Indigo Children.


Can anyonw describe to me an Indigo Child? I had an experience today that completely blew my mind! This boy was 11 going on middle age (in his head anyways).


What experience did you have?

The Indigo Children have been incarnating on the Earth for the last 100 years. The early Indigos were pioneers and wayshowers. After World War II, a significant number were born, and these are the Indigo adults of today. However, in the 1970s a major wave of Indigos was born, and so we have a whole generation of Indigos who are now in their late twenties and early thirties who are about to take their place as leaders in the world. Indigos continued to born up to about 2000, with increasing abilities and degrees of technological and creative sophistication.

The Crystal Children began to appear on the planet from about 2000, although some date them slightly earlier. These are extremely powerful children, whose main purpose is to take us to the next level in our evolution, and reveal to us our inner power and divinity. They function as a group consciousness rather than as individuals, and they live by the" Law of One" or Unity Consciousness. They are a powerful force for love and peace on the planet.

The Indigo and Crystal Adults are composed of two groups. Firstly, there are those who were born as Indigos and are now making the transition to Crystal. This means they undergo a spiritual and physical transformation that awakens their "Christ" or "Crystal" consciousness and links them with the Crystal children as part of the evolutionary wave of change. The second group is those who were born without these qualities, but have aquired or are in the process of aquiring them through their own hard work and the diligent following of a spiritual path. Yes, this means that all of us have the potential to be part of the emerging group of "human angels".

The following extract describes the difference between Indigo and Crystal Children. It is from Doreen Virtue's article Indigo and Crystal Children:

The first thing most people notice about Crystal Children is their eyes, large, penetrating, and wise beyond their years. Their eyes lock on and hypnotize you, while you realize your soul is being laid bare for the child to see. Perhaps you've noticed this special new "breed" of children rapidly populating our planet. They are happy, delightful and forgiving. This generation of new lightworkers, roughly ages 0 through 7, are like no previous generation. Ideal in many ways, they are the pointers for where humanity is headed ... and its a good direction!

The older children (approximately age 7 through 25), called "indigo Children", share some characteristics with the Crystal Children. Both generations are highly sensitive and psychic, and have important life purposes. The main difference is their temperament. Indigos have a warrior spirit, because their collective purpose is to mash down old systems that no longer serve us. They are here to quash government, educational, and legal systems that lack integrity. To accomplish this end, they need tempers and fiery determination.

Those adults who resist change and who value conformity may misunderstand the Indigos. They are often mislabeled with psychiatric diagnoses of Attention Deficit with Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) or Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Sadly, when they are medicated, the Indigos often lose their beautiful sensitivity, spiritual gifts and warrior energy..........In contrast, the Crystal Children are blissful and even-tempered. Sure, they may have tantrums occasionally, but these children are largely forgiving and easy-going. The Crystals are the generation who benefit from the Indigos trailblazing. First, the Indigo Children lead with a machete, cutting down anything that lacks integrity. Then the Crystal Children follow the cleared path, into a safer and more secure world.

The terms "Indigo" and "Crystal" were given to these two generations because they most accurately describe their aura colours and energy patterns. Indigo children have a lot of indigo blue in their auras. This is the colour of the "third eye chakra", which is the energy center inside the head located between the two eyebrows. This chakra regulates clairvoyance, or the ability to see energy, visions, and spirits. Many of the Indigo children are clairvoyant

The Crystal Children have opalescent auras, with beautiful multi-colours in pastel hues. This generation also shows a fascination for crystals and rocks......

Indigo Children can sense dishonesty, like a dog can sense fear. Indigos know when they're being lied to, patronized, or manipulated. And since their collective purpose is to usher us into a new world of integrity, the Indigos inner lie-detectors are integral. As mentioned before, this warrior spirit is threatening to some adults. And the Indigos are unable to conform to dysfunctional situations at home, work, or school. They don't have the ability to dissociate from their feelings and pretend like everything's okay ...unless they are medicated or sedated.

Crystal Children's innate spiritual gifts are also misunderstood. Specifically, their telepathic abilities which lead them to talk later in life.

In the new world which the Indigos are ushering in, we will all be much more aware of our intuitive thoughts and feelings. We won't rely so much upon the spoken or written word. Communication will be faster, more direct, and more honest, because it will be mind to mind. Already, increasing numbers of us are getting in touch with our psychic abilities. Our interest in the paranormal is at an all-time high, accompanied by books, television shows, and movies on the topic.

