How to break through a Tarot Deck


Have you tried interviewing you deck? Even with my RW, which I've had for over a year, I found the Deck Interview to be a really great way to "get to know" your deck, and see what kind of stuff it wants to tell you. Now I do it with all my decks; it's really helpful.

I use the New Deck Interview spread, which can be found here on AT:

Maybe pay special attention to the "how can we best collaborate" card and use that to shift the way you interact with the deck.

Is there a particular thing that's just not clicking for you? The images? The Majors or Minors specifically?

Yes I did do the New Deck Interview

I think it's the colors, lovely, but there is much purple. Also I am not seeing action in the images.

Ms. Jocelyn

Yes, This is the New PALLADINI Tarot. I have no problem with studying the RWS system, where the problem lies is which book, that would best suited. Do I need the book that went with this deck, if so I am tapped out financially. But do have lots of other books.

I am using the deck the way it wants to be read. Which you pointed out in New Deck Spread I did. I even started a group. I am also writing it all down, even the feedback.

How do I then stop blocking the messages?

Hi again Inivea,

I have the book that goes with the deck and it is not helpful at all. Any book that deals with the RWS imagery is good.

I agree, with many of the other commenters here, put it aside for awhile, and then pick it up. That is what I normally do when I struggle with a deck and I know you have done a deck interview.

Take a break from it, and then go back to it. I image you will know when to pick it up again.


Honestly I find that sometimes the only thing to do is to give it a rest. I struggled for a long time with a certain deck, then I got annoyed, put it in a drawer and said “Oh whatever then, you’re not meant for me!”. I tried to trade and sell it, but nope. After a couple of months I just felt like digging it up and trying it out, and all of a sudden, it was readable! It was crystal clear and the reading flow was great. I still don’t know how that happened, but I’m happy it worked out. :)

If you don’t want to give it up yet , maybe try asking simple open questions everyday, like a daily draw asking for “Guidance for the day” or “Give me the message I need the most right now” etc. That way you’ll start to be familiar with the cards without making it too much of a chore.

Yes I am doing daily draws in the evening reflecting back on the day. I will try out these questions in the morning too.

I am stubborn enough no to throw in the towel yet. In the future should this continue. Yes I will give the deck a nap.


I agree to give it a rest. But what exactly do you want from the breakthru? This would help me answer you better. I put my little used vision quest away then used it....much better lol.
I want to be able to read it, I can pick up on some cards. But I am not able to make the connections, and I am having to refering to the LWB, oh man I feel like I am learning Tarot all over again.


I have come to believe it is a matter of frequency...for lack of a better word.
I think each deck has a frequency and why we connect or don't connect to a certain deck is because our own consciousness level hasn't reached ...(or in some cases) has past that level of frequency.
Sometimes a deck will have such a wonky frequency you never connect with it.

Life experience.
Using and handling your cards a lot.
Reading books on tarot and other things.
Practicing reading for others.
Learning about another divination system like runes, lenormand, oracle cards.
All these things add to you frequency.
That's why you see people say, I put that deck away for awhile and felt lead to take it out years later and now I can read it.

A decks color, has a lot to do with it's frequency..the energy of the person who created it, the intention for which it was created.
All play into it.
There can be a lot of baggage that comes with a deck...a lot of history.
And you just might not connect with that or it will feel off.

Decks are a luxury purchase for most of us and we like to think when we plunk that coin down we made the right choice...that it might be "the one."
I know I always feel a huge disappointment when a deck doesn't seem to match my frequency when I had high hopes it would.

Sometimes I know it never will and sometimes I put it away and try later.
Over time I've gotten pretty good at knowing what will connect and what won't.
I feel left out many times of the LANDLABI posts.
(Look A New Deck Lets All Buy IT)
But when I do connect with a new deck I post my little heart out. :D

Thing is I don't think you can force it.
My advice is go back to your old deck and also go shopping for a new one that matches your frequency right now.

So wish there was a tarot lending library...I so believe that handling a deck and seeing it with your own eyes is the best way to feel if you connect.
I think I read a post about you buying this deck??
You went intending to buy a deck and the ones you though you might connect with didn't seem to do it for you and so you bought this one, kind of a spur of the moment decision.
Whenever I do that I end up disappointed because I didn't really want that deck I just was determined to buy A deck that day.

But maybe that wasn't the case with you.
Buying decks can be a real crap shoot...even with a lot of research you can still not connect.

Wow, there is a ton of purple in this deck, same with green.
The creator of this deck himself is contradicting.

Yes I posted my purchasing experience, it was spontaneous and base on gut feeling. The decks that I wanted were The Deviant Moon Tarot and The Beautiful Creatures Tarot. But they were a no go with the muscle testing technique. Even Doreen's Virtue Angel Tarot was a no go.

If I had the money now I would go get the Devian Moon Tarot.


do spreads on what you already know the outcome of (poor grammar!)

Then you can begin to recognize that particular language of that deck.
Thanks AJ, good advice I will try this :)


I agree with AJ. For me, getting to know a deck is just a matter of practice, and some decks take more practice than others. If I'm really struggling with a deck, I'll often do readings for fictional characters whose stories I know (e.g. Cinderella, Hamlet, and so on). That way, I can more easily compare the cards I've drawn to what I know the reality of the situation is (insofar as there can be a reality with a fictional querent).
This sound fun, however I lack creativity in story telling, well more articulating it.



Images are lacking in movement / action
Lots of purple and green
Need to work on finding the communication block I have with the deck.
Try doing different questions for daily draw.
Do a morning daily draw
Ask questions about things I already know the answer to
Spend more time and practice with the deck
Use any RWS based books

Have I missed anything or do you have any other suggestions that may help me breakthrough to using this deck.

Should all fail, I will try to get the Deviant Moon ( open to gifting, if possible ) [emoji15]


Wow, there is a ton of purple in this deck, same with green.
The creator of this deck himself is contradicting.

Yes I posted my purchasing experience, it was spontaneous and base on gut feeling. The decks that I wanted were The Deviant Moon Tarot and The Beautiful Creatures Tarot. But they were a no go with the muscle testing technique. Even Doreen's Virtue Angel Tarot was a no go.

If I had the money now I would go get the Devian Moon Tarot.
I guess muscles testing is not a good way for you to choose decks.
Yes, go back and get it when you can, I always find trusting your first intuition is the best.
In the mean time observe what decks you are attracted to right now on the forum.

My feeling is that there are badly contrived decks the same as there are badly written books.
If you feel the author of the deck can't get his message across to you it might not be your fault...just saying.
Every tarot deck is not a masterpiece.


Monday: Pick a card at random. Take out a pen and paper. Write down everything you see. Every detail there is on the card. Describe the colors and how they appear.

Tuesday: Repeat

Wednesday: Repeat

And so on and so on. It takes a bout 3 month to go through a deck like this. But you will start to notice patterns. Like blue always meaning communication or gray always meaning balance.
The person is always looking left when there is something bad going on and always to the right when it's a card about a later development. Like the queen of swords facing left because she is at the end of her evolution and have only the future left to look at.