De-Enabling Thread


From the web site:
Each face card profiles a different scientist along their particular life path. A symbolic neurotransmitter links the iconic images to common personal experience.

Explorer (Page) - Dopamine: An initial curiosity about the world is the gate to science, inspiring a seeker of novelty to adventure.

Innovator (Knight) - Serotonin: The devoted researcher who explores the questions raised by observation, building newly structured methods and tools.

Storyteller (Queen) - Oxytocin: The negotiator between many worlds, wielding an emotional intelligence and empathy for bringing others into science discovery.

Visionary (King) - Testosterone: The director driving scientific study forward into new territory with future vision and hope.

Ok. The first Bad Sign is this sentence: "A symbolic neurotransmitter links the iconic images to common personal experience."

It's downhill from there.

Open Arms

I was a scientist for 20 years and even I find it a bit OTT!




I...... I need emergency de-enabling.. and apparently it can't have anything to do with the sciencey part... maybe it's made of shoddy cardstock? Terribly laminated? Gives you diseases that it didn't tell you it had?


Debra said:
Tarocchi Veneziani. Harmless to "wish" for it, as it is more elusive than, um, whatever is really really elusive.

This deck *still* smells just awful after two years. The cards are HUGE and impossible to handle or shuffle.
And almost everyone looks like they are drunk.


It's been two weeks since someone needed de-enabled??? Must be a sign of economic recovery!! :D

Ok, please tell me to stop buying historical decks that I don't know how to read with. I don't even know why I buy them. It's compulsory. It's sick. How many Dodal repro's does one girl need?? I need help. Help me.


tarotmama said:
It's been two weeks since someone needed de-enabled??? Must be a sign of economic recovery!! :D

Ok, please tell me to stop buying historical decks that I don't know how to read with. I don't even know why I buy them. It's compulsory. It's sick. How many Dodal repro's does one girl need?? I need help. Help me.

All you need is a good Soprafino-pattern repro.

Admit it: in your heart of hearts, you know the other ones are ugly. Except maybe 1JJ, which is totally 70s.


Hi TarotMama

I wanted just one historical as I don't feel compelled to read with them and I only want decks I actually read with. ONE historical deck is all one really needs, so pick your favorite, so you have one in your collection and let the rest go to someone who may actually like to read with historical decks! Set them free to go to homes where they won't sit on the shelf and you don't need another one. How's that for de enabling?


You may not buy another historical deck until you know how to read with them. You can't buy decks thinking "oh, once I have decks A, B, C, D ... Q, I will have a basis and get serious about learning how to read with them." That never works.

Trust me, I know.

You have one. Learn with it. Love it. When you are comfortable reading with it, and I mean THOROUGHLY comfortable, then you may buy another.

And since you know you will never gain the comfort level you have with the pattern you learned on, then you will never be thoroughly comfortable, and never buy another. But the unattainable goal will keep you engaged ...

Le Fanu

I remember in the early days when I *just* needed the Soprafino... That was a long time ago now...


jackdaw* said:
You may not buy another historical deck until you know how to read with them. You can't buy decks thinking "oh, once I have decks A, B, C, D ... Q, I will have a basis and get serious about learning how to read with them." That never works.

Trust me, I know.

You have one. Learn with it. Love it. When you are comfortable reading with it, and I mean THOROUGHLY comfortable, then you may buy another.

And since you know you will never gain the comfort level you have with the pattern you learned on, then you will never be thoroughly comfortable, and never buy another. But the unattainable goal will keep you engaged ...
Very good. As one who tried the alternative - I have yet to get comfortable actually using ANY of them....

They are pretty. So are flowers - and cheaper :)