Law of Attraction Tarot


Actually this is an almost total agreement....

I only slightly counter with a personal observatio, to say as an aside the few dolphins I have seen are in aquarium settings, so I liked the magical idea of encountering them leaping in the water.

But it is part of an attractive tarot-oracle fantasy ideal that I enjoy about this deck.


I came across this in my local esoteric shop for the same price as the Book Depository and bought it, even though I never intended to (story of my life; intending not to buy decks).

First reaction (and I have to say this...); it isn't as tacky as it seems, concept-wise. So I was nicely surprised. I was most definitely swayed by the whole The Secret connotation and was hoping that wasn't mentioned in the LWB and that it was just an urban myth but it is mentioned in the LWB and does seem to be part of the concept.

I took it out of the box and it screams "readable"! Forget RWS, forget everything, forget Oracle comparisons even. Just lay the cards out and READ. A few dud cards (those blissful dolphins in The Sun) but some great ones. I don't have it at hand but I remember being impressed. It really is a massively readable deck, though I am still trying to shake off the "self-help" vibe...


My copy of this arrived today. Has anybody worked much with the deck? I haven't done anything more than look through the cards so far, I like what I've seen so far! My cards were quite 'sticky', and had clumped together, but now I have seperated them out it seems fine. They feel different than the normal LoS cardstock, but I do like how they feel in the hand.
I'm off to have a nose through the book now, find out what this deck is all about! :D

I have!

it is not a deck I would normally reach for. Lately I have been reading with Druid Craft, but for some reason, it called out to me.

I almost posted because I got the most accurate readings with it. I am talking intuitive. I just felt like I "knew" and it was confirmed by the querant more than once.

The cards are a bit clumped, but I riffled them, and they have been fine. I may not use it for all of my readings, but I do really like using this one.


I agree I think this deck will be lovely for intuitive reading styles. I think once I do a few readings with it I will like it alot. I don't know anything about The Secret or The Law of Attraction, so I'm not sure whether I will explore that aspect of the cards, but well done to LoS for pushing the boat and venturing into new territory with Tarot Cards! :)


Tarot and the LOA, some background

Just to point those interested to a great article by Mary Greer on the subject of Tarot and the New Thought Movement, the direct ancestor of our "modern" Law of Attraction.

It is from 2007...



Thanks for that, Kissa :) Interesting.


can somebody please discourage me to put an add in the trading section to get that deck?


can somebody please discourage me to put an add in the trading section to get that deck?

Well, there's a different thread for De-Enabling, but see my posts 50, 51, 54, 59 and 65 in this thread. I haven't touched the deck since then and really have no desire to.... (Now with my bad luck with De-Enabling, those posts will actually encourage you to put up an ISO thread in Trading.... :D)


Thx Rod :)
Was too lazy to even think of the de-enabling thing.
But it worked, your posts definitely sealed the no ISO-thread deal. I don't need another deck filled with "whipped cream" cards aka "WTF did they bloody think they were expressing when they so wisely designed that?" cards.

It's official, Rod, you won.
I am not sure it counts though since it is not in the de-enabling thread but I can put a word for you in there, just in case somebody puts your amazing de-enabling gift into question, you know ;-)

Frank S

Just bit the bullet and bought this deck... well, the box-set version of it...

Looks really interesting, a bit of every type of deck mixed together... tarot? Oracle? Happy Families...? I dunno.
