Ever encountered someone genuinely AFRAID of the tarot?


trismegistus said:
not to go off topic or anything but I find this somewhat amusing because people are sharing their experiences, here in a tarot forum, about negative perceptions about tarot from the "outside" world; meanwhile here on the "inside" the same fears are evident in some people's reluctance or refusal to use, possess or have under their roof, certain tarot decks.

I just had to get that out.

Haha, I totally appreciate that irony. :) (Hope you're not annoyed and just appreciating the irony as well, lol)


SarahRose said:
Haha, I totally appreciate that irony. :) (Hope you're not annoyed and just appreciating the irony as well, lol)

annoyed? not at all :laugh:

yes, it's pure irony. and I completely understand where it's all coming from.


When I told one of my friend that I am getting in tarot and I wanted to try a reading on her, she refused it like the devil is gonna get her if she touche or see my deck or any other tarot deck. She is very religious (Christian), and she see it as a dark art. Sadly......but she doesn't mind what I am doing. She told me never to mention about the tarot or anything relating to the dark arts (her words not mine) when we are talking to each other or near each other. I am fine with.


trismegistus said:
not to go off topic or anything but I find this somewhat amusing because people are sharing their experiences, here in a tarot forum, about negative perceptions about tarot from the "outside" world; meanwhile here on the "inside" the same fears are evident in some people's reluctance or refusal to use, possess or have under their roof, certain tarot decks.

I just had to get that out.

Indeed. I may myself be that way. Some art I find...well, to quote Firefly: "Creepifying." But that's the specific deck. I don't like looking at the gross or frightening and I don't watch horror movies or creepy ones. I'd rather not have them around because they give me shivers. But I have some friends who watch them and I don't think it's evil. I think a deck would be "evil" only if someone were intentionally trying to charge it with highly negative energies...then I wouldn't want it around. Even if it was a copy of my beloved Gilded...


this is almost completely off topic... but not quite. I have a friend whose patents named her Jezebel, and anyway recently she visited the US from little ole teeny weeny NZ, and she was in a big state somewhere in what I believe is called the 'bible belt' taking a taxi to her accomodation. She was chatting real friendly to the taxi driver when he happened to ask her name. She told him her name and he just slammed on the brakes, (saying nothing) got out of the car (saying nothing) and pulled her suitcase out of the boot (trunk US sp.?) and then still saying nothing gestured her to get out. She did... and he drove off leaving her in the middle of nowhere at night.
Some people get freaked by anything they consider evil, even a name attached to another human -attached to a harmless young girl in a foreign land.
Yep, I'm glad we have this forum to communicate to each other and mend misconceptions around the concept of "EVIL"!!!! Mwaahaahahaa!!!


About 9-10 years ago, my cousin in Rome was going out with some kind of Messianic guy. They came to visit me in London. When he saw my cards, he left the house, and refused to come back, saying they were tools of the devil, and they would harm them. He looked genuinely scared.

My cousin, who was Messianic too, was nevertheless embarrassed, and tried to find excuses for him, saying he was stressed. But they ended up staying in a hotel, and only she came to the house after that, although he didn't refuse to see me outside the house, and was otherwise fairly ok. I didn't tell him I had a deck in my handbag })


No, I've never encountered anyone afraid of my tarot. Most of the people that do know me know that I have an interest in tarot. At worst, I've encountered one person that thought I was creepy because I was into tarot.


My grandmother doesn't like the tarot- I took a pack to her house once & she wasn't happy at all, so I've not mentioned it since- and certainly not how many decks I have.

She was raised Catholic, but isn't hugely religious. Has a ouija board in her attic that scares her.


I must be very lucky I haven't ever encountered someone that is afraid of the Tarot, my mum (who is 78 and welsh presbyterian) thinks its fabulous and bought me my first deck and when i have a new deck I have to take it for her to have a peek at!! I did have a ex boyfriend who wouldn't let me have my decks, books around when he was at mine ( he was soon despatched) I have come across people who don't understand the tarot, but once explained most seem satisfied, its enlightening to read some peoples experiences!!
