Spirit Guide Group: Dreams, Volume Two


Further Thoughts on the Squirrel and the Earthy Cave

The dream of the Earthy Cave proved to be very fertile for further exploration at my last creativity session, and I have been meaning to post further insights on it for some time. I'm just going to add further information beyond what was first posted. This was the dream itself:
Sophie-David said:
We were journeying through an underground cave made of black earth, travelling from an opening at the right towards an exit on the left. The cave was full of very healthy roots, the roots of trees. We had just exited, then Mr. Saturn asked me if I had seen a moisture meter that was located up the slope of the cave among the roots. He said it showed that the roots were very healthy.

I went back in through the exit we had just come out of. I saw the meter up the slope and although I didn't climb up close to the meter, I could see that Mr. Saturn was correct. Then a squirrel came down from among the roots. He was carrying a small fresh green branch of fir tree in his teeth. I was somewhat afraid of the squirrel because I thought it might have rabies, although part of me knew that he didn't, so the fear was not a logical one. I thought of getting a stick to drive the squirrel away, or shouting at it, but again part of me thought that this was not the right thing to do. It was also clear that Mr. Saturn was not going to help, I got the impression he thought I had brought the situation on myself.

However, because I could not feel I could go near the squirrel I was in danger of being trapped among the roots. Somehow the exit tunnel had shrunk down to squirrel size, but although this had happened I knew that I could leave through the exit anyway. However, the squirrel started to place the fir branch in the exit tunnel and I felt like I was going to be trapped. Although I wasn't panicing, I seemed to be at an impasse. I woke up.
The morning before the creativity session, I woke up with an inspiration to do an Ace of Cups using a photo I had made of a rose surrounded by a vulva shaped piece of driftwood, which I worked on and posted here today. This was a key towards interpreting the dream, for not only was this a journeying within imagery of the Root Chakra, but perhaps even more surrounded by images of feminine sexuality and the Sacral Chakra, including the vulvic cave among the roots, the moisture meter indicating healthy sexual arousal, and the fir branch lying like a clitoris by the exit tunnel. The mission for both the squirrel and I was to ascend from this place of grounding and birth into duality up the Chakral tree.

As I wrote earlier, the key to this ascent is in the squirrel. My colleague in the dream represents an industrious worker acting out of fear for his job, with lack of focus because of these fears, but with a great memory, probably aided by severe suppression of subjective consciousness, and with a doom and gloom anxiety. This in fact seems to be the negative and controlling side of being a squirrel - fearfully tucking away food with neurotically possessive intensity.

But the positive side of the squirrel is his activity and energy, abundant life, cuteness, industriousness, alertness and friendliness. These reflect the energy of the Solar Plexus Chakra. In High School I had many of these aspects of the "squirrelly" squirrel, also including a manic and high-spirited attitude, and prance walking. The positive squirrel gathers energy from the lower chakras, nourishment from among the roots and earthy caves, and stores them further up in the tree. In the dream my regret was that I did not befriend the squirrel, which was part of my instinctive nature.

Then we recalled how the experience of my first true love had been played out in the last year of High School, ending during the critical transition of the summer before university. This deep soul love was broken not by falling out of love, but by the individual victimhoods in our abusive homes, the relationship never really ending but left hanging without resolution. With this broken heart came the suppression of the life and energy of the squirrel self, and I realized that this heart which had been first injured by my abusive parents had suffered a further tear which had never been mended.

And so came my core belief that being a squirrel is the way of madness: surrendering to one's emotions, instincts, spontaneity, unfettered giving and light-hearted joy through the full opening of the heart resulted in a pain that was too much to bear.

