Knitted Tarot Bags?


I've knitted several Tarot bags of my own, and for a few friends - some from homespun yarn.


YAY!! Thankyou Skydancer :D

Skydancer said:
"~~~ Skydancer - creator of meaningful clothing for the well-dressed Tarot deck. ~~~"
Cool!! You go Sky!!! LOL!!! That sounds great!

I have ordered my creme coloured very dapper 'Englishman in New York' look sweater for my Thoth deck! LOL!!

Knitters - you guys are so talented!

Elven x


When I read that "Englishman in New York look" ...... well, I nearly spit my coffee!!

(and I'm so tired I daren't give up any caffeine)
Goddess Caffeena, were are you ...

I mean ... I can totally picture one of those late-night movie stars, back in the day when movie stars were actually real actors and were, well, stars walking along the sidewalk, bowler hat perched upon his well shorn locks, twirling his umbrella, almost whistling perhaps ... in a well-tailored cream-colored wool suit. That would shed the rain, and be appropriate for either a tryst at the Palace Hotel or dinner and theater with the boss.



I have had this pattern for some time now. I haven't tried it out and I can't remember where I got it from so I apologise now if I have stolen it from anyone.

....."Exact directions are impossible to give as they depend a lot on the size of the deck its intended for. You also need extra room for a layout cloth or whatever you keep with you deck. Other things that change the size are the kind of thread, which colors, how fancy, etc. etc.

I will give you general guidelines for a plain bag done in double crochet (dc); let your imagination take it from there!

First, make a chain as long as the deck is wide -- a few stitches shorter if you want a snug fit, more if you need room for the booklet, wrapping material, whatever. Add three more for a turning chain (counts as first dc). Dc twice in the fourth ch from hook, then in each dc across to the
last one. Dc 5 in the last ch. Working on the other side of the starting ch, dc across to the end, working 2 dc in the last st. Join to top of ch-3 with a slip st.

Start each round from here on by ch 3 as the first dc, and join to the top of this ch with a slip st at the end of each round. Basically, work around in dc, working 5 dc in the center stitch of each end and joining at the end of each round, until the bottom is as big as you need it for your deck.

On the next round, dc in the back loop only of each stitch around; do not increase at all. (This round starts up the sides of the deck.) Again, keep joining at the end of each round, then ch 3 as the first dc of the next round. After that first round, just dc in both loops of each dc around until the bag is 3 or 4 rounds taller than the deck to allow room to close the bag.

Drawstring round: ch 3 (counts as dc), dc in next 2 dc, ch 3; [skip next 3 dc, 3 dc in next 3 stitches, ch 3] around, joining last ch 3 to top of turning ch. (Note: to make it come out even, you may need to skip an extra stitch on a hole or two, or work an extra between holes. Just adjust it to fit. If you're using a heavier yarn instead of crochet thread, you may want to alternate 1 dc and ch 1 instead. Again, adjust as needed.)

On the next round, ch 3, then dc in each dc and ch around. Then work another round or two even (depends on how much extra you want gathered at the top when its closed) and end off.

Just weave whatever kind of cord you want to use through the holes; mine is braided crochet thread, from all the colors I used to stripe the bag with.

You could use a ribbon, leather thong, crochet chain long enough, whatever works for you.

Anyway, there's the basic bag. Just do whatever you like to modify and customize it from there. I put my personal energy into every stitch and make a new bag for each new deck, as part of attuning the deck to me."

I hope that makes sense to someone, I haven't crocheted for years so I am not sure.


Hi Tarotwytch!!

Just printed out your instructions and will tell you how it turns out.


I have SO many projects in the works just now!! ...

And which Fey card came to play with me yesterday?? The Chariot! ("Take control of your life, woman! Whose driving this vehicle anyway??")




I've also printed your pattern Tarotwyth. I know what I will be doing this weekend. If and when I finish I will try to post a picture. Thanks for sharing the pattern!


Thanks Skydancer and Blackadder, I'll look forward to hearing how it goes. I hope it works out OK.


I was wondering if anyone else knitted bags, then I found this old thread.

My wife has been good enough to knit me a couple. As she likes knitting and has never got anything to knit I asked if she could knit me some.
The first one was a little bit big but the second one is a much better size and the knitting is tighter, it was quite loose on the bigger one but she changed needles for the last one.



Those really are gorgeous bags. I particularly like the rainbow coloured one :).


While I don't knit, I did just learn to crochet. I've made bags for most of my decks.

My most recent bag

Showing off my Sweet Twilight

It's going to get a bit of work done in a few days (the button isn't actually secure, and I'm going to re-do the flap), but it's probably the nicest one I've made.