AT Traveling Member Deck ~ Journal II


And received the deck yesterday the 22nd of December, what a delightful gift. I haven't opened the package yet, but I will and soon. Thanks Silaria and all those who's hands this deck has touched.


And I have just sent the deck off to Seafra. Enjoy!!!!



From my journal:

Today the Edgar Cayce ARE email asks me to Think on These Things for Wednesday, January 07 and so I do ...

"The more and more each is impelled by that which is intuitive, or the relying upon the soul force within, the greater, the farther, the deeper, the broader, the more constructive may be the result."

I'll take this as a sign that the cards are arriving today since they have non-scenic pips -- it is good to be impelled by intuition even though I know I'll do some RWS overlap out of habit.


And they DO arrive today! The Moon entered restless Gemini at 1:10pm EST and the deck entered my hallway shortly thereafter. I am ADHDing like mad so off to take a calming bath before that which is intuitive goes greater, farther, deeper, broader.


The cards are cold -- but so is the day; cold and rainy. While warming them in my hands I think of other hands which have shuffled this deck, most recently Baroli. Flip to the bottom card and ahhh, ROYNE DE DENIER. The cards enjoyed being in Baroli's hands! Flip her over and ooo a shout out to Sin who signed her!

As my hands warmed them just for haha's I checked my horoscope and a random google gave me this: Scorpio Wednesday, Jan 7th, 2009 -- You are usually ready to dig beneath the surface to discover the hidden truth. However, now you are more likely to avoid the emotional intensity by dancing around the edges of a significant issue. There's no urgent need to solve every mystery today. Give yourself permission to just go along with the energy and see where the flow takes you.

My interp: Plans to set aside Q's re stale relationship gunk continue to be good. Don't use big layouts. Look out for those pointy edges while shuffling. Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle. Gotcha.

Separating them into the signed and unsigned I think of Romper Room, a TV show I watched as a child. At the close of the show she would look through her magic mirror and see those of us watching at home. "Romper bomper stomper boo, tell me, tell me, tell me do. Magic Mirror tell me today, did all my friends have fun at play?" Then she would spout names: I see Flavio and missycab and octoberiste, magpie, cara and dangerdork ...

Shuffle, shuffle, shuffle and out flys the VALET DE BASTONS (which was my significator when I started reading as a kid with my first deck, a 1JJ Swiss), and he's sailed to the desk with flyer #2 the ROYNE DE BASTONS (which my own cards use to signify me now). Interesting. So I mark the Royne De Bastons (to whom I instantly give the dubious title "the show us your t*ts card").

shuffle, shuffle, shuffle, cut, cut, cut

Very surprised at the ease of the shuffle, thought it would be cumbersome after my RWS. It cuts oh so clean. Tell me, Jean, what you want me to know. Speaking of cuts, it cuts to the chase regarding a very personal issue so I'm putting things in code if ya'all don't mind:

01 Your Origin – 9 of Sword (I know exactly what this means, was foundation in a previous reading w/my RWS)
02 Your Inspiration – Knight of Wand (I grudgingly admit this is true)
03 Your Power – Wheel of Fortune (Ahh, ok. No wonder that previous reading said I had no influence)
04 The Turning Point – 8 of Sword rev (Most certainly)
05 Your Transformation – 6 of Sword (Yes)
06 Your Epiphany – 7 of Cups (This one's point is pretty funny and also true)
07 Your Destiny – 4 of Sword (Sweet, much needed)

They're blunt! I no sooner had the layout done when in galloped the Knight of Wands personified, the Wheel turns and things are changed, just like Jean told me they'd be. They're remarkable!


Wanted to do some readings for people here if I could but AT was down when I had the time. Am sending them off today (1/13) -- didn't want to do it before I could notify HeavensVault.

These were great to handle but not my kind of deck at all. The High Priestess as grandmother is not within my scope. Also, I rely heavily on using reversals and some cards are impossible for me to see which end is up.

It was a very special thing to participate in this. Many thanks to all for the opportunity to be part of this. And so, as the Noblet LWB so aptly puts it -- Carry on!

Briar Rose

The Jean Noblet started it's journey from Australia to South Asia, Europe, Taiwan and making it's way through South America and now here in the United States. It's been quite a journey for the deck from the last edge of 2007 to the beginning of 2009. Touched so personally by many of us Aeclectic.

January 19, 2009 Here in the United States I sat with the deck in my hands, thought about what messages I should recieve for 2009. I shuffled the cards and this 3 card reading gave me hints to prepare me for what can happen if I don't take heed;


There are hidden new possiblities if I am open and lose my fear of loss.

I hope I understood the cards correctly. The pictures are very hard to work with. The deck tests your knowledge of knowing the cards. I had to stop after each spread and refer to my brain!

Satori sent me Pm not to give up. The precious dearheart! She gave me a link to exercises designed for decks such as these. The exercises do work.
Thank you!

I have done more personal readings with this deck and the layouts were very telling. I felt like have to have my school face on with this deck.

I am grateful to participate in such a long and wonderful journey. The deck came at the right time for me.

Thank you to everyone who is participating, and a very warm thank you to Solandia for making it all possible.

The Jean Noblet Tarot deck, a de Marseilles style deck.


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The Noblet arrived today, and I admit, I had forgotten all about the dear little traveler making her way to me. She came so snugly packed in her box with a few delights for me, and I was suddenly feeling so happy to have signed up for this adventure.

Looking at the cards, and the names, and the feel of the deck after it has been in so many other hands, was lovely. The deck is holding up well, but it is truly getting worn, very well worn, and looks Used!