So, it's not surprising that the generation following the Indigos are incredibly telepathic. Many of the Crystal Children have delayed speech patterns, and its not uncommon for them to wait until they're 3 or 4 years old to begin speaking. But parents tell me they have no trouble communicating with their silent children. Far from it! The parents engage in mind-to-mind communication with their Crystal Children. And the Crystals use a combination of telepathy, self-fashioned sign language, and sounds (including song) to get their point across.

The trouble comes about when the Crystals are judged by medical and educational personnel as having "abnormal" speaking patterns. It's no coincidence that as the number of Crystals are born, that the number of diagnoses for autism is at a record high.

It's true that the Crystal Children are different from other generations. But why do we need to pathologize these differences? If the children are successfully communicating at home, and the parents are'nt reporting any problems... then why try to make a problem? The diagnostic criteria for autism is quite clear. It states that the autistic person lives in his or her own world, and is disconnected from other people. The autistic person doesn't talk because of an indifference to communicating with others.

Crystal Children are quite the opposite. They are among the most connected, communicative, caring and cuddly of any generation. They are also quite philosophical and spiritually gifted. And they display an unprecedented level of kindness and sensitivity to this world. Crystal Children spontaneously hug and care for people in need. An autistic person wouldn't do that!

In my book "The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children", I wrote that ADHD should stand for Attention Dialed into a Higher Dimension. This would more accurately describe that generation. In the same vein, Crystal Children don't warrant a label of autiem. They aren't autistic! They're AWE-tistic!

These children are worthy of awe, not labels of dysfunction. If anyone is dysfunctional, it's the systems that aren't accommodating the continuing evolution of the human species. If we shame the children with labels, or medicate them into submission, we will have undermined a heaven-sent gift. We will crush a civilization before its had time to take roots. Fortunately, there are many positive solutions and alternatives. And the same heaven that sent us the Crystal Children can assist those of us who are advocates for the children.........


this is a term I have not heard in awhile. I recall when a co-worker who was also a psychic, and a reiki master and very spiritual met my daughter for the first time. This was before this co-worker and I became friends. Anyway, she asked me afterwards if I knew that my daughter was an Indigo child.

I had never heard of such a title, and replied no. she gave me some books on this subject, and I at first remained a bit unsure, but she is always trying to convince me it is true.

my daughter, "R" was born in 1982, which by your distinction, Jonika, would be too old for being an Indigo child. but the book I had received way back when did include her birth year. "R" is quite psychic, and just seems to always 'know' things. always did. even as a very young child.

Aura readings for her do see a deep indigo aura all around her, and 'purple' was always her favorite color as a kid. she ALWAYS had a 'thing' for rocks, (a characteristic for Indigo children) and whenever we would go ANYWHERE, she would insist on picking up a rock from the area to remember it by. Even when we went on vacations, and we'd take her into the gift shops, she would most often buy rocks or prefer to go outside and pick up rocks for free. :rolleyes: always an 'odd' child. :laugh:

She is very strong willed, and independent--the independence because we did raise her to be that way. the strong will I blame on her dad's genes. :p She works very well alone, and is a bit of a hermit, tho she does like people and can work with others too, if the 'others' are willing to work. she has always been deemed very responsible and 'wise' beyond her years, and is constantly surprising people with her wisdom. She was also labeled with ADHD and we did have her on medications for awhile to help balance her, but then we weened her off that, and just followed a diet of healthy foods that was recommended both by drs. and yet another book for Indigo children.

Interestingly enough, my daughter still follows a strict diet of healthy foods, tho occassionally will eat things not considered 'healthy' (not by my definition tho! ;) ), always to go back later to the stricter diet. She feels better eating like that, and even as a young child preferred to eat fresh fruits and vegetables and in a healthy way. Yea for her! but, must admit, I'm a junk food junkie myself.

My husband does not believe in all this, but I wonder myself. I'm not sure if it's on the up and up or not, but she seems to hold many if not all the characteristics found in these books I was given for Indigo children. She is very creative. She has the most gorgeous blue eyes that you'll ever see, something that is often noted by people, including strangers. we'd always have strangers come up to us when we 3 would be out commenting on her 'gorgeous blue eyes'. they are deep, and I've never seen blue eyes quite like hers before. It's like she can see right through to your soul and know your deepest secrets, yet they are also very calming, and nurturing eyes too.

