Do the Cards Lie ?

ana luisa

Cards don´t lie. We may, however, twist the message as to fit our needs. What cards do do is to hide the truth when it´s not possible or advisable that it be told...


The cards are just that - a piece of card with a picture on them - how can they lie? It's all down to the interpretation of them, or the honesty of the person reading them - do they want to tell the truth if they see something not so nice.... ? Or if reading for yourself, be honest! Most importantly - enjoy them :)


The cards dont like.

They sometimes just get fed outdated, irrelevant, or fictious information from outside sources.

learning that if it's meant to be a learning expierence, the cards wont save you.


The, they don't lie.

They do enjoy a good riddle, though. A good joke. Or to scream at you when the answer is right under your nose and you refuse to see.

Of course, you can always interpret wrongly...and it's not a big bad awful lie. Everybody makes mistakes, and sometimes a reading you don't understand right now will only make sense later. That's why we keep journals, write readings down, think about them, discuss them here...and try not to do 21545451 readings just because the answer didn't seem obvious to us at first.

But the cards, no, i don't think that in the box they rub their paper hands together and plan the next evil lie :p

Miss Y.


Of course there is a difference between lying and skimming the truth....

Its all in the questions and then the interpretation. The cards arent interested in truth and lies. If I ask "Should I?" I'll get a different answer than if I ask "What if I do?"

If you ask "Should I?" and the cards say yes, then chances are you will....
But if you ask "What If I do?" And they say you will be happy for awhile until you're not anymore, (I completely agree with whoever said that they sometimes speak in puns and riddles!) you will probably weigh your options more carefully.


Hidden said:
So to get to the core, do the cards lie?

The cards tell the truth, but often we lie to ourselves when we interpret them.


northsea said:
The Cards are 78 liers, liers, pants-on-fires.
lol...Even if you were being facetious, I used to impregnably think the same way. I remember ever after purchasing my first deck earlier this year that I was going to regret it. Although I'm still partial to using online decks for readings and guidance, I have found that further research into their meanings and symbology has made me a believer. It has made me a believer in terms of understanding that each card may and most likely should not be interpreted the same way during each question.

For instance, if you pull the tower card during a reading into how the next two hours will progress for you, you may find that you go through a personal shake up that may be emotional and less conscious to others.
However, if you do a reading for someone else and the tower comes up during a two hour progressional reading, it could indicate anything from a brush with law enforcement to witnessing two close friends fighting.

Tarot cards liars? No...I'm a novice, but from experience I know that even in the depths of despair I have inquired into something about my current situation. And then I will pull a ten of cups for instance and I am instantly clueless about figuring out what it means or how it applies to my individual situation; but later on in the day, I look back and see that the card actually represented a small break in my depression--where I was at ease, even for 10 minutes...

To me in summation:
It's all about interpretation, applicability, and stretching the mind.