Indigo Children.


:love: MiShell :love:

Exactly !


I agree with Mi-Shell, gregory, HearthCricket, Milfoil and Fudugazi. My grandmother used to say, "Every Mama crow thinks her baby is the blackest". :) At the democratic school the girls have gone to for quite a few years now, we sometimes see parents who have ideas like this and their kids are little misbehaved tyrants. They're not any more special than any other child but they're certainly outstanding----outstanding for being obnoxious, outstanding for misbehaving, outstanding in their inability to get along with other kids, outstanding in their disrespect of authority, and outstandingly disruptive. The parents put them at our school because they can't make it in the mainstream schools because they're such problems, thinking this school will allow them to remain "special" (ie. brats ) but what happens if they stick around is that their peers put them in line quickly because everyone is equally "special" there and the other students expect decent behavior. Student government runs the school. If they can stay, they end up being really nice kids who, like all children, really are special, but no more so than anyone else. Consequently, the school produces exceptional, brilliant young adults who go out into the world ready to contribute positively to society using their gifts in the right way, with humility and respect for others.


Grizzie, that school you describe sounds fantastic! If only they could all be like that. That would truly create a generation of responsible, special people :love:



Sigh, OFSTED hate the place.....


What's that gregory? I don't know what Summerhill and OFSTED are, but if you mean our school, I think you must be mistaken. There's nothing to hate about our school at all.

Fu, I agree, I wish they were all like this one. I wish I could have grown up in a school like this and that my kids could have.



what is there to say about indigo children?

the only thing I can think of is that children go into people and so a lot of them loose this indigoness and become normal people .. at least til their natural gifts that we all have get activated by dreams, by life events,
then they realize they are psychic, and there are guides out there,,
those who did lose their connection to their indigo personae.

what is the big deal about indigo,,
for some it is the label.

the term new age is looked down up on by lots of people as being mystic babble, to some cult mass thought, who knows what else,,
but in truth it isnt' new age,, it is old age just coming back out again as we are no longer limited by the things like heretical thinking that came from looking at other things besides the bible and the church.

and so it is with indigo children,,
for forthcoming astrological age there was new souls who came to these times to prepare for the age.
so 2000 years (and a little bit more) ago before the age of pisces there was souls who came who could of been called for lack of a better term,, blue children.
why blue ? because chakra wise speaking it is the colour before indigo.
and these children became the peacemakers who ended up following jesus.

now as we reach the age of aquarius, and the term indigo is thrown around,,
we are looking for active peace instead of passive peace..


With apologies, I think the phrase, its popularization, and its promulgation is a crock of self-serving, backpatting New Age excrement calculated to sell piffle.

My inner BS detector always goes off with buzzwordy, catch-phrasey concepts that waft around New Age publishing... ESPECIALLY when they are only supported by folks referencing other fluffy, empty, unsupported, New-Age-trend-of-the-moment authors. Frankly anything that exists without moral ambiguity sounds like BS to me. Power is never unambiguous.

My favorite thing that the "brilliant" Ms. Virtue says is that they're obsessed with minerals (great image there, :D children gnawing on stones) and old souls. Ummm, there have always been "old-soul" children. Have any of these authors ever read anything that isn't sold at a grocery store? And of course the New Age tweaks: initially their name comes from their Indigo auras, natch... since the original 80s author was writing about a trend of the moment: auras, only to have Ms. Virtue decide that the auras are opalescent, so that she can glom onto the trend of HER New Age moment: Crystals. This all reminds me of the New Age adoption of pretty angels that only bring blessings when pre-Victorian angels mostly brought horrific messages, destroyed cities, murdered people, and carried disease. Duh. Power is never unambiguous.

I teach gifted kids at a fancy private school here in the city. Many of my students would be called "disabled" by public schools because they have abilities that are difficult to test. They are literally off the charts. You must adapt the educational process to their skillset, think on your feet, and NEVER compare them. They demand more, and they should. They are individuals, not insects. Comparisons produce nothing but drones. One of the rules about working with small geniuses is that they are in many respects identical to disabled kids: demanding, curious, stubborn, unpredictable, explosive, intuitive, shocking, rude, infuriating, etc. I once had a 4th grader write a paper for me on Pride and Prejudice called "Women & Property in Regency England" while in rehearsals for The Nutcracker. We have a 7th grader who's being tutored in math at a local university... and a freshman who started getting published last year under a pseudonym. All of them have been given any number of (worthless) labels by testing organizations with IQs lower than theirs. They are insanely gifted and "otherworldy" but not because of some idiotic millenial mythmaking. It just means they are capable of accessing their potential. EVERY child should have that right.

To paraphrase Gerald Suster, judgmental "Spirituality" is usually middle-class Christian morality and superiority in Aquarian drag. To judge one child as Indigo, means that there are others that are not. It is in fact a kind of "Auric" racism which allows folks to excuse crappy parenting skills while electing themselves into the Akashic upperclass. There's a nasty whiff of spirtual eugenics here... I notice Llewellyn isn't publishing a book about the "Snuffed-out Tar" children or the "slightly Grey" children. Because everyone believes their child is special. Ummm, newsflash: THEY ARE.