We were approached numerous times by modeling agencies who wanted to use her as a model since she was a young child, but we always turned that down, feeling a normal childhood was far better for her. however, when she was 19, she did go into modeling and modeled for a few years till she bored of it.

At any rate, I don't truly know alot about Indigo children, and I am not sure where my books are anymore, or if I even still have them. I may have given them back to my friend. However, this friend had been a tremendous help with my daughter, as my daughter being extremely psychic (and then my own psychic skills were not yet developed), was immediately at ease with this new found friend sharing things with her. We are still friends to this day and will be forever.

the one thing with my daughter is that she can be harsh on people who continue to act stupidly, (which I am not sure is an Indigo characteristic). such as she has within her circle a woman who refuses to take the medications prescribed to her, even tho she knows she has medical problems, and this woman does so many things that is detrimental to her own well being, as well as putting others in danger. and tho inthe beginning my dau. tried desperately to help her, she now has no use for her. she can switch off the feelings for people who act this way abruptly. So, though I would describe her as being especially empathetic towards people, (an Indigo characteristic), at times it is not shown--at least with people like this woman. so, I'm not sure if she would be considered an Indigo or not. She can have the most incredible patience of anyone I know, (like my husband), and then again--little or no patience for certain people who act in a stupid manner. however, she has so many other characteristics of an Indigo child, I wonder.


I was born in '82 as well and I too consider myself an Indigo child.

celticnoodle said:
my daughter, "R" was born in 1982, which by your distinction, Jonika, would be too old for being an Indigo child.

I think you missed this information: :)
JONIKA said:
The Indigo Children have been incarnating on the Earth for the last 100 years. The early Indigos were pioneers and wayshowers. After World War II, a significant number were born, and these are the Indigo adults of today. However, in the 1970s a major wave of Indigos was born, and so we have a whole generation of Indigos who are now in their late twenties and early thirties who are about to take their place as leaders in the world. Indigos continued to born up to about 2000, with increasing abilities and degrees of technological and creative sophistication.


From Wikipedia:


The term Indigo children originates from the 1982 book "Understanding Your Life Through Color," by Nancy Ann Tappe, a self-styled synesthete and psychic, who claimed to possess the ability to perceive human auras. She wrote that during the mid 1960's she began noticing that many children were being born with indigo auras. Today she estimates that 60% of people age 14 to 25 and 97% of children under ten are "Indigo."[1][3]

The idea of Indigo children was later popularized by the 1998 book The Indigo Children: The New Kids Have Arrived, written by the husband-and-wife team of Lee Carroll and Jan Tober.[4] According to Carroll he learned about the concept of Indigo children while channeling a being known as Kryon, Master angelic energy. Tober has said that she and Carroll do not talk much about Kryon in interviews because they see this as being a potential barrier to reaching more mainstream audiences that exist outside of the New Age movement.[5]

[edit] Characteristics and beliefs

According to New Age belief, Indigo children are highly sensitive with a clear sense of self-definition and a strong feeling that they need to make a significant difference in the world. They are strong-willed, independent thinkers who prefer to be self-guided rather than directed by others. They are empathic and can easily detect or are in tune with the thoughts of others, and are naturally drawn to matters concerning mysteries, spirituality, the paranormal and the occult, while opposing unquestioned authority and contradictory to convention. They tend to think outside the box, and are often referred to as "system busters." Indigos allegedly possess wisdom and level of awareness "beyond their years." They are also said to have a strong feeling of entitlement, or "deserving to be here."

Some beliefs hold that they are often labeled with the psychiatric diagnoses of Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Dyslexia, and also Autism, and that they become unsociable when not around other Indigo Children. They are also believed to be prone to depression and sleep disorders such as insomnia and persistent nightmares.[citation needed] Indigo children also possess defining characteristics in learning; indigos tend to be more visual, kinesthetic learners and so they remember best what they can picture in their minds and create with their hands.[citation needed] Movement is required to keep them better focused. [6][7][8][9][10][11]

[edit] Criticism

According to psychologist Russell Barkley, the New Age movement has yet to produce empirical evidence of the existence of Indigo children and the 17 traits most commonly attributed to them are so vague that they could describe "most of the people most of the time" and were reminiscent of the Forer effect. Barkley also expressed concern that labeling a disruptive child an "Indigo" may delay proper diagnosis and treatment that may help the child.[12][13] Others have advised that many of the traits of Indigo children could be more prosaically interpreted as simple arrogance and selfish individualism, which parents with certain New Age beliefs may misperceive.[2]