So my assignment was to process this dream more fully, as I have done here, and to act out being a squirrel. Over the course of the next two weeks I successfully resisted both of these activities! But early in this week the dream director began with some gentle encouragment, first in the dream of restoring my Salmon heart to the river of nurturing consciousness, and secondly with a dream on Thursday morning this week which I will describe in brief:

I dreamt that I was entering an office building to meet with an important client. But when I reached the elevator I realized that I was going to be accompanied by a secret agent who would help me in this encounter. We pretended not to know each other as she casually got on the elevator after me. She was a white woman who appeared to be Asian. Once we were on the correct floor we visited the client together, and the meeting was successful. At this point the secret agent was wearing black.

The scene changed and the secret agent was reporting to a woman who was her superior. They both agreed that the agent should avoid getting emotionally involved with me, the dream ego. But underlying their words, both knew and confirmed with each other that the exact opposite would happen, in spite of the pretence of professionalism. In the next scene the secret agent had followed me to my room, now wearing white, and it was clear that we were going to have an erotic encounter. The dream ended.

This is a long post, so I will keep the analysis brief. This was in a sense an "attaboy" dream expressing the encouragement of the Creative Beloved who represents the Heart Chakra, for the disciplined work I have been doing in the past two weeks at my vocal practice, centering meditation and chakra based healing. It was also a gentle reminder that further squirrel work was needed before the heart could unfold fully, which would likely be imaged in the dream union with the Creative Beloved. She is a secret agent because her indentity is not fully developed and revealed, but as this occurs her dress changes from black shadow to white revelation.

So at last today I did act out being a squirrel, bringing body knowledge to the ideal that it is alright to fully surrender to the madness of love, opening the Solar Plexus fully so that the Heart can fill with the energy from below. :):love:

Incidentally Sue, I used the cover of a children's book from England called Finding Out About Animals as a focal point for entering "squirrel consciousness" - it features the famous but endangered British Red Squirrel. He now remains on my music stand as a reminder, and it is likely that I will move him to my "Tarot altar" later.

psychic sue

David - your Ace of Cups is beautiful. I am also happy you have accepted your squirrel!

I had a horrible dream last night. I'd been to the dentist and had several teeth out. My mouth was bleeding and full of clots - I could actually feel them pushing up through the gums and then taste the blood in my mouth. Someone (don't know who) said "go and tell the dentist - that's not right". So I went and told him. He sat me down in his chair. The dream then took on a different perspective - I could feel what was going on, but could also see myself from the third person view. The dentist pulled my tongue out and pushed some metal instruments down a zig-zag shaped cut that ran the length of my tongue. He then opened up the cut. I could feel the pain and my tongue was kind of "buzzing". Someone says "she'll have to lose her bottom lip" an someone else says "no, we can save it". Then they realise they haven't given me any anaesthetic, and next thing I know there voices are fading and the pain is fading. Then (and this is quite remarkable!) I am dreaming WITHIN the dream. I am at an old theatre and there is an old man up above the stage. I can't remember what it's called, the place where all the pulleys etc are. He comes towards me and tries to strangle me, but I push him away.

That dream appears to finish there. I am then walking down my road, and I see a baby blue door with my father's name on it. Someone has written "Murderer" on the door. My only worry is that people will associate me with him by name.

Weird and wonderful last night!


Dreams Within Dreams

psychic sue said:
David - your Ace of Cups is beautiful. I am also happy you have accepted your squirrel!
Thank you Sue, on both counts. I realized today that what I did yesterday, Sunday, in going into the rainforest and crawling around with my closeup lens finding little things like mushrooms to take pictures of, was also very squirrel like. The rainforest trail was absolutely gorgeous: magic and mystic, the moss hanging like tapestry, the delicate branches like lace, the proud cathedral spires of the ancient trees, the intriguing pools of still and flowing waters, the leaves jeweled with raindrops, although it only rained before and after I was there, and all the little things that my squirrel eyes saw, life in every inch of every place. It was as if I had completely entered another world, a pure sweetness where at the edge of vision faires danced, the wood nymphs sang and elves conversed with deer. And in fact I had entered another world, for when at last I looked at my watch I was amazed at what time it was. I could not believe that I had ever been on this trail before, and in a sense I never had, for it was before the union when last I went...