Tonight after the kids go to bed I will light some candles and play with the lovely Noblet. I am very excited to be part of this project, and I think that the thing that makes it so fun is knowing that my own imprint will be there in energy and ink! :)


I tried to get the deck out yesterday but I was stuck inside due to snow and ice. I am happy to report that the Noblet is once again on her noble journey across the northeast, winging her way to New York and to fran's hands!

I did some very nice meditative readings with it. Love that deck. And I enjoyed seeing which AT members were popping up with the cards to speak to me. That made it really interesting, looking to see who from our AT family wanted to smile across the miles and talk to me through the cards.


I received the deck today from Fran and it was a really good feeling I got upon receiving it. I went through it looking at the backs and seeing all the people here whose hands it has already passed through. That was really cool. I separated them from the cards that were not signed and asked my guides to help me pick the right card for me. I chose the 4 of Cups.

I also drew 3 more cards and did a reading for myself with it. I posted it on my blog. You can see it there with all the scans. Just go to my website. It is under "My Readings"

I plan on infusing the deck with Reiki before sending it on. This was very special. I am glad I signed up for it.

Here is the reading:

I went through the entire deck looking at all the people that have had it in their possession already. For those I knew well, I looked over to see what card they picked for themselves. It was really neat to see. I sorted out all the cards that had not been signed and asked my guides to help me pick the one that was right for me. I chose the 4 of Cups. Right away I was reminded of Spring which is very welcome right now. I see the bottom pod in the card as a seed that is starting to open up with the promise of beautiful things. Right now I have been feeling quite the opposite. Closed in, like a Hermit. The economic downturn has been depressing. My heart breaks for everyone that is in bad times. I still have a job, and feel very grateful and also guilty. This card gives me hope as does the new administration in the White House. I hope the President stands true.

I see this first card promising change for me personally as well. That my heart may start to open up and feel happy. I plan on doing some major cleaning out of the house today. Too much clutter and dust. I have neglected it. This card is a message to stay on that line of thinking. I think it will help me feel better having the house clean and de-cluttered. Spring cleaning!

Next I drew 3 more cards to expound on the 4 of Cups:

The first was Judgement which was signed by La Luna, next The Lover that was signed by MeeWah and finally 4 of Wands. Wow, I drew these 3 cards after contemplating the 4 of Cups and I am amazed at some poignant meanings jumping out at me right away. The 2 Majors and another 4 say that this is a very important change I am entering.

The 4 of Wands showing me the potential outcome with fully blossomed flowers. These flowers have been ‘picked’. They are no longer coming from the ground. This says a few things to me. I need to become ‘unattached’. It is time to take what I am reaping and move on. Don’t get stuck here and stay still. The fours are also telling me that I am still in the beginning stages, and the stability of 4 may make it easy to stay here. The picked flowers are telling me take what I have grown with me, but don’t stay here.

I am also noting the suits of the fours. Cups and Wands are telling me that I need to follow my heart and my instincts. They will not steer me wrong. Don’t over think things and don’t become physically attached.

Quite amazing that I drew the Judgement card after saying how I have felt closed in. Well, this is the promise of Spring and being freed! I must listen for the call. I often ‘hear’ better when I meditate and I have not been doing that regularly like I used to. Not the typical meaning for this card, but it is reminding me to meditate more often and listen for instructions. It is during meditation that I get ideas and inspirations and I believe it is my guides reaching out to me. My inner voice pushing me in the right direction.

This will be my new focus. To listen more to my inner voice. Stop trying and just let it happen.

Finally we have the Lovers card. I love the look on the man’s face here. Doesn’t he look pretty obstinate? As if he doesn’t like what the woman on the left is telling him to do? This may sound trivial, especially when reading a major arcana card, but I am feeling the same way about cleaning my house! I don’t want to! I would rather knit all day, but that voice inside me is saying, “you know you need to clean up. It will make you feel better and is the right thing to do”.
This card depicts the 2 sides of me that are in conflict. The practical side that knows what I should do and the other side that just wants to relax and indulge on her day off. The cherub is shooting that arrow which surely represents this reading. This reading which is confirming what I have been thinking all week about needing to make some changes. Unavoidably I can not deny what it is I need to do today and the attitude I need to take going forward in order to get ready and be in the right mindset for the changes about to bloom!


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I received the deck from Amy after a long day on Thursday. First I looked at all the signatures, then I took a look at the cards themselves. My favorite thing about this deck was shuffling it, i enjoyed thinking about how this deck has traveled all around the world, and now is safely resting in my hands.

I did a few 3 card readings for myself and my mom. My Dad is going through chemotherapy, which has been difficult and I got some helpful responses from this deck on how better to cope. I kept getting things about change; that any change in life will always change again. I guess it is an appropriate theme because this deck has had 60 odd owners.

Today I was going to send it on, but I realized this morning that the post office is closed on President's day, so the deck stayed with me for an extra day.

This was a wonderful experience, and I am so glad that I got to be a part of it.


Hi Everyone,
I just received the Noblet this afternoon. I couldn't wait to rip open the package. I did it in the P.O.parking lot. I felt the energy from everyone fly out of the envelope and into the car and surrond me. What a great feeling it was.
I started to look through them and figured I'd better get on her real fast and let everyone know that they have arrived at my home.


The deck and I had a great weekend together, I did a simple reading and was surprised at the outcome.There is nothing really that stands out right now in my mind except that the energy from this deck is totally awesome.
Ruby V,
I need you address so I can send the deck on to you Monday. Please contact me. If I don't hear from you I will send it on to Frelkins.