Favorite Cat-Themed Deck


Pagan Cats is very readable for me. I also enjoy the Baroque kitties.


Even though not out yet, I'm thinking the Black Cat Tarot will be my favorite. I love cats, but so many of the cat decks don't resonate as tarot for me although I LOVE the images and how well done they are.


I love cats and have a fondness for some cat decks. I like the second edition of the Baroque Bohemian Cats' Tarot, I saw the first edition a few times but I can't stand the borders. The second edition is perfect for me. Another one I like is the Medieval Cat Tarot. It has those borders and colors (red-brown) those italian renaissance tarot decks have, but without the images in the middle that I cannot stand, which have been replaced with cats; and said cats look exactly like my half-white half-ginger cat ;). The last one I have is the Pagan Cats Tarot, which I like as well, I like the mix between the cats and the pagan elements here and there. I want to mention that the Cat's Eye Tarot is on my wishlist.

tarot heart

I adore little kitties too. However, I just cannot warm to the Baroque Bohemian deck. Those cats look so stiff and artificial in those costumes. I like my cats to roam free and careless and mischievously around the cards. The only deck that comes close, well there are two actually, are the Cat's Eye Tarot and the majors only Tarot for Cats.

Both these artists have drawn cats which are natural and playful and true.

Those two decks are absolutely purrrr-fect! :heart:


... cats are notoriously difficult to draw

Drawn cat decks make me wince a little. You have to be Leonardo or someone of that calibre to capture cat movement and anatomy ...

I've never heard this. I can't imagine why cats would be more difficult to draw than other quadriped mammals. My own lovely cat drawings are no more incompetent than my other drawings :laugh:

I have a lot of cat decks. With 22 cards, I especially like Tarot for Cats and Elaine Moertl's inexpensive and delightful little Chat du Marseille http://www.aeclectic.net/tarot/cards/chat-du-marseille/

Among the 78 card decks, the Kissa Tarot has great charm.

For cat kitsch, I prefer the Lo Scarabeo Tarot of White Cats to any other, including manipulated photography of cats in uncomfortable costumes. The White Cats is a good basic Rider Waite reading deck. I use it for advice about our cats.


Having lots of cats since always, CAT'S EYE!!!

What a beautiful deck, very straightforward, clear to read... and no cat's in costumes.


Having lots of cats since always, CAT'S EYE!!!

What a beautiful deck, very straightforward, clear to read... and no cat's in costumes.

As also in the Pagan Cats actually :) Who I find totally cat and also totally tarot.


Kissatarot is my favorite cat deck. There are humans in it, but the one to watch in all the cards is the cat.

I also like Cat's Eye very much.

Cat People is good and I like the BBCats.

I am lukewarm with Pagan Cats and Medieval Cats.

I don't care for White Cats at all. I was surprised, really.


I can positively recommend the Medieval Cat Tarot, and Tarot of the Cat People.:)

Absolutely! These two as well as Baroque Bohemian Cats. (I'm not even a cat person and I love these).

diane drizzy

the only tarot deck i own right now is the pagan cats (and my faeries oracle)-talk about down sizing!
i'm happy with this particular deck since it has all the rws symbolism, but is not so stuffy and doesn't take itself too seriously. i have never liked the rws decks so this is a wonderful compromise.