Hands On/Hands off???


Good Afternoon,

I hope that this is the correct/courteous place to put this...

I am VERY new to tarot. I have had this circumstance a few times lately that I've been doing something with my cards (usually at the resturant where I have my girls night off - after having been to the bookstore). Someone will see the cards, comment on them being pretty & then when I offer them the deck to look through, they say that they wouldn't dream of polluting my deck by handling it.

When it's someone that I know, what I've BEEN saying is, "If you leave a whiff of yourself/vibe on my cards, I'll consider it a gift".

Soooo... Two questions:
a) How do ya'll feel about other people handling your cards??
b) Is my response standard or is there a better way to assure someone that they are allowed to touch my cards??

Best Wishes to All,



Personally, I don't mind if somebody touches my cards. If someone has muddy hands then no, I'd prefer for them not to, but they really are just inked cardboad.

I don't buy into the whole "vibes" or "energy" thing. If someone has touched them, they have touched them - it won't affect the way the cards work for me in any way.

There is no "standard" response, per se. What you say is what feels right for you. It sounds perfectly alright to me.


OK, here's the deal. All matter---and we're made up of matter, including the minute particles of DNA we leave on everything we touch---is energy. Therefore, whoever touches our cards leaves energy on them. I'm glad when others leave their energy on mine. And I don't discriminate that some people might have bad energy and some might have good---picky, picky, picky, I say! We're all humans and we all have both good and bad. Nobody's DNA energy is bad. It's just energy.

What I suspect in some cases is that people were too polite to say what they think of Tarot cards because they don't know you, but they may have actually been afraid of them so they didn't want to touch them.


OK, here's the deal. All matter---and we're made up of matter, including the minute particles of DNA we leave on everything we touch---is energy. Therefore, whoever touches our cards leaves energy on them. I'm glad when others leave their energy on mine. And I don't discriminate that some people might have bad energy and some might have good---picky, picky, picky, I say! We're all humans and we all have both good and bad. Nobody's DNA energy is bad. It's just energy.

I usually just push the deck in front of the person and they know, pick it up, look at it, shuffle it, they will even cut the deck if I ask. We are all matter and the stuff people leave behind,...the energy, good, bad, or indifferent stays on my deck. I have no problem with people touching my deck.


interesting question. I guess I don't mind people touching my deck. I have done readings for a few people, and I asked them to shuffle the deck as they think about their question.

In that sense, the cards would indeed pick up some energy, but that's what I want.


It doesn't matter to me at all if someone touches my deck(s). Quite the contrary, I'm always shoving them in someone's face who's voiced an interest in the hopes they'll take it up. Although I've smudged, misted, salted & fed them moonbeams, I don't think it's at all necessary. The only ritual I have is to consecrate the corners of a new deck with my very *special* annointing oil. Which is probably woo woo, but I like how it smells.



Does your "Annointing Oil" leave marks on your cards?? What is it made of?? I had not thought of that little ritual, but I have some essential oil that I add to my henna (cardamom, sandalwood, frankincense) that would be lovely on cards. Thoughts???

I LIKE that concept!



My annointing oil has safflower, jojoba, sesame, castor, ginseng, lavendula, avocado, rosemary, sage, angelica, licorice, job's tears, juniper, hyacinth, clove, melissa, chamomile, tears & love.

Before you freak about all the ingredients, I just use Ginseng Miracle Wonder 8 Oil from WalMart for $2. It's sold in the ethnic hair care area. All those essential oils are in it & it smells awesome. In a pretty bottle I added other things; a rose (don't remember why because I'm really not fond of them), one of my hairs (STOP it!), pieces of quartz crystal, opal, hematite, seraphinite & other gems I like, plus some bling in the form of rainbow colored metallic strands, kinda like easter basket grass. Maybe I could market the stuff. Well, minus my hair. Wouldn't want anyone to have that.

I've done it to all my decks (STOP it!). Sure, it discolors the corners temporarily, but that doesn't bother me & besides, it disappears after a few weeks. It's a very light, but wonderful scent.


An oiling trick: When adding oils to yer deck - take the deck as a block, with all the cards together...take a tiny dab on finger and swoosh along the sides. Rub in (or off depending on your point of view). Then suffle away.

KateC: Hands on. Touch. Even if you hold the 'Tarot is sacred' viewpoint. What good is sacred if you never share it?


I think that I LIKE you folks!!!!!
