Ever encountered someone genuinely AFRAID of the tarot?


My mum doesn't understand about cards etc either. She just says it's "meddling in things you don't understand". How shuffling and laying out a few cards will suddenly open up a PORTAL TO THE UNDERWORLD or something I have no idea. She's psychic and should develop it but is too scared. My boyfriend knows about my cards and while he doesn't exactly approve, he doesn't freak either.

Fallen Angel

Hey Sarah,

I can SO sympathise with that !! Im a catholic apparently (you can see me rant on in various bible related threads !!) and I am not really accepted into the catholic community with my diverse spiritual beliefs !!

I used to date a guy to wouldnt enter the room if I had my cards out :eek: I stoped doing a lot of things when I was with him. He did make me question things, he had problems with me meditiating and practicing yoga too....saying I was worshiping "other gods"...not true...I was just meditiating, silent and still !!

Anyways, needless to say he isnt in my life anymore and I am very happy and secure with my beliefs.

ps..i used to really tease him and chase him around the house with a deck in my hands...hillarious fun :D :D. He really was very scared by the whole thing.


I think my mother is. She would never admit to it but she is ALWAYS asking me how I can possibly believe it works.... That doesn't sound like much, but it's the WAY she asks, if you know what I mean....


trismegistus said:
not to go off topic or anything but I find this somewhat amusing because people are sharing their experiences, here in a tarot forum, about negative perceptions about tarot from the "outside" world; meanwhile here on the "inside" the same fears are evident in some people's reluctance or refusal to use, possess or have under their roof, certain tarot decks.

I just had to get that out.

C'mon Tris, I had to get rid of the Vampire decks.
It just got to be too much trouble to keep swatting the vampires off my kids!

Sakura Murasaki

I remember one time I brought my deck to my college and this one guy "freaked" out, but I think that he was just playing (although it felt strange to me because I had never even met him before). I believe that my grandmother, if she found out, would be afraid that I was calling upon the devil. She's super-Christian, a really sweet lady most of the time, and open-minded except in anything considered "occult." I used to have to battle my own fear of Tarot cards way back when, when I used to be Christian. But my friend showed me her Oracle cards, and the more she worked with them and the more I became interested in Oracle cards, the more I became interested in Tarot.

It tastes of cliche to say, but people are usually afraid of things they don't understand. Ignorance is NOT bliss (just like Tarot is NOT New Age - dude, do you think that something that's been around for a couple centuries is "new age"?).


I gave my cousin a reading with her boyfriend at her side. When I was done, she asked him if he wanted one. "No, no, no," he said. He backed away like he was scared. Me and my cousin laughed. He did a little Holy Mary and said he wasn't gonna touch
the cards or anything. I told him ny niece (a friend of his)also read the cards. He was shocked.

I was in my room one day when I over heard a neighboor say "Oh my gosh ya'll are into voodoo." I had left one of my decks in the living room. It was a deck that contained nudity. They next thing I heard was, "Oh my god, they don't have clothes on." Then he said he had to get away from them.

My father says that I bring devil things into his house. He wont touch them.


Fallen Angel said:
I used to date a guy to wouldnt enter the room if I had my cards out :eek: I stoped doing a lot of things when I was with him. He did make me question things, he had problems with me meditiating and practicing yoga too....saying I was worshiping "other gods"...not true...I was just meditiating, silent and still !!

Wow, did we date the same guy in the past!!



SarahRose said:
As the title of the thread suggests, the question is - have you ever encountered someone genuinely AFRAID of the tarot?
oh yes! i read through this post chuckling at each entry and identifying with them as well. when i first began to read cards, two friends & i were getting together for our yearly 'girls night out' dinner & drinks. When I arrived, i mentioned that i brought my cards & would do a reading for them. You could hear a pin drop, the silence was so deafening! they looked at me like i was crazy! the night did not go over well. since then i've 'converted' one of the friends, the other doesn't want to talk, see or hear anything related to tarot or spirits or anything new age.

i was born & raised in a devout catholic family. i still practice my faith, (somewhat), and my mother is a psychic and was a card reader/crystal ball reader. everyone in the family grew up 'seeing' spirits around the house, it was the 'norm' for us. however, lots in the family 'forget' this little history and ignore it too. they are afraid of being judged by those outside of our family.

one sister, who is also psychic, as is her daughter, loves to have readings and listen to the psychic experiences we each experience, but only when it's 'approving' family in the room. NEVER discuss this outside w/the neighbors!

i also have a brother & his wife who have turned 'christian', (not catholic). whenever they come to visit, i run around the house picking up anything remotely 'new age-ish' and hide them in the closet. i know, most people would not agree w/this, but i know they would disown us and we'd never see them again. i'll do it for the sake of seeing their kids, if not for also seeing them. however, i must admit, everytime they do visit i wonder if that will be the day our ghosts begin banging on the walls again, or appearing in corners of the room, or mimmicing us, and throwing open locked doors, ect., ect. ect. Thank goodness, it has not happened while they are here --- yet! :D

i even have the spirit of our old family dog visit---his favorite thing is to jump in the bed---boy that'd scare the hell out of them! :D


I've not actually come across someone afraid of my tarot cards (my Christian friend found them fascinating), but I have not told my family that I'm into Tarot. They threw a fit when they found out I was Pagan and told me that it was evil, and even though I've explained to them over and over that I do not worship the devil, I don't truly think they believe me. I have a feeling if they knew I was into tarot also, that would really solidify their opinions.

BTW- they are Christian, the kind everyone loves to hate. Goes to church once a month or so and thinks that their way is right and thats all. Judgmental, holier than thou, and close minded. So, I honestly don't care what they think of me, and if they find out that I'm into Tarot, oh well.


There are some people, often presenting themselves
as historians, who for some reason need for it to be
that playing cards are older than Tarot. So, we may
ask...what are they afraid of..? Possibly~ the truth?