Not to sound pedantic, but all children are magical. As much as all children are evil and funny and kind and cruel. The potential for creation is a synonym for life. Until one of these authors writes a book about the OTHER kids... the mass of soulless, mindless, robot children who stand offstage waiting to be led by the blessed self-designated Indigos, I'm going to call the whole idea self-serving horseshit. The literalist obsession with apocalyptic clockwatching is goofy. EVERY era believes they are in the end times. EVERY western civilization casts itself as the star of the Great Drama... For the record we inherit that perspective from the Yahwist canon and its obsession with Linear time, rather than the Cyclical time which is more widespread and more logical (if less personality-obsessed).

Children are astonishing and gifted. Huggy, mushy New Age shills peddling half-baked child psych in mass-market nonfiction devoid of peer-review or evidence are embarassing and silly.

Not that I have an opinion... :D


I'm suspicious of the whole idea too. Though I think maybe there is such a thing as an aura color that someone gives off most of the time, I'm suspicious of any strict categorization of rays, aura colors, and so forth.

How can it be verified? It's not like typing someone's blood. Are you supposed to pay some New Age "expert" to tell you whether your child is an Indigo or Crystal, or not? Then what?

Every kid is special, unique. There's no reason to make an issue out of it by calling them Crystal or Indigo. Most kids I've ever known want to fit in and be treated fairly with their peers and still be considered in their uniqueness. But grouping them this way doesn't make them unique. If others believe it, it limits them. If others don't believe it, it's just an awkward designation that makes them stand out like freaks.

I don't see how categorizing kids this way helps in any way.

Sorry, but the whole idea just irks me.

You met a really incredible kid, perhaps gifted in some way. That's great. But isn't that enough, to appreciate him for who he is?


Scion said:
With apologies, I think the phrase, its popularization, and its promulgation is a crock of self-serving, backpatting New Age excrement calculated to sell piffle.

My inner BS detector always goes off with buzzwordy, catch-phrasey concepts that waft around New Age publishing... ESPECIALLY when they are only supported by folks referencing other fluffy, empty, unsupported, New-Age-trend-of-the-moment authors.

Right on, Scion. And what about us DIAMOND adults?? (That's one up from Crystal ...) "Fluffy" is my very fav new age word ... actually my fav phrase is FLUFFY LA LA .... I use it all the time .....!


HOLMES said:
the term new age is looked down up on by lots of people as being mystic babble, to some cult mass thought, who knows what else, but in truth it isnt' new age,, it is old age just coming back out again as we are no longer limited by the things like heretical thinking that came from looking at other things besides the bible and the church.

There really has been an awful lot of rubbish written in the name of 'New Age' thinking though. If you believe everything you read, the whole world is populated with fluffy, loving, white energy beings who have nothing but nice things to say and offer us. Never a few home truths or a wake up call and lets face it, we ALL need that from time to time.

HOLMES said:
and so it is with indigo children,,
for forthcoming astrological age there was new souls who came to these times to prepare for the age.
so 2000 years (and a little bit more) ago before the age of pisces there was souls who came who could of been called for lack of a better term,, blue children.
why blue ? because chakra wise speaking it is the colour before indigo.
and these children became the peacemakers who ended up following jesus.

How do we know though, were they not just men, like everyone else, was that not the whole point? Through transcending their base humanness, they became more; they grew and learned - a proof that all can do the same. I've never seen any painting or reference to any of the Apostles where their halo (aura) was given a bluish tinge to corroborate such an idea. and Pen/MichaelPatton/12apostles.jpg psalter/folio 20r twelve apostles.jpg

They are always depicted with gold halos, a sign of their closeness to God.

Scion said:
My inner BS detector always goes off with buzzwordy, catch-phrasey concepts that waft around New Age publishing... ESPECIALLY when they are only supported by folks referencing other fluffy, empty, unsupported, New-Age-trend-of-the-moment authors. Frankly anything that exists without moral ambiguity sounds like BS to me. Power is never unambiguous.

Mine too - I think you hit the nail on the head there - 'unsuported'. If we take the bible, Revelations is less about nice fluffy angels coming to make the end of days all warm and comfortable and WAY more to do with dreadful happening, discomfort and illness!

They Mayan calendar which counts down to 2012 is the only possible reference to something happening and even then we don't fully understand what. Is Quezacotl a serpent/man God returning to bring destruction or a Jesus-like being of compassion? Both I say because balance is both positive and negative together.

Scion said:
This all reminds me of the New Age adoption of pretty angels that only bring blessings when pre-Victorian angels mostly brought horrific messages, destroyed cities, murdered people, and carried disease. Duh. Power is never unambiguous.

I'd have to agree, changes in our perceptions of such beings as Angels have definately thrown out the last few thousand years of understanding because its so much nicer to have a 'personal angel looking after you, all warm and nice and sweet, never telling you how it is!