a need to be respected (your thoughts) by those close to you. But you try to stay to the "trusted" path, what works for you works for you and you stick with it.
yes, I am sticking to the basics now more so then ever before. I have not yet blossomed, I know this. but, I'm on my way to that and it will happen. I know it.


I got this dark place I was standing on a concrete foundation of a broken down building. I got this sense of looking around for some thing... Then I saw you bend down and sweep away rubble with your hand to pick up this card that had a picture on focused on this picture and it expanded to take up the whole scenery. The vision stopped in the expanding process.

I think spiritually you are also undergoing some development.
yes, most definitely so!

I don't know if you have found this card yet or if you are still looking. If you are looking, I would advise you to look in the rubble of your spiritual foundations. Look towards the core of this "Mess" upturn every stone to find this answer or guidance. You have found or are looking for a way out of this spiritual "Darkness" you feel like or felt like you were lost in this place of destruction. This feeling of being "alone" came over me while I watching you look around at what was destroyed or broken. This is a personal journey I see YOU finding the card/gateway not being shown or guided.
this is amazing to me again! how well you captured this. Yes, my life in a sense crumbled around me nearly a year ago, like a building that was bombed and I was left alone. It was heart breaking and difficult and tremendously sad. left me broken. But I survived and I am trying to pick up the pieces and carry on. I know 'the answer' is somehow in this mess as you mentioned. I have not yet found the answer and wasn't sure I ever would--but I will continue to search for it. I have to. I do feel very much alone where this is all concerned--so I know I won't be shown it or even guided by another. It is something I have to do on my own.

I am not saying that this was dramatically destructive but when I learn new things about what I believe my foundations have to reformat and I have to reevaluate how I feel about things before I have that inner core "Stability" again. This may be just one of those times for you too. .

That is what I got.
Well, I think you described it very accurately. I had an extremely terribly destructive event occur to me 11 mos. ago. It rocked me - like a terrible earthquake. It nearly brought me down completely, but I survived it and I'm still re-building myself so to speak. the way you described this through out the reading is very apt. It amazes me how well you could capture this.

While it nearly did cripple me - this experience last year, it also in a sense made me stronger and is helping me spiritually. I am beginning to find that spiritual path again and I know it will be well worth all this destruction when I do find that card. Thank you again, for this reading. As harsh as it all sounds, (and was), there is also a silver lining to it and I'm on my way to achieving that now, through the help of some wonderful and beautiful people who have appeared in my life. I will make it.


Up Date:

I would like to thank EVERY ONE for being so open with your FB it is an honor that you allow us into your lives the way you do. These readings tend to get VERY personal.

bright_star is next on the list (see page 1) and I will pick this thread back up as soon as I am done with the Last Rune Reading on my other Thread I wasn't expecting this list to grow quite so Fast or so Long (not that I'm unhappy about that :D ).

Thank you again for making this such an enlightening experience. I like being able to read people here on AT because mosyt ALL of the people here have some awareness of their "Spiritual" "Self"... This was an aspect of the Aura that I didn't get the read to much before. :)


Are you still taking people, Fenestra? You do some lovely work here - I myself am trying to hone my abilities, and hopefully reach your level of detail one day!

Bright Blessings,


bright_star's Reading

bright_star said:
I'd love one too if you don't have too many people already! :) Interested to see how you can read an aura without the person being physically there.
First off, let me say that I am Very sorry that this took so long. But I didn't want to "wing" a reading.

Foundations: Here I saw orange and yellow and the colors settled down into sticks that turned more into planks of wood that you were laying down in a bridge/walkway kind of fashion. The walk way wasn't over a bridge but over freshly tilled earth, and I looked closer at this and there were little green shoots coming out of the ground. you were moving backwards as you laid the planks and I had a feeling like this walkway was for some future purpose as well.

I would say that you are in the early stages of a new aspect of your life. you have tilled the soil and planted the seeds and the first aspects of new life are starting to show: You've gone to the drawing board so-to-speak and addressed the "Self", new ideas starting to take shape into concepts, beliefs that are becoming inspiring, perspectives that are coming into focus (these are just examples of foundation ideas and what I am talking about) But more then that I see that you are protecting these new concepts. Its like you still need to be able to get about your every day life and focus on issues that already exist, travel in the world that you live it, but you don't want to walk on or destroy these concepts. Maybe you are hiding them? not in an ashamed kind of way, just in a way to better protect them. You are Still focused on the building a foundation for your future. You are committed to the idea of being productive and practical for whatever life will bring you even if you don't necessarily see it. But you don't want to loose what you are starting so you want to mesh the two, building them over each other so you can have both. Some times we need to do things that we know are practical and necessary, like keep jobs, or go to school, or exorcise, or maintain family ties but we also want to express our selves and explore new ideas and some times people choose or sacrifice one over the other....You seem to have figured out how to try to have both. You just don't want every one to know about it lol ?

