22 Revelations' Chapters


Is there any information on correspondences between the 22 Trumps and 22 Revelations' chapters? I know that many images and concepts are undoubtedly from Revelations, but I mean specifically chapter-by-chapter, trump-by-trump correlations. Some require tedious mental acrobatics, but others are too brazen to ignore: Chap. 1, John as Magician introducing his vision; Chap. 20 is the Last Judgement; Chap. 21 is the New Jerusalem as Bride; and others somewhat more subtle yet powerful.

Bembo Bimbo


The interest in the time, when the Relevations were written, in the number 22 was already existent. The Hebrew Alphabet had 22 letters. This interest was somehow manifested by a specific psalm, called the golden AbC, in which each passage started with a different letter according to the row of the alphabet.

The revelations were a book of great interest in 14th/15th century. The Visconti library around 1420


had about 1000 books and was the second greatest library in Europe. It had about 20 "Revelations" - so it definitely was really a favoured topic at the relevant time, and really also at the right place, that's in Milan - where very old Trionfi decks were produced.

Nonetheless there are various possible reasons, why the number 22 finally was chosen as number of the Major Arcana.

22 - is a number in the dice-game, which has 21 possibilities in a throw with 2 dices. This is the reason, which most researchers seem to prefer

22 - letters has the Hebrew alphabet - this hypothesis was a time long very prefered, and it somehow also presents the Revelation-thesis ... now it looks a little bit deranged in its importance, that the earlier suggestions of Eliphas Levi and Golden Dawn were a little blue-eyed.

22 - years Galeazzo Maria Sforza was in the year 1466, when his father died and he became duke of Milano. 22 years old was Maria Bianca Sforza, Galeazzo's mother, when her father, Filippo Maria Visconti died, in the year 1447.
Filippo Visconti is a "great man" in the theories about the origin of Tarot, see:
Bianca Maria is a "great Tarot woman" in the early documents, in which the name "Trionfi" appeared or cards appeared(1425 as babe, 1.1.1441 in preparation of a marriage, Oktober 1441 as bride in a marriage, 1452 in a letter, which signifies her as "Trionfi-deck-commissioner".)
22 years old was Galeazzo Maria's father, the famous condottieri Francesco Sforza, when his father Muzio Attendola, himself also a famous condottieri and a legend, drowned in a river near Aquila.

So in 1466, three accidently 22's in near context to each other (father-mother-sun) run together, and Galeazzo Maria on his step "out of youth" to become a mature "duke of Milano", could see them all - and was personally involved.

Later historians stated, that Galeazzo was very superstitious. Could he haven't seen this with all the astrologers around him, who thought about such details?

The Visconti-Sforza's became famous as Trionfi card producers. If the Tarot already had 22 cards in this moment of time, the familiary 22-accident would be really crazy. Then Francesco Sforza - a man who was known as not very superstitious - would have died on a sort of "playing card command". This seems not really realistical.

Much more likely it is, that this relation of four "22's" at one spot evolved, cause there is a hidden logic in it. Which means: The familiary Tarot got 22 cards, cause Galeazzo Maria had this crazy accident of three "22's" before in the year 1466.

Galeazzo Maria was rich enough and had influence enough to cause that.

Trionfi decks existed already, and we know from the document of 1457, that Galeazzo Maria played with them, but these decks are reported to have 70 cards, not 78.

In general Tarot history - just at this moment - some people don't stop to speculate, that the origin of the Tarot in a 22-trumps-version (or 21 trumps + fool) took place 1420 - 1440 and that it existed already, although we at trionfi.com had made it obvious that not a single document gives really evidence for this assumption, but in the contrary all points to decks with a 5x14-structure or 5x16 or other creative compositions, and between them a 4x14+22-version (standard Tarot) has the quality "not detectable".

In the contrary we offer the suggestion that Galeazzo Maria ordered a deck with the mentioned 4x14+22-structure in the year 1468 at he occasion of his marriage with Bona of Savoia. A provisional page to this:


This "reconstructed, speculated" deck in our opinion was in choice of the motifs and inner structure very near to that, what later evolved as Tarot, however, some details were different: it had no devil and also likely no tower. Instead of the devil it likely had a Visconti snake, that is a card with familiary heraldic.