Sue, what appears to be a nightmare is a wonderful breakthrough, but I realized that it was far too personal to discuss here. I am replying by email...

Deep Blessings - David

psychic sue

I have been using my Rider-Waite deck recently, just for a change.

I dreamed last night that someone was asking me, what my favourite deck was. I replied, Morgan Greer, and went on to elaborate on what it was that I love about it.

Methinks this may be a way of telling me "get your Morgan Greer out again Sue !".

Sue x


Discovering the Heartland

With Capricorn Sun and Ascendent, it is not surprising that I often dream of climbing mountains. These are usually dreams of spiritual ascent, although I know that when I am climbing in the snow, this is an ascetic ascent which is coming at the cost of frozen emotions. I have also dreamed of visiting radio transmitter/receiver towers at the tops of mountains, which is what I do sometimes as part of my work with Coast Guard, although I do not climb the actual towers myself.

At yesterday's vocal lesson we were working on my break, the middle register between chest and head tone which tends to be a singer's weakest link. For me it is centred almost exactly in the middle of my vocal range, at F, F#, G near the top of the bass clef (how nice that they were thoughtful enough to highlight this area for me with a big stylized F ;)). There is a pure tone in there, hiding somewhere behind the scratchiness! With enough focus I can bring it out - but how can that focus be accomplished and maintained? It cannot happen in the left brain, it is too primitive for real time mathematical calculation, aural perception and bodily adjustment. Only the right brain can do it, but you have to give it - her - an image to work with. So I said to my teacher, "OK, I'll ask the dream people to help". And then I forgot all about it - which is actually the perfect technique!

Last night I dreamed that I was travelling up a mountain road with a group of people in a large four-wheel drive vehicle - a GMC Suburban such as we use at work. I didn't notice the lower part of the mountain, but at length we reached a substantial clearing with some chalet style buildings and a large white sign printed with red lettering. I was able to read the sign and remembered the words when I woke up, but then forgot them after I got up and went to the washroom. But more on the sign later.

We continued to ascend the mountain road, passing another level area with more buildings and a great view. When we reached the peak at last, we all got out of the truck and looked around at more chalet style buildings, and also at a radio tower with antennas. But a woman about my age, who seemed to be our guide, said that was important to return to the lower level where the sign was, and that there was a walking trail which formed a steep short cut, so the descent would be quicker on foot. A young woman whom I recognized agreed, and so we walked downhill, passing through the intermediate level and stopping where the sign was. Then I woke up.

As I mentioned earlier, after I got up and went to the washroom and came back to bed I knew I had just had a significant dream, but somehow could not even remember what it was about. All I could think of was that I had dreamed of Port Alberni, but I knew that wasn't right. Now Port Alberni, our nearest city, is located 100 km inland towards the northeast. It has an unusual layout in that it used to be two separate towns, a twin city, and there are still only three roads that join the two parts together. For me this is an image of a poorly integrated mind, the left and right brains almost operating in isolation. But perhaps this was a clue?

I sensed that if I went to sleep again I might find the answer. And I did go to sleep without much effort, and dreamt for a short time, just enough to recall the dream. The sign however, while keeping the same meaning, had somewhat changed, becoming a pithy slogan:
Art makes Heart
Heart makes Art
As soon as I had reconstructed the dream I woke up again suddenly, as if to be sure that I had got it this time.

The group travelling in the vehicle of the libido is the internal family of the soul, "the dream people". The young woman is likely Sophie of the Throat chakra, and the guide who is in charge, the Emperor's counterpart, is Valerie of Vesta in Libra conjunct Neptune in Scorpio, the bearer of intuitive vision and inner balance within the Third Eye.

