Indigo Children.


I have never been comfortable when I'd read descriptions of Indigos or Crystals. Especially when I saw a segment of a talk show where there were mothers interviewed about their "Indigo children."

I really try hard not to ever judge and to be empathetic and compassionate even though I don't agree with a person. So I tried to realize that these moms might be just innocent and truly don't think of their kids as special but just want to make public why they think their kid is different.

But then my sense of what others are truly thinking (my specialty) told me that the moms' motives weren't that innocent, that they derived pleasure from feeling like they were elevated just by being the parents of these kids. I immediately felt that these moms loved that they had a special name for their kids, that their kids were different than others and therefore more special.

I also got that they were kind of glad that they could add a bit of the victim role to entice sympathy from the public by claiming that when they are back at home and living their lives, the public just shuns their "special" kids because they are SO different and wise and above everyone else, that their friends and neighbors are treating them as outcasts just because they can't handle that their own kids don't have these special talents...

I think that kids who spout off very wise and spiritual things could just be very psychic or mediumistic, getting info from spirit with whom they are very close to. That's much more simple than trying to create new labels for children.


VERY interesting! I've never heard of indigo people, but from what I've read in the past it kind of relates to Atlanteans & people from Mu choosing to reincarnate just prior to the 'last days'.

Does anyone here visually see auras? There's a girl, about 25 I'm guessing, who works at my local grocery store, & her aura really popped out at me. Keep in mind, I don't normally see auras, unless I'm really concentrating. It's just not something I do or even think of whenever I enter a store. But the 1st time it happened spontaneously when I was about 30. My hubby & son were mowing the lawn while I sat daydreaming on the porch watching them. They both had the same exact colors, cobalt around their faces & yellow streaming from the tops of their heads. When I say 'color', I can't begin to describe it. I thought it was my glasses. I took them off. I turned my head every which way, but their colors remained with them. It was waaaay cool! All those years of practicing finally paid off maybe?

If I concentrate, I can see auras, but they're usually very close to the body & only 2 layers. Or like a heat haze that you see on a hot road. This girl who works at the grocery store's aura is, well, indigo. When I think of indigo, I think of really dark blue, blah, nearly black. NOT! The color/light is stunning. Now when I go shopping I glance around while I'm checking out to see if she's there, & I've seen it around her every time. So when I read the thread about Indigo Children, it reminded me of the event. I daren't say anything to her tho...


Are her groceries special? ;)


Fudugazi said:
Are her groceries special? ;)

See, that's exactly why you don't want to mention to someone who doesn't know you that you can see their aura. And I can understand that. If someone in the grocery store told me I was purple, I think I'd cringe away, trying to draw myself into my nonexistent shell. I just wish I could see auras on command.