Returning back to your question .. why got the Tarot 22 trumps.

Galeazzo's action ... in the case, that we've analysed the historical conditions correctly ... alone doesn't explain the "why" completely. Galeazzo Maria could make a creative impulse by inventing this form of deck, but others must have taken the proposal and imitated it, so that the "successful farspread Tarot" could get reality. And the collective player, who accepted and adapted the game, possibly modificating it by new productions, surely was not specifically interested in Galeazzo's story, why he choose 22 trumps or 21 trumps and a fool.
These persons were in their decision for acceptance probably much nearer to the other explanations, that is 21 possibilities of the roll the 2 dices, 22 chapters of the relevation, 22 letters of Hebre alphabet, probably each of the factor played a role in the "acceptance and imitation process".

So all suggestions to the "why" of the 22 finally run together in one process, each of the answers is "somehow right", as not only the inventor is of part of the process, but also the public, which agrees occasionally to an invention - and mostly disagrees .... another story, about which lots of game inventors could sing complex aries.



Revelation & Tarot Trumps

If I remember rightly it was Eliphas levi who first posited a connection between the 22 chapters of the Revelation of St John and the 22 tarot trumps - I think that is really a coincidence which Levi made the most of ( as with the 22 Hebrew letters).
However the final trumps are heavily eschatological in nature so it is not at all unreasonable to say that they have a relation to the Apocalyptic vision, the final Judgement. Trump XX illustrates Corinthians’ 15:52 : ‘Behold, I shew you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed. In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall all be changed.’ Amid a blaze of radiance the great archangel Michael, the ‘Arch-Priest of Heaven’, sounds his trumpet, waking the dead who rise naked from their tombs, as it is written: ‘For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality’
And then trump XXI which is either Christ in Glory surrounded by the tetramorphs/beasts of the evangelists or the New Heaven and New Earth, the Mundus Archetypus, the Platonic Realm of Ideal being, the City of God, Sion.



nigromancer700 said:
Amid a blaze of radiance the great archangel Michael, the ‘Arch-Priest of Heaven’, sounds his trumpet, waking the dead who rise naked from their tombs...
Hello Nigel. Excuse me, but you link Michael with this quotation,
and yes I agree with this being the Angel seen on Judgement.
You may find yourself among a minority viewpoint. :) Welcome!


Paul Huson, in his Mystical Origins of the Tarot, indicates that the "cross- emblazoned banner floating from the trumpet" identifies the angel as Michael. Usually, however, Michael is identified by his scales of justice or by his spear with which he slays the dragon. Here, he is the Awakener of the soul into the higher world or the Transformer of the earth-bound consciousness into the "cosmic consciousness." Is the image only biblically eschatological to the Renaissance originators, or Neoplatonic as well, about the Christian Omega as well as the Neoplatonic shift from lower to higher planes of existence?


St Michael and Trump XX

Fulgour, Frank et al. hello,

Well in medieval angelology St Michael was known as the 'Arch-Priest of Heaven' seperating the souls from the bodies and offering them up as a holy oblation to the Most High as well as presiding over the weighing of souls with his scales as in the carvings in Chartres Cathedral and elsewhere. Interesting too that in Greek Christianity the Archangel Michael assimilated the figure of Hermes (Thoth-Hermes presiding over the weighing of the heart?).

Anyway as regards the eschatological mysteries of Trump XX, interpreted at the anagogical layer of deeper esoteric meanings let's recall what the alchemist Basil Valentine in the fourth of his Twelve Keys says:

‘At the end of the world, the world shall be judged by fire, and all those things that God has made of nothing shall by fire be reduced to ashes, from which ashes the Phoenix is to produce her young…After the conflagration, there shall be formed a new heaven and a new earth, and the new man will be more noble in his glorified state than he was before’.

Valentine goes on to use the simile of glass being produced by great heat from sand and ashes, ’ripened by fire’, to allude to the ‘great mystery’ of the immortal ‘glorified body’ which ‘resembles a crystal stone’.

