

just thinking of the Emperor alone that is reoccurring. He could signify someone in a relationship who brings stability. They are security and sometimes people want that sort of figure to care for them. I'm ignoring all the over bearing or too authoritative meanings because like you say he isn't that. But I do wonder if he gives you strength or stability in some way.

I wonder if the reoccurring element is a message for you about your relationship. He is great for a long term relationship or union for many people. He is very traditional and masculine in his role but does represent security. Perhaps you will end up in a long term commitment?

Holly doll

Hmm, he could be passive aggressive - the Devil can put a negative slant on surrounding cards & the Emperor can be a real control freak - so perhaps seeing the 2 of Cups Rx...?

Sounds weird; but when I see the Devil card I look at the hands - in many decks the hands are holding the chains - almost like a puppet master pulling the strings... Just because you don't SEE the hands moving the strings doesn't mean they aren't - hope I'm making myself clear :)


My initial take was a control freak, potentially abusive.

Then I started thinking Aries, they love the chase - once they've caught up they can lose interest. They are the children of the zodiac - so perhaps there's a little of the child in the behaviour that seems so contradictory. Aries rules the head, so now I'm thinking combined with the devil - is there something else going on up there that you may not be getting enough of an opportunity to see? Have a conversation and notice if there's anything odd.