But more importantly, this time when I woke, I realized I had been given a new metaphor for the energy body, a mountain that ascended from its volcanic roots deep within the valley, up towards a windswept peak. Each of those upper gatherings of buildings were images of the three highest chakras. At the heights lies the crown in direct communication with the divinities above - although not so much the sky god of the intellect as the rain goddess of fertility. Indeed, these upper three domains are permeated with the goddess energy of the dynamic feminine, perhaps best expressed as Innana or Ishtar. Slightly below the crown we descend to the infinitude of vision through the third eye. Lower yet, the throat opens up into song, proclaiming by her art the wonders of the heart, receiving through the heart the nurture of her art.

Below us, not yet explored from above, a virgin green forest lies waiting, bursting with the beauteous joy of innocent new life. And here we return to the question which "the dream people" have so vividly answered. From below the heartland forest surge the glorius red, orange and gold flames of the dynamic masculine divine, the Lord of the Underworld - while from the sky rains the pure clear passion of the answering feminine. But how may these conflicting elements be reconciled, without dissipating in self-canceling smoke and steam?

The answer lies in the heart, the break but also the link between the upper and lower worlds. This is the awkward middle register of my voice, a forest seeking to photosynthesize the fire of the sun, drawing up the nutrients from its roots in the earth, while from above the rains unlock the soil's energy and aid in the respiration of the breath of life. This is how the elements must combine in balance within the heartland forest, neither being burned nor drowned, stagnated nor wind damaged, but blended and focused, equally rooted in stability and strength while extending with arms wide open to embrace the sky.

psychic sue

....and a message for me in there too, I think.

No coincidence then, that I have got my sketch pad out again this week, and have been drawing for the first time in a long time.


Dear People,

Ok. I always think that I will follow this thread, and learn from the very good opinions here. But with me being sick, this is more a dip and dive thread. I feel sorry that I can not contribute as much as I wish...

I had a very disturbing dream in it's clarity and content, and I thought I would share.

I saw a young woman (20-35ish) writing :"What does it means to have the Ace of Wands, 2 of Wands, 2 of Cups and 2 of Swords plus the 3 of Wands."

I remember me thinking: "Ah, you have almost all 2's".

Then I hear a voice saying: "You will have a fall fever with throat problems and vomiting ....

A voice calls out: "
Wiat a spell is being cast against "us/her". I see a swelling of a bellybutton almost as if it pops slowly off or above the belly. |< (like such I guess)

I had some more disjointed images and sounds...
Of a girl who tricked three boys into being cheerleaders for her team. And then they found out she was the referee of a all childrens team (and coach). They were dressed up like plushe animals and dancing.

And the enigmatic sentence:
"She has to do with the triangle because she was born in one" with the image of a soft greyish ground in which I see a triangle with the point up...

I don't know what how to think about this. It doesn't seem to be about me...
Yet, it does seem to point very strongly to somebody else...


psychic sue

Khalie - I can take the "2's" - my birthday, 24/2/62 - I had it read once by a numerologist. She told me having so many two's is significant, in that it makes one artistic and also slightly suspiscious! The triangle - I think I can see that too. I will let other's take a look first though, before I claim it.

Sue x

psychic sue

My dream last night began with me at my auntie's house (again) - I seem to dream about her all the time lately, although she is ill at the moment.

I was sitting on cushions, on the floor. The actor David Morse ( here http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001556/) was sitting next to me, then sat my auntie, my uncle and Ricky Gervais (here http://www.bbc.co.uk/comedy/profiles/ricky_gervais.shtml). David was stroking my leg, which I didn't fin unpleasant, although I felt a little embarressed. Ricky appeared to be my very good friend in the dream, I seemed to know him well.

I had to go to the loo, and David followed me. I remember thinking "oh no, I don't want him following me in the loo!".

Next thing I know, I am outside. I am in London, and all my friends and family have disappeared. I am alone in this big city. I look for a taxi, and a woman appears in an old car. She says she can take me to Birmingham. "How do I know you are a proper cab?" I say. She gets on the radio, and she says to the operator (a man) "I have a fare for Birmingham here. It's OK she's not a sucker". So, I assume that they DO rip people off, but not me, as I have shown I am aware of what's going on.