Writing in 1336 Petrus Bonus of Ferrara in his work ‘Pretiosa Margarita Novella’ states that:

‘The ancient alchemists knew through their art about the approaching end of the world and the resurrection of the dead…The body becomes totally glorified and incorruptible, incredibly subtle, penetrating every density. Its nature will be both spiritual and bodily. Ancient philosophers have seen the Last Judgement in this Art…’



Interesting that I always thought that the Angel on the Judgement card, was
Midrash/Metatron who assists those who 'cross over'. So after this thread I asked my mother who named my brother Michael. She said that God rewarded Michael by allowing him to receive souls as they entered Heaven. God also allowed Archangel Michael to blow the Heavenly Trumpet and raise the Banner on the Day of Judgement. The biblical references are Psalms 62.9 and Daniel 5.27.
I found all the posts fascinating on this thread and especially loved all the correspondances and History from Huck. Thanks BemboBimbo for starting the thread. ~~Rosanne


Pythagorism and the pentagonal number 22


Interesting post .

Another theory would be that Pythagorean mathematics would have given the final state of the 22, leading to a predominant 78 structure in the late second half on the XVth century.

22 is a pentagonal number divided into :

Specific data is available on : LTarot.


Alain Bougearel

Huck said:
The interest in the time, when the Relevations were written, in the number 22 was already existent. The Hebrew Alphabet had 22 letters. This interest was somehow manifested by a specific psalm, called the golden AbC, in which each passage started with a different letter according to the row of the alphabet.

The revelations were a book of great interest in 14th/15th century. The Visconti library around 1420


had about 1000 books and was the second greatest library in Europe. It had about 20 "Revelations" - so it definitely was really a favoured topic at the relevant time, and really also at the right place, that's in Milan - where very old Trionfi decks were produced.

Nonetheless there are various possible reasons, why the number 22 finally was chosen as number of the Major Arcana.

22 - is a number in the dice-game, which has 21 possibilities in a throw with 2 dices. This is the reason, which most researchers seem to prefer

22 - letters has the Hebrew alphabet - this hypothesis was a time long very prefered, and it somehow also presents the Revelation-thesis ... now it looks a little bit deranged in its importance, that the earlier suggestions of Eliphas Levi and Golden Dawn were a little blue-eyed.

22 - years Galeazzo Maria Sforza was in the year 1466, when his father died and he became duke of Milano. 22 years old was Maria Bianca Sforza, Galeazzo's mother, when her father, Filippo Maria Visconti died, in the year 1447.
Filippo Visconti is a "great man" in the theories about the origin of Tarot, see:
Bianca Maria is a "great Tarot woman" in the early documents, in which the name "Trionfi" appeared or cards appeared(1425 as babe, 1.1.1441 in preparation of a marriage, Oktober 1441 as bride in a marriage, 1452 in a letter, which signifies her as "Trionfi-deck-commissioner".)
22 years old was Galeazzo Maria's father, the famous condottieri Francesco Sforza, when his father Muzio Attendola, himself also a famous condottieri and a legend, drowned in a river near Aquila.

So in 1466, three accidently 22's in near context to each other (father-mother-sun) run together, and Galeazzo Maria on his step "out of youth" to become a mature "duke of Milano", could see them all - and was personally involved.

Later historians stated, that Galeazzo was very superstitious. Could he haven't seen this with all the astrologers around him, who thought about such details?

The Visconti-Sforza's became famous as Trionfi card producers. If the Tarot already had 22 cards in this moment of time, the familiary 22-accident would be really crazy. Then Francesco Sforza - a man who was known as not very superstitious - would have died on a sort of "playing card command". This seems not really realistical.

Much more likely it is, that this relation of four "22's" at one spot evolved, cause there is a hidden logic in it. Which means: The familiary Tarot got 22 cards, cause Galeazzo Maria had this crazy accident of three "22's" before in the year 1466.

Galeazzo Maria was rich enough and had influence enough to cause that.

Trionfi decks existed already, and we know from the document of 1457, that Galeazzo Maria played with them, but these decks are reported to have 70 cards, not 78.

In general Tarot history - just at this moment - some people don't stop to speculate, that the origin of the Tarot in a 22-trumps-version (or 21 trumps + fool) took place 1420 - 1440 and that it existed already, although we at trionfi.com had made it obvious that not a single document gives really evidence for this assumption, but in the contrary all points to decks with a 5x14-structure or 5x16 or other creative compositions, and between them a 4x14+22-version (standard Tarot) has the quality "not detectable".

