Hands On/Hands off???


Umbrae said:
An oiling trick: When adding oils to yer deck - take the deck as a block, with all the cards together...take a tiny dab on finger and swoosh along the sides. Rub in (or off depending on your point of view). Then suffle away.

That's how I do it, I don't dip it in & I hold the deck tightly together. Didn't think about mentioning that.

Oh, & my oil also has a ladybug carcass in it (NO, I didn't kill it) & a dragonfly wing. And no, I didn't kill it either. Buz (the dragonfly) was actually one of my rescues 9 yrs ago. My cat came in the house with Buz in its mouth, it was going to snow that nite, so I kept him as a pet for a few weeks till he passed. Buz, not the cat. Cat's still alive. He liked bologna. And water. That was the only thing I could think of in a hurry to feed him, since all the insects were dead. But that's probably OT.

I've never had a problem with the oil seeping onto the image.


I guess I'm a little different than the majority here. I don't have a problem with my wife touching my cards, but I wouldn't want anyone else to. I also have tendencies towards being a "germaphobe", so maybe there's a connection there... :)


I don't have a problem with people handling any of my decks as long as they don't hurt them e.g. bending, riffle shuffling, carelessness, dirty marks. But then that's true of any of my cherished possessions. I want them to be respected.



foxshadow13 said:
I guess I'm a little different than the majority here. I don't have a problem with my wife touching my cards, but I wouldn't want anyone else to. I also have tendencies towards being a "germaphobe", so maybe there's a connection there... :)

That's fine! If you felt they were contaminated, perhaps they would be. For you. It's whatever works for you.

God, I'm so NOT a germaphobe it's scary. To some.


Canid, your posts here just made my day! :D You need to live closer so we can hang.

I don't mind people handling my decks unless it's one of my expensive or out of print ones. Other than that, have at.

And I'm so going to buy that oil at my next trip to wallyworld.


I think anointing is a great idea, and now I'm thinking of researching the oils best for divination and meditation to use on mine. I can always use some help getting into a meditative state for divination quickly and easily -- without using incense. I love lavender and jasmine, so maybe I'll try those first.

But -- you knew there'd be a "but" in here somewhere, I love to argue both sides -- if others are going to handle your cards you might want to consider allergies and sensitivities. I have an acquired sensitivity to cinnamon. Didn't used to, and I used to love it. But now if I eat something strongly flavored with it, especially with cinnamon oil, I get the equivalent of a sunburn inside my mouth. (Weird, I know, but I'm serious. Those little red hot candies are rather terrifying to me anymore.)

So, what if someone handles your cards, expecting only paper and ink, and finds themselves with an allergic reaction? I think I'd only want to anoint cards I knew no one else would handle, for that reason.


There wouldn't be enough residue on them to hurt anyone's allergies, I wouldn't think. After all, they're not going to suck on them or lick the edges.


So, what if someone handles your cards, expecting only paper and ink, and finds themselves with an allergic reaction? I think I'd only want to anoint cards I knew no one else would handle, for that reason.
I know a very sensitive person skin wise, can come up with all sorts of blisters and hives just by being close to what it is they react to without having to be touching it. But that is an extreme allergy. Though, there are people where the slightest contact with something they react will produce symptoms too.

It stops some people from going into some of the New Age Shops which can have insense and oils burning to make the place smell better. Also need to remember that some of the so called natural oils, more so the perfumed ones, can have chemical additives...

In main, I don't think a little on your cards would be a problem for most people. Though you could get unlucky one day and so it would probably be a good idea to have an unscented deck at hand for them to handle if such was the case.



Grizabella said:
There wouldn't be enough residue on them to hurt anyone's allergies, I wouldn't think. After all, they're not going to suck on them or lick the edges.

That's right!

We love our decks but we don't LOVE our decks.



I have scented some in the past by placing in an airtight container with a cotton wool ball of the oil taped to the inside of the box. That way no oil touches the cards and the smell lasts for ages.... just a thought.

ETA: I have no problem with people touching my cards, especially if they are shuffling for a reading :)