Next thing, I am in bed (not in a sexual way) with a man, who appears to be a kind of amalgam of ex-boyfirends. He takes me outside to show me his pets - a hamster, a rabbit and a dog. They all look happy and very healthy.

That's all I can remember.

I think I have worked out the Taxi theme in my dreams - I am always alone, left in strange city and relying on my own resourcefulness to get home - fear of abandonment. However, I feel this dream is positive, because it is actually telling me that now I am AWARE of this, I can find the right taxi and get home safely.

The dream of Ricky and David is more perplexing. I love Ricky as a comedian, and I really like David as an actor, but I wouldn't say I had a crush on them or anything - but this dream seemed to be about intimacy.

The man with the pets is also a little perplexing at the moment.

Sue x


Kahlie said:
Ok. I always think that I will follow this thread, and learn from the very good opinions here. But with me being sick, this is more a dip and dive thread. I feel sorry that I can not contribute as much as I wish...
No need to apologize at all Kahlie, but its great to see you around!
Kahlie said:
I had a very disturbing dream in it's clarity and content, and I thought I would share.

I saw a young woman (20-35ish) writing :"What does it means to have the Ace of Wands, 2 of Wands, 2 of Cups and 2 of Swords plus the 3 of Wands."

I remember me thinking: "Ah, you have almost all 2's".
This seems to be very much focused on initiating and guiding energy, with choices and partnership/teamwork involved too.
Kahlie said:
Then I hear a voice saying: "You will have a fall fever with throat problems and vomiting ....

A voice calls out: "
Wiat a spell is being cast against "us/her". I see a swelling of a bellybutton almost as if it pops slowly off or above the belly. |< (like such I guess)
Do you think the voice is referring to you with your throat problems and sickness?

Losing to the bellybutton suggests to me that there is a disconnect from the mother, where the umbilical cord went to, a lack of nurture and a complete separation from her. Also, relating back to the energy cards above, the naval can be related to or the same as the Solar Plexus chakra (although some treat it as different). This chakra regulates and reflects your own sense of empowerment, energy and health - it is your inner Sun, relating to all the benefits of the Tarot Sun. Loss of the navel could relate to Solar Plexus problems, a blowout of energy. What does it suggest to you?
Kahlie said:
I had some more disjointed images and sounds...
Of a girl who tricked three boys into being cheerleaders for her team. And then they found out she was the referee of a all childrens team (and coach). They were dressed up like plushe animals and dancing.
This sounds kind of cute! Or did it come across in a horror-filled way? The girl is perhaps trying to connect with the instincts - the animals - and as a child she is often more in touch with them than adults often are. This could be talking about an inner child as a guide too.
Kahlie said:
And the enigmatic sentence:
"She has to do with the triangle because she was born in one" with the image of a soft greyish ground in which I see a triangle with the point up...
This seems to be a pretty explicit reference to the womb and vaginal area - "she was born in one". The oddity here is that the triangle is pointing up, usually indicating the male counterpart, rather than down. But the inverted triangle could also mean a rebirth of some kind, an ascent.
Kahlie said:
I don't know what how to think about this. It doesn't seem to be about me...
Yet, it does seem to point very strongly to somebody else...

You will need to consider this carefully. You may well be right, but I also know from my own experience that the ego self will attempt to minimize a dream in one way or another, sometimes by saying, "Oh, that's not for me". It is best to consider that your dreams are "All about me" until proven otherwise - at least try them on for size and see how they fit. It is also entirely possible, in fact typical, that a dream will be speaking about more than one issue at once. One or more levels of the dream may be about you, and other levels may be more general, or about someone else. Dreams are perhaps even more open ended than Tarot cards...

Wishing you deep blessings and a strong recovery - David