Law of Attraction Tarot


rwcarter said:
Thanks avalonian. It never occurred to me that whipped cream could have a class association with it.

The cream and whisk as "forces of attraction" and the act of whipping as "in motion". OK. It's still a real stretch....


Well to be fair, it's not the sort of thing that instantly springs to mind. I'm torn between thinking that they could have picked an image that was slightly more obvious, and loving the fact that I had to think about it.

:) :) :)


Whip it good...

Maybe the modern ultimate fulfillment is an electric mixmaster, especially on sale at Costco...rather than then one's hands and arms getting achy and creamed from whipping the batter I am making up stories...we will see if I get this soon.

Thanks for the ideas!

Aerin said:
Maybe it is one of those decks with cards that only make any real sense in readings...

And fulfillment is what whipped cream is all about, if yoeru overwhip it then it goes all bleah again ;)


The Paw of Distraction...

I saw the friend's deck and it was lovely, gloriously colored paintings and the book had to it's advantage the gorgeous colors and painterly scenes. It's an everyday deck and perhaps it will be a great inspiration to imagine all the best one might try to envision for their living...

Say a display of glorious fresh fruit in all their lush colors and you get to pick the one that works for you...or the cream and whisk and clear bowl that may have just been laid down. Course we were looking at this deck over lunch, so I was hungry for a salad of veggie and fruit and had my card look and got to eat it too.

But I have to wait on the deck set for a few weeks, at least.

Oh and this is about the paw of distraction...another friend had the grown kitty and a flashlight and the favorite game is the kitty following the light...flash the light, the cat paws fly out. I know the Law of Attraction kit is all the more attractive for what I haven't got! But will be glad to wait and read what people find as they get their decks sooner and later. Mine happens to be later and I'll be checking this thread eyes extending out like a paw of distraction...ohh..something shiny...

ana luisa

I may get this deck... and read it as an oracle :)


I did some joint readings using this deck (and two other LoS) decks, and I must say that I had to resort to the companion book to do my part of the readings cause the cards just did not speak to me. :( I think the deck will definitely require some work to understand what each card is supposed to represent and what each card's meaning is.


Oh, and guess which cards popped up in one of the readings I did? Hanged Man, Ace Cups and 8 Wands that I remember....


Oh, wow. I got this deck after reading all your comments here but I wasn't really expecting much. I think the art is amazing, and there are some stand out cards. The Lovers, the Star and the Moon leapt out at me straight away.

Haven't read with it yet, I've just cracked the cellophane...


My copy of this arrived today. Has anybody worked much with the deck? I haven't done anything more than look through the cards so far, I like what I've seen so far! My cards were quite 'sticky', and had clumped together, but now I have seperated them out it seems fine. They feel different than the normal LoS cardstock, but I do like how they feel in the hand.
I'm off to have a nose through the book now, find out what this deck is all about! :D


The cards are "strange feeling" for LoS, aren't they !

I THINK I like it. I am still thinking whether I do.... I REALLY like the Tower....


My ultimate tribute: a jumping off point...

I use it for art inspiration.

I began doing image collection based on the card images. I like the art mix, uneven as it may feel. The Hanged Man is great: the High Priestess is less painterly.

But I do not use the text much. I would not explain any reconciliation with the picture, just add it for self reading study.

The art gave a new perspective. I do use it more than other new ones, for creative zest.


My copy of this arrived today. Has anybody worked much with the deck? I haven't done anything more than look through the cards so far, I like what I've seen so far! My cards were quite 'sticky', and had clumped together, but now I have seperated them out it seems fine. They feel different than the normal LoS cardstock, but I do like how they feel in the hand.
I'm off to have a nose through the book now, find out what this deck is all about! :D

Le Fanu

My copy of this arrived today. Has anybody worked much with the deck? I haven't done anything more than look through the cards so far, I like what I've seen so far! My cards were quite 'sticky', and had clumped together, but now I have seperated them out it seems fine. They feel different than the normal LoS cardstock, but I do like how they feel in the hand.
I'm off to have a nose through the book now, find out what this deck is all about! :D
I came across this in my local esoteric shop for the same price as the Book Depository and bought it, even though I never intended to (story of my life; intending not to buy decks).

First reaction (and I have to say this...); it isn't as tacky as it seems, concept-wise. So I was nicely surprised. I was most definitely swayed by the whole The Secret connotation and was hoping that wasn't mentioned in the LWB and that it was just an urban myth but it is mentioned in the LWB and does seem to be part of the concept.

I took it out of the box and it screams "readable"! Forget RWS, forget everything, forget Oracle comparisons even. Just lay the cards out and READ. A few dud cards (those blissful dolphins in The Sun) but some great ones. I don't have it at hand but I remember being impressed. It really is a massively readable deck, though I am still trying to shake off the "self-help" vibe...