In the contrary we offer the suggestion that Galeazzo Maria ordered a deck with the mentioned 4x14+22-structure in the year 1468 at he occasion of his marriage with Bona of Savoia. A provisional page to this:


This "reconstructed, speculated" deck in our opinion was in choice of the motifs and inner structure very near to that, what later evolved as Tarot, however, some details were different: it had no devil and also likely no tower. Instead of the devil it likely had a Visconti snake, that is a card with familiary heraldic.

Returning back to your question .. why got the Tarot 22 trumps.

Galeazzo's action ... in the case, that we've analysed the historical conditions correctly ... alone doesn't explain the "why" completely. Galeazzo Maria could make a creative impulse by inventing this form of deck, but others must have taken the proposal and imitated it, so that the "successful farspread Tarot" could get reality. And the collective player, who accepted and adapted the game, possibly modificating it by new productions, surely was not specifically interested in Galeazzo's story, why he choose 22 trumps or 21 trumps and a fool.
These persons were in their decision for acceptance probably much nearer to the other explanations, that is 21 possibilities of the roll the 2 dices, 22 chapters of the relevation, 22 letters of Hebre alphabet, probably each of the factor played a role in the "acceptance and imitation process".

So all suggestions to the "why" of the 22 finally run together in one process, each of the answers is "somehow right", as not only the inventor is of part of the process, but also the public, which agrees occasionally to an invention - and mostly disagrees .... another story, about which lots of game inventors could sing complex aries.



Trump by Chapter

Thank you, Rosanne. And thanks to everyone - I have also found these posts very informative and helpful. However, no one has yet answered my original, and central question - has their been any research done, equating each of the 22 Revelations' chapters to the corresponding numbered Trumps? I realize the 22 issue is very complicated, and that Revelations used 22 chapters based upon the 22 Hebrew letters. But that sort of begs my question.
Bembo Bimbo

Rosanne wrote:

... I found all the posts fascinating on this thread and especially loved all the correspondances and History from Huck. Thanks BemboBimbo for starting the thread. ~~Rosanne[/QUOTE]


BemboBimbo said:
Thank you, Rosanne. And thanks to everyone - I have also found these posts very informative and helpful. However, no one has yet answered my original, and central question - has their been any research done, equating each of the 22 Revelations' chapters to the corresponding numbered Trumps? I realize the 22 issue is very complicated, and that Revelations used 22 chapters based upon the 22 Hebrew letters. But that sort of begs my question.
Bembo Bimbo

I understood, that this was your question. But this your question runs back - for logical reasons - to the question, who and how Tarot developed. And how and why it got 22 trumps. If it hadn't 22 trumps, your question of a concrete precise relation between sequence of Tarot cards and sequence of the chapters of revelation wouldn't exist.

To the question how Tarot developed there are in the moment two answers, exaggerated presented as

A. "it dropped from heaven as a unique idea"
B. "it developed in various steps -an evolutionary process with many changes"

The possibility A. leaves the chance, that somebody took the older book of relevation and formed in view of the chapters the Tarot iconography. In this case the research, that you requested, might have taken place and had reasonable chances to succeed with its research idea, finding a key or some indices, which make a connection look reliable.
The possibility B. doesn't leave to much chances, the research might have taken place, but actually, whatever the result was and how good the author felt with it, the conditions to understand something really, are not given.

To your question, if this research have taken place ... I would say yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, 100x and more ... cause I guess, that surely a lot of people took the book of revelation, looked in it and tried to find a Tarot connection and said, "I don't see it". Also there were others, which a little more energetic, tried to identify Tarot iconography in renaissance bookpainting productions to the Apocalypse, but these also came to the insight: "I don't see it." ... I do know not, that somebody did came to a positive answer and even if he would say so, that "he found", I wouldn't easily believe him, as I also took the book of relevation and I also looked for apocalyptic Tarot iconography.
It's undenyable, that single Tarot-motifs were used in apocalyptic context - but not all and not as a precise mirrored sequence

From the above mentioned possibilities A. and B. I personally prefer possibility B. and this doesn't give the relevation-thesis a great chance to have had reality in 15th century.
See: http://trionfi.com/0/f

Btw: There were more than one sequence of Tarot cards in 15th century. If the relevation-thesis would be correct, it can satisfy only one of the Tarot-sequences.