It has also been hypothesized that rather than being a new step in human evolution, the Indigo phenomena may be the reaction of children watching television shows with an emphasis on magic and New Age-compatible language. An example of this was illustrated in a Dallas Observer article discussing Indigo children, a reporter recorded the following interaction between a man who worked with Indigo children, and a purported Indigo child:
“ Are you an Indigo? he asked Dusk. The boy looked at him shyly and nodded. "I'm an avatar," Dusk said. "I can recognize the four elements of earth, wind, water and fire. The next avatar won't come for 100 years." The man seemed impressed.[13] ”

Readers of the Dallas Observer later wrote in to inform the newspaper that the child's response appeared to be taken from the storyline of Avatar: The Last Airbender; a children's cartoon showing on Nickelodeon at the time of the interview. The editor of the Dallas Observer later admitted they were not aware of the possible connection until readers brought it to their attention.[14]

[edit] Education

Although the mainstream teaching profession does not recognize New Age beliefs about the existence of Indigo children, some alternative education groups have set up programs based around the concept.[4][15]

[edit] Commercialization

According to Lorie Anderson of, belief in Indigo children has significant commercial value due to sales of book, video, and one-on-one counseling session for children, as well as in donations and speaking engagements.[16]

[edit] In popular culture

* The film Indigo is about the relationship between a man and his indigo grandchild[17]


I raised my children to be this way. They are more advanced than others. They knew how to work the electronics at 2 years old, knew how to make their own food by 4. My daughter Raquel who is now 9 used to be the teachers helper in pre-school. She opened up all her friends milk cartons, tied their shoes for them, read to them at story-time. She had helped to teach them the basics. I too would be indigo based on the information posted. I relate to it very well. However, my other siblings who were born in the 70's though intelligent do not come close to what I am internally. On the outside they do run the show, either having their own businesses or being in charge at their job. It's been very hard for me to bring these two together. It's like Temperance.

I don't really see the connection with Crystal children and my youngest daughter. She spoke as soon as 8 months old. Walked by the time she was 9 months old. She is not spiritual. She is the only child of mine that's actually normal, carefree and without problems that seem to annoy her, unlike the older two. My 7 year old is extremely outspoken and will state her opinion quite bluntly. lol She has no fear and is quite a rowdy one.



Wow,. thanks for ALL of the feedback! This was one amazing kid!


My Middle son is like this, he is just different in some lots of ways a typical funny 13 year old but slightly "otherworldly". (he even reminds me sometimes of a Fae-like Pixie)....he is a maths "genius" who has also been diagnosed with mild Aspergers. He is also highly intuitive. I have several books on Indigo's & when I read them all the traits my son exhibits made sense ( just thinking actually he has a rock "thing" too )

MM :heart:


I'm deeply skeptical of the whole concept of "Indigo" or "Crystal" children because anything that puts some humans in a category that is regarded as "better by birth" raises deep mistrust in me. Which is not to say that I don't believe that some people seem to have "inborn" talents that others have not. But I don't think it makes them better people, and certainly not automatically.

That said, I've found much of the information about Indigo Children to be very similar to what I've learned about highly gifted people. Sometimes it seems like the concept of Indigo Children is nothing but an esoteric/spiritual wrapping for the same issues that are discussed elsewhere as the particular experiences, perceptions, and behaviors of highly gifted people. It also reminds me of attempts to frame AD(H)D and dyslexia (etc.) as particular ways to perceive the world and to try to re-value them as talents/abilities and to rid them of their association with pathology. [ETA: To clarify, I've found a lot of the material about "highly gifted" people tremendously helpful for either myself and other people in my life. Especially when it taught me/us some humility and made me/us aware of the responsibility that comes with such "gifts". And anything that focuses on people's abilities instead of their/our faults and difficulties (as in the case of looking differently at AD(H)D, dyslexia, Asperger's, autism, etc.) is usually good in my world. I just don't think that having unusual abilities, no matter if they are "spiritual" or completely "secular," and no matter if they are generally recognized as abilities or not, automatically makes you a better person.]

I'm not sure if I'm able to say what I mean here, but I'd recommend checking out "regular" sources about highly gifted people, too, when you think you're dealing with an Indigo Child or consider yourself to be one. Not as a contradiction to what has been said about Indigo Children but as additional material that might help with explaining things or with dealing with them.


I'm with Cat here (and hi, great to see you back.)

I don't; think we need to invent new categories for people, and I don't like dividing people into groups anyway.