Emotions: I found my self on a very nice Victorian rap around porch. And you were on the porch waiting for me? maybe watching people ? for what ever reason you were there already and waved me over and offered me some lemonade and you wanted me to sit down and chat. This was ok, but I kind reminded you I was here to come inside and you are like "Ok, but lets play this game of checkers? first ?" So I kinda looked in your front window to look inside and I saw this shadow figure with a white glow around them wave at me? [do you have ghosts in your house ? or a spirit that you are aware of that stays there? (or around you that follows you, some one you know that is of the "spirit guide" a nature that once was a relative or was ancestral)this did not come off as a living person an it felt like a male?] So I said I would really like to come inside and I reached down and you didn't have a door "Knob" but one of those straight handles that you push down to open? don't know why this matters but I happened to look down and notice that. Well I couldn't really see into your living room and honestly it was set up so there was a hall way straight through the house and the back yard was sunny and bright and the back door was open, I felt compelled to just walk down the hallway and there was a kitchen at the end of hallway on the right. It was a nice kitchen simple red tile brick. Not really fancy for entertaining, but very "period". meant for its purpose and not really "high end guest" showy, more like servants quarters kind of?

You seem like a nice of enough person. You seemed friendly and open to me when I came by. But I do get the feeling like you have something to hide? You have a way about you of being nice and accommodation and inviting but with out letting people get to know "all of you" ? I got the feeling as I was walking down the hallway that you are from a very traditional family? or an "Old" family ? You have no problem entertaining people, but you don't like them "in your house" And If people insist, then you usher them through and only let them access a very small portion of you? ugh, this is hard to explain. The metaphor is hard to translate to actual emotions. There is a large part of "who you are" that people in your every day life don't get to see or know about? If they do want to know about you then you kinda move them through quickly and towards your other friends or "adopted family", people that you find comfort with outside your home". You would rather not deal with your emotions?.... but you don't come off as depressed, your front porch is bright and you are wearing white the house is white and the back yard seems sunny and inviting. Seems like you have nice friends and you seem like a giving person, either in public or with your friends. ugh... just try to keep people distracted from getting to know you too intimately and when ever it is brought up you change the subject, very artfully I would add. . . something about you or your family that you are hiding or don't want every one to know about. ? I didn't pry, that would be rude. But I did get the feeling I was being "Handed" but just in a very nice kind of way. I would like to add that the "white" was a very "washed out" kind White. LIke what the sun does to color, it bleaches it over time. It seems like emotionally you are not unhappy but not overly happy. You're very nice and cheery with me and others in public but left alone you are .... I don't know. but I will say you like to "do" for others you're the kinda friend that would make some one soup or tea or help cook because you enjoy being able to "do" that for them.

Your Mind:
Right Brain. There was a paint brush that was standing on its tip suspended in mid air. seemed like the scene was dark, like a room with the light turned off
Left Brain: There was a lot of white paper and square stones or sketches that seemed to go off into the future/idea realm.

I would say that you have not had a lot of time for you creative self lately. Seems like you may have some unfinished projects in whatever field your creative outlet is in. and Things were put down or stopped. Maybe you got to busy with other things that needed your attention or energy? Not that you weren't creative, or that you can't pick it up again because it has been discarded. No, actually everything was left "as-it", but left unattended.

Logically. The thinking aspect of the mind seems to be getting a lot more attention. I think you have been working towards your future. either dreaming about it and writing it down like a journal or something or you have been writing out, planning your future. or just doing something that deals with writing or working on the tentative building blocks of your future. seems like you have been thinking of different ideas and nothing is "set-in-stone" as all these building blocks are on crumpled paper as if to say you have been thinking up ideas and discarding them and thinking up more, but all in "progress" train. . like each one gets you that much closer

Spiritual Self:

Not sure if I trust these images but they popped up so I'll include them. I saw a butterfly and an owl that turned its head towards me.

Then I saw a hand print in mud. and there was a garden around you, plants and such. a nice calm zone. But its like this calm zone was an island of sunshine in a very chaotic world. I saw you on a rocky beach high on a hill (like the tall drop off cliffs next to the sea in Ireland) with thunder and lightning and heavy rain all around. You kinda had your hand on the ground and your head your bowed in a meditative way . . .

I think you are "holding your own" in a sense spiritually. There seems to be a lot of chaos around you and the elements seem to be testing you. YOu have been getting in touch with the "Divine" in the "grounding" kind of way. Reaching down and getting in touch with your "foundation". I don't know if you are JUST focused on keeping peace around you and maintaining your island or if it is a product of circumstances. Either you are not looking your "sight" is being blocked by the storms around you. I would say "Fate" wise you are in that "Chaos of change" so the horizon is not clear right now, you don't know what you will find then the storm is over, so for now you are keeping your own peace.

Your surroundings. Well this seems to all go with what I was seeing in other areas. You have a lot of deep dark colors around you. people, structures, family, ideologies and such that are keeping you "hemmed in" bound. I get the feeling of very stubborn people in your life, keeping you where you are or for doing what you want. Strong willed people that are backed by tradition and "old ways". I see these lighter colors that escape up through the top of your aura, you have dreams and they are bright and maybe you have people to share them with, but right now the world doesn't seem very supportive of your dreams. You also have desire to leave where you are now. that is where you mind is and your aura says you would rather be living your dreams or being more aggressive towards just have a lot of "stuff" going on around you right now. . .

I hope this make sense or you understand it. I will get better at staying in these "scenes" longer and looking around more. But that Is what I get so far.